The first reference I saw to the "coloring book" was actually attributed to Polzer in Sikorsky's "Fool's Gold"...he doesn't call it a coloring book, it's referred to as a "children's book"...I have no idea where Sikorsky obtained Polzer's statements, but they are fairly detailed and seem to be attributed to a "letter"....I have never seen the source document for this, perhaps others can help there...
I have no real interest in the stone maps myself, other than an historical curiosity, but I've always been a bit skeptical of the McGee's analysis...they seem like nice people, but some of it is a big stretch...I also believe they may have "massaged" some of their findings in the Frontier Times article:
First, their drawing....
View attachment 1646863
Never one to take anyone's word as gospel, I traced it out on the Florence map myself to see how it would turn out...shown with a pic of the actual horse head from the stones:
View attachment 1646864
Note, in the above, I traced the trails and canyons exactly as they described them in the article...Randolph Canyon, Trail, etc.
Now, here are the two horse heads overlaid on each other, at the same scale:
View attachment 1646865
While there is some similarity, I'm not convinced that the Florence Map horse head was used as a model for the stone maps.