The Peralta Stone Maps, Real Maps to Lost Gold Mines or Cruel Hoax?

Do you think the Peralta stone maps are genuine, or fake?

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I appreciate your efforts to champion Janie's cause. Truly I do. I share that thought.

I have avoided broaching this subject because rehashing it serves no purpose now. Damage is done. But since you persist...........

You may not know that the conversation of which you speak involved someone from this very forum posing as a government agent (CIA operative?) who intimidated Janie to the point of tears, shattering her emotionally and somewhat physically. Something, I might add, that some here considered a good idea and wished that they had been the one to think of doing it. Says a lot, don't it.

I know what Janie said, why she said it, and what she meant by it. I agree with everything that "she" said. Not the spin that came from it.


She is so close to the source, What she saw and told by her father is major.
To the whole Story. And I believe I know who you speak of, But Tump has said way worst things of the family in public form. And you know that, So don't go dogging one without the other dog.

You should reconsider and post what you know.

Silver Chair

Did you check the bottom? They may have gave up too soon. Might be a good spot to dig,if something is there. most of the hard work is done. If lived their, id be checking it tomorrow.

Yes....nothing down in either hole.
As both Frank and I have been told by "other sources who cannot be named", someone has been out there more recently with a backhoe. As I had noted when I first posted the 2015 photo, the two grave sized holes had been cleaned out by someone who had removed the dead mesquite trees and other debris since my previous visits to the site.
I'm not surprised, and had already heard that someone else had been floating a story that the holes were excavated long after both TT and Clarence Mitchell had passed away.
We get a lot of that sort of "insider" stuff.....did you ever hear the one about "Johnny Steele and the Mexican post-hole digger ?
It was really him that carved the stones and had the Mexican pretend to find them and sell them to Travis at the gas station....according to reliable sources.
It was the "truth" back a few years ago.

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I don't have a great camera, but here's a close up photo of the piece of ore I have left. The "vein" looks quite a bit like mica in this photo :dontknow:
View attachment 1503854

I wonder IF a stringer load may have been described as "hair like" back in Ulloa's time?

You just might be correct...It could just be plain old mica...


Also for those following the story at great detail, please note the lengths these "gentlemen" went to hounding the Tumlinson family. It gives me cold chills to see a little orphan girl hounded in this fashion. And they are gathering "ammunition" to contact the family.......Good grief. Any wonder "the family" chose to hide and separate themselves. I would. Wouldn't you?

I don't see anything in any of the documentation supplied by Gary on his site, to support your contention. There is nothing to indicate that Peck or his partners pursued ANY direct contact with the Tumlinsons, let alone the "little orphan girl".

>>But Tump has said way worst things of the family in public form. And you know that,<<

In a public form? I can't think of any in a private form. Can you show me this? What has he written that you consider worse?

I give Robert Tumlinson a hard way to go because I feel he earned it. Is this what you speak of?


Don't get me wrong, I like the way you research your impeccable at that.
Hell I could use you. See I work differently, No research and no reading books by various authors or Manuscripts including Travis's. The only source to Travis is the Stones. Now he held them, or made them as you say. He tried to decipher them the best he could. I took the reading of them out of the box. So to say. But I've been pretty lucky at what I do.
With one edge I know what rock is good, and what vegetation to look for. Some vegetation thrives and others can't in a gold or silver deposits.

But then I feel you get caught up in, lets say the other guys pile and It all goes wrong. Back peddle to cover it up. That I do not like. Perhapes a good old fashion whipping would help that spoiled Brat.

Silver Chair

>>But Tump has said way worst things of the family in public form. And you know that,<<

In a public form? I can't think of any in a private form. Can you show me this? What has he written that you consider worse?

I give Robert Tumlinson a hard way to go because I feel he earned it. Is this what you speak of?

Well no old,

There you are again blind to bad behavior. He deleted it all, you know that.

Silver Chair

Wayne writes.....>>I don't see anything in any of the documentation supplied by Gary on his site, to support your contention. There is nothing to indicate that Peck or his partners pursued ANY direct contact with the Tumlinsons, let alone the "little orphan girl". <<<

Keep in mind at this point in time they already have possession of the stones...........

Please refer to page 2 of the letter attached above in my post .........last sentence........."He stated that the little girl was in Texas with some of her folks and his wife (Bair's wife) had the address at home and that they would send them on to my home in Riolto, (move to top of page 3) California <his insert of parenthesis> (These addresses you now have)

Move to page 4........... "I asked Bob, and was told by him that as far as he knew, the manuscript, Indian stone and any and all other material of Travis and Alleen Tumlinson was in Texas with the little girl and her relatives.

Move to page 6......." I think again Bert, that the slow sure approach is better. I think it much better to get as much ammunition as possible before you contact the Tumlinson families. I know this must be done but I think now they are forwarned <sic> and wherever and who ever has the stone (if it is still around) has just raised the price on it.

At this point what Peck and company were after was the 5th stone. They were hell bent on recovering it from Travis' estate with his child in Texas.

If you dig a little deeper I believe you will find that Elbert Love did travel to visit Lois Feltner and conduct "an interview" Surely you know that connection.

Wayne writes.....>>I don't see anything in any of the documentation supplied by Gary on his site, to support your contention. There is nothing to indicate that Peck or his partners pursued ANY direct contact with the Tumlinsons, let alone the "little orphan girl". <<<

Keep in mind at this point in time they already have possession of the stones...........

Obvious, since the records we have clearly show that they do indeed have the stones that CM surrendered to the stockholders of MOEL.

Please refer to page 2 of the letter attached above in my post .........last sentence........."He stated that the little girl was in Texas with some of her folks and his wife (Bair's wife) had the address at home and that they would send them on to my home in Riolto, (move to top of page 3) California <his insert of parenthesis> (These addresses you now have)

Yes, Bob Bair did promise to forward the address, but this does not indicate or prove any act of harassment on anyone's part.

Move to page 4........... "I asked Bob, and was told by him that as far as he knew, the manuscript, Indian stone and any and all other material of Travis and Alleen Tumlinson was in Texas with the little girl and her relatives.

Once again.....information gathering, as part of their own research efforts....NOT proof of harassment of ANY Tumlinson, let alone Janie.

Move to page 6......." I think again Bert, that the slow sure approach is better. I think it much better to get as much ammunition as possible before you contact the Tumlinson families. I know this must be done but I think now they are forwarned <sic> and wherever and who ever has the stone (if it is still around) has just raised the price on it.

At this point what Peck and company were after was the 5th stone. They were hell bent on recovering it from Travis' estate with his child in Texas.

Once again, no proof of planned "harassment" of Janie, although they clearly anticipate some resistance to any questions they might ask the family. They also were hoping to obtain Travis' manuscript for further answers, but expected to have to pay, as Ryan eventually did, an exorbitant amount of money for that rumored fifth stone, and probably the manuscript as well.

If you dig a little deeper I believe you will find that Elbert Love did travel to visit Lois Feltner and conduct "an interview" Surely you know that connection.

I've already dug pretty deep, and don't recall any "Feltner/Love interview, but don't have time this morning to go back through my files.
Hope that you can supply the reference or copy-paste the document sometime today.



I appreciate your efforts to champion Janie's cause. Truly I do. I share that thought.

I have avoided broaching this subject because rehashing it serves no purpose now. Damage is done. But since you persist...........

You may not know that the conversation of which you speak involved someone from this very forum posing as a government agent (CIA operative?) who intimidated Janie to the point of tears, shattering her emotionally and somewhat physically. Something, I might add, that some here considered a good idea and wished that they had been the one to think of doing it. Says a lot, don't it.

I know what Janie said, why she said it, and what she meant by it. I agree with everything that "she" said. Not the spin that came from it.


You are an astute, skilled researcher and you bring a lot to the table, and you are at your best when you do that, not when you sink to the level of the "who did what" innuendo that adds absolutely nothing to the discussion about the Stone Maps.

Wayne writes: >>I've already dug pretty deep, and don't recall any "Feltner/Love interview, but don't have time this morning to go back through my files.
Hope that you can supply the reference or copy-paste the document sometime today.<<

I have a rather busy day ahead which prohibits a long dialog....Perhaps many will be spared the agony of my long winded posts <g>

Just for Bert Love to R. Peck 4/12/65 and Love to Peck 4/16/65. There is more but that will suffice for now. More later.

Old, Tump

I'm gonna give you a assignment, after completion I'll lay off you fellas.
The assignment is you tell the story of the Stones as walking in Janie's shoes, only tell the story through her eyes
From the things she believed, thought,said,felt and did. Including being hounded by treasure hunters. Post it here and it'll be a good story Add it to the mini series.

Silver Chair

You don't know ones path till you walk in there shoes.

Matthew Roberts was correct about the " zeroes " which are carved on the back of the stone trail heart . These carvings have nothing common with the other carvings from the stone maps . The difference is enormous .
If RG would spent few bucks more to a specialist in arts and hand drawing , for sure he would knew the truth by now . But these are small letters on a contract for a fairy tale book .

I also believe , there , together with the other stone maps , could/should exist a smaller ( than the stone trail heart ) stone heart , the heart #4 from the Priest stone map . This heart would match in the trail map under the start point of the trail . Also this detail would be related to the Priest map , being the heart which is reffered in the fourth verse " busca el coazon " and is a sign/landmark from where the trail starts .

So , there exist a real small heart at the start point of the trail and a virtual bigger heart at the end of the trail .

Also , the verses on the Priest stone map should be read from the bottom to the top ( 4 to 1 ) . Is a trick of the map .

little heart.webp

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Just for the record...The image that Cubfan posted looks like the sample that I mailed to him that should weigh in at 1.9 I had a good camera I'd post a picture of its other half that looks like little galena, or should I say little silver...

Who knows???It does look kind of like mica in the picture...

Just for the record...The image that Cubfan posted looks like the sample that I mailed to him that should weigh in at 1.9 I had a good camera I'd post a picture of its other half that looks like little galena, or should I say little silver...

Who knows???It does look kind of like mica in the picture...
its hard to identify rocks from a pic...

Matthew Roberts was correct about the " zeroes " which are carved on the back of the stone trail heart . These carvings have nothing common with the other carvings from the stone maps . The difference is enormous .
If RG would spent few bucks more to a specialist in arts and hand drawing , for sure he would knew the truth by now . But these are small letters on a contract for a fairy tale book .

I also believe , there , together with the other stone maps , could/should exist a smaller ( than the stone trail heart ) stone heart , the heart #4 from the Priest stone map . This heart would match in the trail map under the start point of the trail . Also this detail would be related to the Priest map , being the heart which is reffered in the fourth verse " busca el coazon " and is a sign/landmark from where the trail starts .

So , there exist a real small heart at the start point of the trail and a virtual bigger heart at the end of the trail .

Also , the verses on the Priest stone map should be read from the bottom to the top ( 4 to 1 ) . Is a trick of the map .

View attachment 1503991



Your ore is not from the PSM area , so stop to post here about that . Start your own thread based in Platinum ore or whatever title you want . Every time we start a discussion about the stone maps , you jump in and derail the thread with your non-stop references to your ore .
I got tired reading your similar posts , so stop doing this .


Your ore is not from the PSM area , so stop to post here about that . Start your own thread based in Platinum ore or whatever title you want . Every time we start a discussion about the stone maps , you jump in and derail the thread with your non-stop references to your ore .
I got tired reading your similar posts , so stop doing this .

He is missing his true calling. He should be a Military or Police interrogator. Iam ready to confess to crimes i haven't even done. Please let me out of here or at least do some waterboarding for a while.


Your ore is not from the PSM area , so stop to post here about that . Start your own thread based in Platinum ore or whatever title you want . Every time we start a discussion about the stone maps , you jump in and derail the thread with your non-stop references to your ore .
I got tired reading your similar posts , so stop doing this .

I am just trying to state for the record that the ore I mailed to Cubfan is from what I believe to be the area depicted in the psm's markmar...

I can not help it if the ore from said area is platinum ore and not mica...

You do bring up some interesting points though...

When it comes to the heart in question...It is the mining area depicted in the psm and not an actual rock in the shape of a heart...

At the beginning of the trail...There is an image of a flame in a rock and in shadow writing there is an 8 in another stone...As the flame in the sacred heart...And busca el coazon...I believe means search for the mining area or heart...And the 8 I believe to be the 8th metal...IF not an 8 days journey...Who can say for certain...It is something that one would have to see with their own eyes to believe...

Just my two cents...

I could post a picture of what I am trying to get across...But I did that years ago...And I have deleted said image long ago...

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Wayne writes: >>I've already dug pretty deep, and don't recall any "Feltner/Love interview, but don't have time this morning to go back through my files.
Hope that you can supply the reference or copy-paste the document sometime today.<<

I have a rather busy day ahead which prohibits a long dialog....Perhaps many will be spared the agony of my long winded posts <g>

Just for Bert Love to R. Peck 4/12/65 and Love to Peck 4/16/65. There is more but that will suffice for now. More later.

Looking forward to the "more", Lynda. After which we can certainly resume this exchange......or would you also call this or that conversation we had on the phone an "interview"?

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