I have to say that after viewing all the great videos, reading hundreds of pages and thousands of posts here concerning the Stone Maps, my opinion is exactly the same as it was in the beginning. I'm neither leaning farther one way or the other.
The Tumlinson's, Travis and Robert and also Clarence Mitchell for that matter have all been portrayed as upstanding citizens and thoroughly trashed as crooks, liars and fraud artists. They're either Angels and drunken scam artists. Personally, I don't think they are either. I think like most of us they fall somewhere in the middle. These threads are valuable because they show beyond any doubt that the Stone Map issue is polarizing, not objective. The believer or non believer tends to pick and choose the information or theory that best fits their belief. And then, bends the interpretation to it's breaking point. When all else fails or a salient point is mentioned which cannot be brushed aside, the personal attacks fly or the always amusing, I've been in the mountains more than you have so I know more.
I've been in the Superstition Mountains a time or two myself not that it really makes a difference here, and met a few of the characters in the matter, the Mitchell's, Richard Peck, a few of the Tumlinson's and others. The Tumlinson family was "interviewed" no less than 3 times by various individuals long before these threads started and all 3 times a different story was told. It shows even those on the inside have their own versions and prejudices. The Mitchell's were all fairly consistent with their accountings. Also there are some people you've probably never heard of who were right in the forefront and heavily involved with the Stone Maps and what became of them. Clyde Koyen, Dale Edwards, Al Reser, Clayton West, Ray Grant, Lee Hammons, Paul Dean, Mason Coggins, and others.
I believe if Gollum and Azmula were to participate a lot could be learned of the issues.