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On the left (L) above is the Front of the Peralta Stone Maps Heart.
On the right (R) is the Back of the Peralta Stone Maps Heart.
It doesn't take a very keen eye to see whoever carved the Front of the Heart did not carve the Back of the Heart unless they were very drunk at the time or tried to do it with their other hand.
The carving on the Front of the Heart is also consistent with all the carvings on the two Trail Maps. Only the carving of the Zero's on the Back of the Heart are not consistent with the rest of the Stone Maps.
In March of 1965 Bob Bair of Parkdale, Oregon related the account of how he and Travis Tumlinson (in 1961) were going to take a trip from Hood River Oregon to the Superstition Mountains in Arizona looking for mines and treasure as carved on the Peralta Stone Maps. That particular trip did not take place as Travis Tumlinson became ill and later died (October 1961).
Bob Bair was a close friend of Travis Tumlinson and also related that Travis told him he had carved the Zero's on the back of the Heart and broke the heart in the process.
Travis never told Bair he had carved the rest of the Peralta Stone Maps, in fact he related to Bair a similar story of finding the maps that is commonly known (finding them along Queen Creek in Arizona).
Bair also related that Travis told him he carved the Zero's to try and throw off anyone who might see or steal the Maps, but Bair believed Travis had carved the Zero's to try and generate more value or worth to the maps.
Now if Travis carved all of the Peralta Stone Maps as has been suggested, why didn't he carve the Zero's at the same time he carved the rest of the Maps ?
Why did he wait 11 years and why didn't he carve the Zero's in the same manner, form and hand as the rest of the carvings he was supposed to have done ?