The Peralta Stone Maps, Real Maps to Lost Gold Mines or Cruel Hoax?

Do you think the Peralta stone maps are genuine, or fake?

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At least one account mentioned that Travis had been searching for arrowheads near Florence Junction when he found the HP stone protruding from an embankment.
And Pat Hainer had said that Travis had found the stone where an arrow-shaped rock pile seemed to indicate something could be there.
Was this detail part of a set of directions which Travis was following....or shown as the crooked or broken arrow on the lower trail stone....or the "ground map" ?
Oh yeaaaa, and I almost forgot the arrowhead on the "Garmin- Peralta Tesora Mappa- map"

Would been an arrowhead instead a heart , if the trail would started at the point Travis found the stones . IMO , the trail don't starts there .

I also believe , Travis had instructions how to go there , maybe from one of the guys ( or relatives , friends ) who found the stone maps at the small heart , and after took them out of the mountains and buried them .
Think , have you ever dug out every stone slab that you have seen in your way ? I believe Travis invented the WN story to cover the guy who gave him the instructions . Maybe this is only speculation , but is the only logical version that I could think now . How Travis heard about those stone tablets , maybe we will never learn .

I post an aerial image of the trail region ( my avatar reversed ) . You can recognize some ruins and the little heart in the left down corner . Follow the trail shape starting from above the heart to the right , and you will understand where the trail lies . The trail follows the edge of the ghost village in the Zeus land .

The trail.webp

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No, it was a 2, The Holy Trinity, the triangle. What they are relaying is 2 = 3 sun sign reveals mine 1. Only can be seen from what most call the treasure box, it's not it's the Saint Gardians.

The Heart can be seen from there, I took a picture of it. Then follow the map, Follow the ❤️

Silver Chair

The Saint Guardians will protect you only if you will not walk off the trail . Also your writtings reminds me a missed TN member babymilk1

The Saint Guardians will protect you only if you will not walk off the trail . Also your writtings reminds me a missed TN member babymilk1

Now I haven't heard that name in like 30 years, Say hi to the old fraud for me. Wouldn't happen to know where he lives would you.

But anyway I'm the Great

Silver Chair

Too much garbage involved, real or fake I'm done with these darn Stones.
You guys rehash it for the next thousand years...

Too much garbage involved, real or fake I'm done with these darn Stones.
You guys rehash it for the next thousand years...

I second your sentiment EarnieP...It is probably best to just forget about the silly stones...

Wayne, rather than argue over minute details lets get back to basics.

Do you believe the Stone Maps on display at the museum to be the original tablets legend tells us were unearthed by Travis?

SM  PSM signage.webp

Old, dually agreed,

The guy at the museum when asked if these are original or not, He said the museum does not claim there authenticity!
So the sign really means nothing.

What I'd like to know is what's your thoughts on them, Just yours not here say from RG, Just you.

Silver Chair

Hi Silver,

No. I don't. But lets see if Wayne has changed his opinion.

There is an off chance that we might be able to come to some common ground to take us to a more meaningful discussion.

Wayne, rather than argue over minute details lets get back to basics.

Do you believe the Stone Maps on display at the museum to be the original tablets legend tells us were unearthed by Travis?

View attachment 1504784

Howdy Lynda,

I do agree with you that some posters are very offensive right off the bat. This is also one of the reasons I don't post much. You also reap what you sow, for this reason I try to be polite when I do post. I also agree that there are mountains of untruth covering the truth that is out there, and it is very rewarding when one can find the truth. Previously unknown details such as how Travis looked when he was a boy, or who his family members are, what Travis drove, and so on are not going to lead anyone to the end of the trail of the PSM's. Claims of what he was thinking, and why he did things, and claims based soley on assumpitions just add to the mountain of untruths.

Let's get back to the basics as you suggest, and show us with facts that there acctualy was a fifth stone. This was just Elgin Kriewald's belief as he stated to Elbert Love. If you can't find such proof, at least show us with facts that there was a prototype from where Travis created the PSM's.

The PSM's were found by Travis Tumlinson as he said, just east of Queen Creek by hwy 60. All other stories are part of that mountain of untruths. It is my opinion that they lead to just one mine, the LDM.


I was hoping to see your film before pointing out where you went wrong. I stayed away from your disscusions at the other train station, but since you come here whether phishing or testing your story, I look forward to a good debate. We do agree on certain things. I agree with many here on certain things, and disagree with them on others, still we remain friends.

Homar P. Olivarez

Hi Silver,

No. I don't. But lets see if Wayne has changed his opinion.

There is an off chance that we might be able to come to some common ground to take us to a more meaningful discussion.

You know Old
One would presume that a person with as much knowledge of the story in question that you would have a pretty decisive opinion, On what you believe, So one could presume you have a gage order in place, till the series is done.

But whatever

Good luck. Silver Chair

Some information you should know, The peg leg Map came after the Stone One's, To much information missing on the peg leg map.

Wayne, rather than argue over minute details lets get back to basics.

Do you believe the Stone Maps on display at the museum to be the original tablets legend tells us were unearthed by Travis?

View attachment 1504784

I've shared my theories and opinions re: the stones on continuous display at the SMM many times since 2010.
I've always had and expressed doubts that the two "trail" stones may actually be carved or molded copies of those claimed to have been found by Travis.....based mostly on the color and texture, rather than any slight differences in detail or "dremel" marks which, if castings, those could be the result of cleanup needed after being taken from the mold. If actual sandstone, I've offered the theory that Mitchell himself may have copied them, using a "duplicator", by which could be made a vary accurate replica, but which also could have made the "dremel" markings mentioned in the DA Inc. report.
So no, I have not changed my opinion in that regard. However I now suspect that the story, or"legend" as RG prefers to call it, of Travis unearthing all of these stones might very well be bogus....on both accounts.

I've shared my theories and opinions re: the stones on continuous display at the SMM many times since 2010.
I've always had and expressed doubts that the two "trail" stones may actually be carved or molded copies of those claimed to have been found by Travis.....based mostly on the color and texture, rather than any slight differences in detail or "dremel" marks which, if castings, those could be the result of cleanup needed after being taken from the mold. If actual sandstone, I've offered the theory that Mitchell himself may have copied them, using a "duplicator", by which could be made a vary accurate replica, but which also could have made the "dremel" markings mentioned in the DA Inc. report.
So no, I have not changed my opinion in that regard. However I now suspect that the story, or"legend" as RG prefers to call it, of Travis unearthing all of these stones might very well be bogus....on both accounts.


What about the stone crosses, Then where they come from. They have similar markings.

I mean other then the know story

Silver Chair


What about the stone crosses, Then where they come from. They have similar markings.

I mean other then the know story

Silver Chair

Don't know if Old wants to include the stone crosses in this discussion, but for myself, they have added to my understanding of the greater history which they at the least, represent.
The Crosses, along with the Cursum Perficio drawing/map may in reality, apply to something other than the "Peralta Treasure" that Travis was looking for. However, I can't say at this time who might have made them....or when/where.....exactly
The "legends" of the LDM/Peralta mines in the Superstition Mountains are undoubtedly what influenced most folks, including Travis, in their beliefs, which is why they are commonly known as the "Peralta Stone Maps", but the Horse of Santa Fe and "SANTAFE", both found on the H/P stone hints at something far greater and more of a religious nature than a mere cache of gold left behind by Mexican miners. The more descriptive phrase "Treasure of the Church of the holy Faith" which is only found on the one stone cross as well as the CP drawing corroborates this IMO. Any reasonable proof of Travis finding Jesuit era artifacts or other SJ "treasures" would also substantiate that description.

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Homar, Somehiker and Silver,

Thank you for your reply. This is a good start.

If we can agree that there is even a slight possibility that the PSM as viewed today are not "the original" stones, then we have made progress. From that we may can find common ground.

What that means, at least to me, is that it is not really important what the stones are made from. Its the message that they convey that offers the challenge.

I'm going to bask in the small hope we can set aside disagreements on the medium and hope we can discuss the message. Who knew that message, what does it mean, what does it tell us and why?

Homar, I'm limited in what I can show. I know that's unfair. All I can tell you is such things exist. That they have been authenticated as to the "message" (not by electron magnification technique, that will come later) by high officials of the Church. Please don't beat me up on things I can't control.

Don't know if Old wants to include the stone crosses in this discussion, but for myself, they have added to my understanding of the greater history which they at the least, represent.
The Crosses, along with the Cursum Perficio drawing/map may in reality, apply to something other than the "Peralta Treasure" that Travis was looking for. However, I can't say at this time who might have made them....or when/where.....exactly
The "legends" of the LDM/Peralta mines in the Superstition Mountains are undoubtedly what influenced most folks, including Travis, in their beliefs, which is why they are commonly known as the "Peralta Stone Maps", but the Horse of Santa Fe and "SANTAFE", both found on the H/P stone hints at something far greater and more of a religious nature than a mere cache of gold left behind by Mexican miners. The more descriptive phrase "Treasure of the Church of the holy Faith" which is only found on the one stone cross as well as the CP drawing corroborates this IMO. Any reasonable proof of Travis finding Jesuit era artifacts or other SJ "treasures" would also substantiate that description.

That the IGLESIA on the cross later became the "incorrect" EGLESIA on the CP (with the important letter cleverly elevated ever so slightly) which references something clearly seen in the field, suggests, as you presumed, that the Stone Crosses predates all other artifacts, and this also suggests an evolution in design over time- something unlikely with the "Peralta treasure" which would have just been an one-time, or seasonal caching, rather than a hoard continually added to over a long period of time.

That the IGLESIA on the cross later became the "incorrect" EGLESIA on the CP (with the important letter cleverly elevated ever so slightly) which references something clearly seen in the field, suggests, as you presumed, that the Stone Crosses predates all other artifacts, and this also suggests an evolution in design over time- something unlikely with the "Peralta treasure" which would have just been an one-time, or seasonal caching, rather than a hoard continually added to over a long period of time.

I believe the stone Crosses don't predate the other stone maps , but have a closer relation with the CP map .
IMO , the symbol that appears in both CP and stone Cross map as a triangle with a line is the symbol used for the " CACUMEN " from the Latin stone heart map .

Maybe in the CP map , the " E " from " EGLESIA " to means ESTE ( east ) , and the riddle to be " NOTO ESTE TRIANGULUM " ( which is not the same with the landmark from the Latin heart ) , and means to look/observe to the east the peak with the crevace that runs in it .
Also the words " TRANSEO ECCLESIA " from the Latin stone heart , are between the " MEUS " and the " CACUMEN " , and the word ' " transeo " is an advice to pass or to move from the church to the " CACUMEN " .

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Frank created this hoax picture, and SMM board members blew a gasket when they learned that Frank had been allowed to lift the glass cover and place his own stones in the display.
Entry of this event is in the minutes of the board meetings.
Franks stone.webp

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