Video 6 - On Tumlinsons Trail : The Peralta Stone Maps

Validity of the stones

  • Travis found the stones and had nothing to do with their creation. They are real.

    Votes: 15 36.6%
  • Travis hoaxed the entire thing. They are fake

    Votes: 12 29.3%
  • Travis carved the maps - but they are based off of real information.

    Votes: 14 34.1%

  • Total voters
also - this is a copy of the newspaper article that I believe a few people were after. It was found at Greg Davis'. I need to go back and get a copy of one that doesn't have "stone maps" written on the top of it - seems some text is missing.

Ryan, thanks much for posting this. '

Looks likes to me the two clips are in reverse order. Makes more sense to read the bottom one first and then the top one. But; still seems something is missing. Would love to have access to the entire newspaper. I believe the only source for that is at the Univ. in Tucson. At least now we have the exact date to look for and you have confirmed that such an article was published.

Matthew Roberts,
That was an amazingly selfless post.

I agree. And Matthew's information re: "Uncle Bob" is IMO, quite believable.
I wonder if Robert T. "bummed" a ride back to Texas that Christmas with Travis and Aileen.
Would certainly fit his MO.


PS: had to edit the date in my previous post, which should have been 1949, rather than '48.

Still curious how the "shadow" doesn't appear to carry through the windshield in a logical manner. No way to tell if a redaction or shadow without the original image. The whole area of the pillar doesn't make sense to me.

View attachment 1177031

Does appear to be some confusing anomalies going on right around the windshield post. As to the "image" ...........I'm going to venture a guess that's a young boy, 8 to 10 ish setting on a low bench type seat wearing shorts or nickers. Seated some distance from the car and seen through the drivers side window. If that's nickers its a whole new ball game.

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Matthew Roberts - nice to meet you - unsure we've ever corresponded before.

That was a lot of information - where did it come from?

Other than the tracking of Robert Tumlinson from Texas to California to Oregon the information came almost 100% from Clarence O. Mitchell's daughters. One of Mitchell's daughters, Carol, accompanied her father on many trips into the Superstition Mountains as he searched for the Peralta Map mines and treasures. She remembered clearly the stories her father told and met almost all of the characters related to the various stories. She characterized it as one of the best times of her life. It should be understood that it is Mitchell's accounting of things. Everyone sees things differently but the Mitchell's accounting has a definite ring to it that so many of the other tales and conflicting accounts do not.


Interesting! Thanks for sharing one of the daughters recollections - good read

Shell Gas station.
Florence Junction. Not sure of year.

Florence junction.webp

Posted under fair use.

Interesting! Thanks for sharing one of the daughters recollections - good read

One last thing I was going to post but left out. It really gives an insight into the relationship of Robert Tumlinson (Uncle Bob) and the others.

CO Mitchell said Robert Tumlinson was little more than Gene Davis slave. Davis let him sleep in a sort of garage on his property with a dirt floor. Robert was an alcoholic who was seldom sober. When he was coherent Davis would have him do odd jobs and pay him with food and spirits. It is doubtful Robert was ever able to do much of anything on his own, he needed help to accomplish just about everything. The thought of Robert driving to Arizona and forming an intelligent plan to manage the stone maps and search for a treasure would have been totally out of the question. It just didn't happen.

Joe Tumlinson, Travis's cousin was the one Travis traveled to Oregon to be with. Mitchell remembers Joe was maybe a little older than Travis and had such a bad falling out with Robert Tumlinson that he returned to Texas within a year. If he hadn't left Oregon he might have done Robert in. may have been where the gunshot story originated that is sometimes told about Robert Tumlinson and (Travis).

CO Mitchell's other daughter Doris also gave her account of her father and what she remembered although she never mentioned going into the mountains like her sister Carol.
* This is the Mitchell's accounting of events and they have their own view of things as they were.


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Good afternoon RG1976 and others: You posted a picture of an article I copied from the Phoenix Daily Herald dated October 4, 1887. The top article pertains to Rafael Grijalba returning to Phoenix from Altar Mexico. The bottom article talks about Grijabla returning with a square stone with letters and figures. In answer to some inquires in posts, both articles are complete. The top article comes from column 4 and the bottom article comes from column 3. I pasted them together with a piece of paper and marked the words "Stone Maps" as a reference to show they were related and that the bottom article talked about a stone map. There is NO attempt to cover up any part of the articles. I repeat that both articles are COMPLETE. Cordially, Gregory E. Davis

Search Term "arizona memory project"

Once on web site, enter "florence junction" in search box at top.

Lots of photos and other stuff on FJ.

Not yet,still looking.
Will post when I find any.

Good afternoon RG1976 and others: You posted a picture of an article I copied from the Phoenix Daily Herald dated October 4, 1887. The top article pertains to Rafael Grijalba returning to Phoenix from Altar Mexico. The bottom article talks about Grijabla returning with a square stone with letters and figures. In answer to some inquires in posts, both articles are complete. The top article comes from column 4 and the bottom article comes from column 3. I pasted them together with a piece of paper and marked the words "Stone Maps" as a reference to show they were related and that the bottom article talked about a stone map. There is NO attempt to cover up any part of the articles. I repeat that both articles are COMPLETE. Cordially, Gregory E. Davis

Thanks Mr. Davis!! We sure do appreciate all of the work you've done & your library!

Digger gal >>>>>>>?????????? You make a negative in your camera, develop it, then from the negative you make pictures, as many as you wish.

Sorry if I seem to be nit picking.


Perhaps I didn't clarify. I completely understand the photo process. I understand the development process. What I questioned was the part that stated [ enhancements were made where the folds were on the photo] leading me to believe that the negative was damaged????


Oldsmobile Series 70 produced 1939-1940

I have read that Travis only drove Oldsmobiles, this model was only produces for 2 years without a major body style change. So I believe it is safe to say that the model in the picture is a 1939 or 1940 Series 70.

Does appear to be some confusing anomalies going on right around the windshield post. As to the "image" ...........I'm going to venture a guess that's a young boy, 8 to 10 ish setting on a low bench type seat wearing shorts or nickers. Seated some distance from the car and seen through the drivers side window. If that's nickers its a whole new ball game.

old when you get some time, could show the area you see the boy in nickers

im seeing a whole dif thing, not sure what vor means by pillar

vor i get the pillar, your talking about the chrome trimm
on the windshield, like in Diggergal post

Here is a photo of a '39 series 70 Oldsmobile that I had on file that is from a somewhat similar perspective. As you can see the "pillar" is part of the car itself. Furthermore, whatever that anomaly above the hood ornament is, is something that is reflected on the front windshield not the side window, so it is likely of a structure up and to the left of the car from the driver's perspective, and the white lines may either be dents on the negative or intentional scratches to distort something that may have been recognizable.

As you can see, the hood in the photo of the original stones is partly open, which sort of corroborates the story of Travis having washed the stones at the gas station- not implausible that he would have also filled up the radiator at the same time.


Hello all again,

I think someone hit the nail when they said: "Travis brought the stones to the gas station and with many onlookers hosed them off and photographed them".

Has anyone ever tried hosing down a stone with writing carved in it and photographing it with an old B&L Camera?
The water would sheen and reflect as if a mirror off the surface of any wet stone! Ever look at a sidewalk covered in water and see the distorted images they reflect?

I would think personally that an old camera without all the modern filter and glare devices in our modern camera's we can safely say most if not all of the discrepancies in the maps can be attributed too the water glare and warped images as if a mirage was coming into play. Wetting down petroglyphs with water makes parts of the images disappear or distorts it why not these maps?

the car has wing windows, if the driver side was open
could cause more distortion in the anomaly and reflection

just notice deducer car is right hand drive

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