Original Peralta Stone Map Photos

Those are not the original drawings Travis used. Similar. Missing things and things added.
Do you know where I can find those posted? Would love to take a look at them

Different artist no question about it

"Pat Hainer" made those drawings (on paper) of the stone maps which Travis had and which he showed them before he died.
She later sent copies of her drawings to Bernice McGee.
Tumlinson family members, and RG as well, have always claimed that the stone maps which Travis carved himself were smaller in size and "different" than those which Mitchell claimed Travis found and published photos of. They all have also maintained that all of the stones were the same greyish/white color.....not beige, as the "trail stones" in the museum are.
I don't really care much anymore, since the ever changing Tumlinson accounts lead mostly up blind alleys anyway and would make a better keystone cop comedy than a historical drama, but if Hainer's drawings reflect what they themselves saw on TT's own set of "rocks", then it's no wonder that this whole YAY vs Neigh divide exists.

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I am not here to fight with anyone, least of all anyone who knows a hell of a lot more than I do, just want to get a feel for the rules, it’s been a while since I was last active here.

Advice given to me when I was feuding with my neighbor.

"Whenever you are at odds with someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes... then you are a mile away and... you have their shoes."

Bill, that looks more compact.......I built mine........
View attachment 1643620

Wow! Whats the payout on those slots? I see a jack pot around the corner! I guess Treasure Hunting is a big Gamble!
Just set the dials to the 1800's and have Jacob Waltz show you the way to his gold!

1.21 Gigawatts! You keep that in the back of your DeLorean?

I can't stop looking at Carrol's Quantum Fusion Transmorgification Ionizer, with 8000 dB siren...it's like porn for geeks...
carroll will sign on later and he can can explain it better than i can

Kind of reminds me of the time machine on Napoleon Dynamite!

It looks impressive until you stick it between your legs and roast your weenie!

Kind of reminds me of the time machine on Napoleon Dynamite!

It looks impressive until you stick it between your legs and roast your weenie!

Lol. He needs lead shielding. I think he could fit a few more effects in that rack. Maybe. I don't see a flanger Carroll.

Is that a numbers matching bumper stone? :notworthy:

That my friend is a one of a kind original equipped numbers matching bumper stone with optional Treasure Hunter performance package!
It doubles as a speed bump if you go to fast. Or a grave stone if you hit a wall. Either way it protects you in life or death. I ordered it with "rock crusher" transmission just in case! It was ordered with pioneer speakers for that Hard Rock & Roll!

I can't stop looking at Carrol's Quantum Fusion Transmorgification Ionizer, with 8000 dB siren...it's like porn for geeks...

Jim, the right tower I hand built most of it. Top right is not a siren, it's a klystron tube with waveguide horn......
The rest is all synthesizers, I used a psychics theme....I'm glad you like it!!

& thanks everyone for the kind comments!! The electronics DIY forum have gone nuts
every time I post a pic or video of it in operation.

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