Video 6 - On Tumlinsons Trail : The Peralta Stone Maps

Validity of the stones

  • Travis found the stones and had nothing to do with their creation. They are real.

    Votes: 15 36.6%
  • Travis hoaxed the entire thing. They are fake

    Votes: 12 29.3%
  • Travis carved the maps - but they are based off of real information.

    Votes: 14 34.1%

  • Total voters
good info Ryan, looks like you guys have done a lot of digging
around, cant wait for whatever else you have and found.

also a weird thing....
spooky Ryan, i was looking up Mr Bair addy in ca. and my girlfriend
saw and asked why i was looking up her dads old hood, he lived on
the turn on N orange, she says he did a lot of entertaining there in
the 80s. he has passed, but his 2nd wife is still living in tx, next time
she calls ill ask if she knew Mr Bair

correction: i noticed i used Mr Bair and it should be ( Mel Brower )

Last edited:
Please remember to vote on the poll.

Right now we have 22 people thinking that Travis carved the maps, and 8 that believe Travis found them as legend says.

He found them and copied them.

I knew they were made from a salt lick slab! Same consistency and needed sorely for Treasure Hunting in the heat!

Only question now is who licked those images in the salt and how in the world did they make their tongues so needle pointed? And if Travis licked out the horse and trail maps groves was it his tongue or the tongue of an early Map Licker?

if we only had a picture of Travis's tongue we could solve this right now!

That first guy tried it and did it wrong he was using his head for a chisel and tongue for a hammer!

The second guy from the left has the pointed tongue required for Stone Lick Writing .

That last guy is a young Travis practicing his "Master Stone Map tongue writing technique".

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Ryan that's because the witch stone was worn down over the years from everyone licking it.


LMAO ! You are unique .

I have to say that after viewing all the great videos, reading hundreds of pages and thousands of posts here concerning the Stone Maps, my opinion is exactly the same as it was in the beginning. I'm neither leaning farther one way or the other.

The Tumlinson's, Travis and Robert and also Clarence Mitchell for that matter have all been portrayed as upstanding citizens and thoroughly trashed as crooks, liars and fraud artists. They're either Angels and drunken scam artists. Personally, I don't think they are either. I think like most of us they fall somewhere in the middle. These threads are valuable because they show beyond any doubt that the Stone Map issue is polarizing, not objective. The believer or non believer tends to pick and choose the information or theory that best fits their belief. And then, bends the interpretation to it's breaking point. When all else fails or a salient point is mentioned which cannot be brushed aside, the personal attacks fly or the always amusing, I've been in the mountains more than you have so I know more.

I've been in the Superstition Mountains a time or two myself not that it really makes a difference here, and met a few of the characters in the matter, the Mitchell's, Richard Peck, a few of the Tumlinson's and others. The Tumlinson family was "interviewed" no less than 3 times by various individuals long before these threads started and all 3 times a different story was told. It shows even those on the inside have their own versions and prejudices. The Mitchell's were all fairly consistent with their accountings. Also there are some people you've probably never heard of who were right in the forefront and heavily involved with the Stone Maps and what became of them. Clyde Koyen, Dale Edwards, Al Reser, Clayton West, Ray Grant, Lee Hammons, Paul Dean, Mason Coggins, and others.

I believe if Gollum and Azmula were to participate a lot could be learned of the issues.

matthew...i dont think we'll see gollum or azmula post here again but i think you are right..people have their own opinions about the maps and they have already made up their minds and no amount of evidence or proof will change their minds

i see Matthew Roberts, used Richard Peck name too, Mel Brower
letter that Ryan posted is to a Richard Peck, wonder if he had
copies of the stones too.

wonder if the FBI has or lost TT files when they were investigating
moel, maybe the FBI needed TT files to determine who the stones
really belonged too, or maybe the court has them or lost them

i see Matthew Roberts, used Richard Peck name too, Mel Brower
letter that Ryan posted is to a Richard Peck, wonder if he had
copies of the stones too.

wonder if the FBI has or lost TT files when they were investigating
moel, maybe the FBI needed TT files to determine who the stones
really belonged too, or maybe the court has them or lost them

i'd be very surprised if the FBI did much of a test (if any) on the stones...i know the universities have done some testing and evaluating on them...but if you really want to know what the FBI did..then do like lynda and pull a FOIA

matthew...i dont think we'll see gollum or azmula post here again but i think you are right..people have their own opinions about the maps and they have already made up their minds and no amount of evidence or proof will change their minds


I sent Mike an email asking him to come back to share his knowledge....sure hope he does come back. The guy is like a walking book!

Mr. Roberts,

I would be most interested to hear your thoughts on the origin and usefulness (if any) of the stones. Please share.


I am not myself a Stone Map enthusiast and am certainly no expert on them. Many here (and some not here) know vastly more than myself about them and their meaning. I've never been able to decipher them on my own. I've helped others with their efforts and have even gone in the mountains with a few people who were trying to find the end of the Stone Map trail. All I know is what I've been able to learn over the years from what I've read and the people I've met who have some firsthand knowledge of those Stones.

I believe that the "trail" stones are authentic and lead somewhere, probably the Superstition Mountains.
I am not at all sure the Jesuits had a hand in making the Stone Maps although I don't rule out the possibility they may have had some involvement.
I believe Travis Tumlinson either 1. found the trail stones himself or 2. acquired them from the person who did find them.
The story the Trail Stones came from a church in Sonora and Tumlinson finding them as he says he did was a cover to mask a theft actually has some validity to it.
I am unsure of the Horse-Priest stone but am leaning toward Travis Tumlinson may have carved it himself. Possibly from some map, directions or another stone he had knowledge of.

I have written several articles over the years which have appeared in the Superstition Mountain Museum Journal. Two articles I recently wrote will appear in this years Journal which will come out this fall. Two other articles I have worked on in the past concerned Adolph Ruth's disappearance and the Peralta Stone Maps.

I have been asked by several people to post the Stone Map article here. It details Clarence Mitchell's involvement with Travis Tumlinson and Mitchell's ownership of the Stone Maps. It gives some good insight into Tumlinson and Mitchell and what was happening during that time period. It appeared briefly on another site but was a ten year old copyrighted piece that had since been updated with current information and is no longer there. It is to long to post in this thread and would detract from the ongoing debate. I don't want to derail this great thread.


Though I have my mind made up with the evidence we have to consider at this point, I could change my mind if new evidence were to become available for consideration.

I'll be working on that this weekend.

I'm filming the Bronze cross and the rectangle shaped rock base. I hope it has some clues that lead one to believe in the stones birth place.
If it turns out to be the Stone's Mammy it'll cause quite a stir! It could have been put there by Travis or it may be the clue that those maps depict many times over which would be in my guess a good starting point for a map trail. Either way it's a great find and I hope it has some significance related to the stone maps mothers pregnancy.

Though I have my mind made up with the evidence we have to consider at this point, I could change my mind if new evidence were to become available for consideration.

I am dropping out of these video/stone map discussions, can't find time to read through all the posts in such active threads and probably I should not be looking at any video of Arizona when I know I can't go there before October anyway. If anyone has something to say to me please don't hesitate to PM, as I won't be trying to keep up on these threads.

Please do continue, much fascinating information so far, maybe some time I will be able to catch up on everything.
:coffee2: :coffee2:

Look at how perfect the heart insert is carved on the trail map. Then look at how rough the heart stone is carved. It looks off when inserted. Is there a perfect fit heart stone out there. Does it have a Indian head carved on it looking in a certain direction. Has anyone heard this rumor whispered or seen a drawing or photo. I wonder if the stone maps were made to fit this heart stone using a old leather Spanish map as a guide.

Look at how perfect the heart insert is carved on the trail map. Then look at how rough the heart stone is carved. It looks off when inserted. Is there a perfect fit heart stone out there. Does it have a Indian head carved on it looking in a certain direction. Has anyone heard this rumor whispered or seen a drawing or photo. I wonder if the stone maps were made to fit this heart stone using a old leather Spanish map as a guide.

Leather? Hmmm, how would it survive the times? Buried? Very interesting Frank..verrrrry interesting.

Would not be the first time leather was used and paper copies followed

Look at how perfect the heart insert is carved on the trail map. Then look at how rough the heart stone is carved. It looks off when inserted. Is there a perfect fit heart stone out there. Does it have a Indian head carved on it looking in a certain direction. Has anyone heard this rumor whispered or seen a drawing or photo. I wonder if the stone maps were made to fit this heart stone using a old leather Spanish map as a guide.

You mean this head...View attachment 1178551

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