This is from "Cactusjumper" on the number 4 video thread. And I want to ask about the comment he made on this forum in where the stones are being discussed:
"This is the original picture taken from an original negative that Dr. Glover obtained. He did say he touched up most of the portions of the stones that had fold lines on them."
View attachment 1176868
One thing to think VERY carefully about is this statement :
"This is the original picture taken from an original negative that Dr. Glover obtained.
That is a true statement. However, it is NOT the original photograph nor is it taken from the original negative. It was merely a negative from a photograph that was taken of the ORIGINAL photograph. It is ORIGINAL to Dr. Glover. But not the ORIGINAL photograph or negative of the original photograph.
If I take a photo of a photo I will have both a photo and a negative, but neither of them the ORIGINAL. What Dr. Gene Davis did was take his own photo of Travis Tumlinson's original photo of the Stone Maps on the car and with that negative, made more prints and that is what you are seeing posted in this forum.
Once you have a photograph, with todays technology you can photo shop just about anything. What you REALLY want to see is the original Travis Tumlinson photograph before Robert Tumlinson, Gene Davis or Dr. Glover got ahold of it. I'm not saying anybody did anything underhanded, I'm just saying the photo you are looking at has been altered.