The Peralta Stone Maps, Real Maps to Lost Gold Mines or Cruel Hoax?

Do you think the Peralta stone maps are genuine, or fake?

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From what i have seen in the very short time i have treasure hunted, Lies and deception is the norm. Thats why the good stuff is still hidden. Once i learned that, I was able to make much better progress. When i hear someone say their a treasure hunter. I get my radar up and running,especially if their claiming to be a god fearing goodie two shoe,one hand on the bible one on the six shooter. Its just the way it is.

From what i have seen in the very short time i have treasure hunted, Lies and deception is the norm. Thats why the good stuff is still hidden. Once i learned that, I was able to make much better progress. When i hear someone say their a treasure hunter. I get my radar up and running,especially if their claiming to be a god fearing goodie two shoe,one hand on the bible one on the six shooter. Its just the way it is.

IT is like the old X-Files claim..."Trust no one"


What are you so angry about? This is a forum to share information and discuss topics of interest concerning the LDM.

Tump has shared photos, videos and documents that "should be" of great interest to most here. He enumerated those to you earlier. They include a full view print of the bumper photo. Until that time this forum only had a redacted badly worn copy. This forum only had one old newspaper copy, of a copy, of a photo taken from some distance of Travis in profile. Tump furnished FREELY youth, young adult, middle age and final days photos of Travis and I believe Aileen also (could be wrong on that, he may not have released Aileen's yet). Plus photos of newly made stone replicas in an Oregon sitting.

Just this week he has shared with you video footage of Pegleg's cabin, inside and out, a clear photo of John J. Tumlinson (Pegleg), his grave site as well as that of Travis and Aileen. Interesting tidbits to many, I would suppose.

If that don't float your boat, then I can't help you. If those photos and documents are of no interest to you just pass them by and forget about them. No need to be angry about it.

My request to Arthur is sincere. He has spent considerable time, energy and research on the subject. His work is first class. He has shared his thoughts with us generously. But; I have not seen anything in the form of new hard evidence from him. With his abilities I would think there would be some. I could be wrong. He has asked for ours and we have supplied some as noted. Turnabout is fair play. Show us some of the B roll stuff. That's fair.

BTW, Alice Jane Tumlinson Jones died in 2012 and is greatly missed by her family. She went by Janie, not Jamie. Janie's story and recollections, as shared by her family and friends, play a prominent role in the project and added enormous value to a fuller understanding. We are extremely grateful for access to articles she held onto and cherished. But; we are mindful that those items belong to her family. We respect their wishes for privacy and hope that you will honor it as well.


If you all respect her wishes, Then why not tell the Truth, That includes the part of the FAMILY your connected with.
You and Tump must know she believed the Stones are real, her dad did not make them and they weren't all the same color.

So why do you dismiss it, Why not put that out there. But instead you and Tump call him a con artists, Faker scammer!
If anyone has disrespected the family it's you Two.

So if the family your connected to approves of your trash talk of Travis, That would be a huge red flag as to the split in the family. But you seam to be, let's Say alittle Akward to condone Tump for a fine job.

Sincerely Sliver Chair

If your gonna play nice with the BULL

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JohnWhite, just so you know it was I who turned you into to Ebay for the attempted sale of non-taxed/illegally mined mineral samples, imported/smuggled valuable minerals. In your sales description you told where you mined the Platinum. Yes, I bet your right in the fact that you will never go back there again, as you fear being arrested if you are ever seen there again. Are we really to believe that the PSM's lead to your little Tiajuana south of the boarder? You have stated yourself in your post that you believe that everyone attempts to link the PSM's to their area of real estate, and on top of that that you state your claims are full of BS (your own words).
I was going to include a quote of your post on this site that had the link to your sale, but it has been deleted or removed.

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JohnWhite, just so you know it was I who turned you into to Ebay for the attempted sale of non-taxed/illegally mined mineral samples, imported/smuggled valuable minerals. In your sales description you told where you mined the Platinum. Yes, I bet your right in the fact that you will never go back there again, as you fear being arrested if you are ever seen there again. Are we really to believe that the PSM's lead to your little Tiajuana south of the boarder? You have stated yourself in your post that you believe that everyone attempts to link the PSM's to their area of real estate, and on top of that that you state your claims are full of BS (your own words).
I was going to include a quote of your post on this site that had the link to your sale, but it has been deleted or removed.

hahaha...I have not placed any mineral specimens for sale on ebay sailaway...I had the ad ready to post but I changed my mind...

And as for the platinum in question...It is where it is...And I wish all of those who seek it all the best...

Everybody knows that there is no such platinum deposit here in the good ole

And I am certain that the psm's lead to one of my little holes in the wall...And I am absolutely positive it is no where near Apache Junction, AZ...rofl...Or is it???

Some people are such whiners...

I take it that Cubfan has finished with his little examinations and has filled his little crew in...lmao

Is the BS getting deep in here or what???

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Just for the record sailaway...IF any of the mineral specimens would have sold on eBay...I am quite certain that I would have paid taxes on said sales...It was eBay and the powers that be who would not let me post due to one reason or another...

I don't ever remember stating in my sample post that the mineral specimens were from Mexico...I believe that I had stated that I believed them to be from the mining area of Quito...Or quite possibly the East Indies...I am really not quite certain...

Oh well...And just for the record...I have not sold any mineral specimens to anyone nor have I made any monies from said specimens...

The specimens that I sent to cubfan were from my private collection and I did not charge him one cent for them...And IF he decides to return them to me or not...It really does not

I almost forgot the...Waaa Waaahh...

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lol...i come back after being gone for a day and it looks like there was a gang fight here:dontknow:

I can't resist...I just had to post this one...

The problem that you have is that Mexico charges tax on minerals when it is mined not after it is sold. Thus you smuggled out non taxed ore across the U.S. border. Yes, you had it for sale for less than 1 hour (7 minutes, If my memory is correct) when it was reported to EBAY and it was removed and banned from future sales. One of your post here had the link and description of the ore that you had posted on that site. Your post here that had the link to your EBAY post has been removed on this site. Or would you like to claim you lied on EBAY and mined it illegally in the Superstition Wilderness?

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I take it that Cubfan has finished with his little examinations and has filled his little crew in...lmao

Sorry folks - as much as I'm a person of my word, I'm sick of being lambasted here on a regular basis by an ungrateful person I offered to do a favor for. Life's too short. Your samples are safe John - in the garbage as of 5 minutes ago per your suggestion.

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The problem that you have is that Mexico charges tax on minerals when it is mined not after it is sold. Thus you smuggled out non taxed ore across the U.S. border. Yes, you had it for sale for less than 1 hour (7 minutes, If my memory is correct) when it was reported to EBAY and it was removed and banned from future sales. One of your post here had the link and description of the ore that you had posted on that site. Your post here that had the link to your EBAY post has been removed on this site. Or would you like to claim you lied on EBAY and mined it illegally in the Superstition Wilderness?

Well sailaway...I really don't know what to tell you...I have never mined any minerals in Mexico...That is the Gods honest

And as for the minerals in question being from the Superstion Wilderness...I can state that I have not mined any minerals from said location either...rofl...

IT is where one finds IT...

As for ya'll trying to get any general idea as to where the minerals are located...Good luck...

Sorry folks - as much as I'm a person of my word, I'm sick of being lambasted here on a regular basis by an ungrateful person I offered to do a favor for. Life's too short. Your samples are safe John - in the garbage as of 5 minutes ago per your suggestion.

Enjoy your additions to your personal mineral

I have plenty more where those came from...rofl

Sorry folks - as much as I'm a person of my word, I'm sick of being lambasted here on a regular basis by an ungrateful person I offered to do a favor for. Life's too short. Your samples are safe John - in the garbage as of 5 minutes ago per your suggestion.

paul..bring them to the rendezvous...i'll hit them with the xrf

Why keep responding?

I am not quite certain of whom you are addressing...Though IF it is I...

I keep responding because I believe that the ore that I had sent cubfan was/is from the area depicted in the psm's...Oh well...I guess that he does not believe that any of ya'll really need to know IF all that I have posted is total BS or not...

As I have mentioned...I don't need him nor anyone else to prove to me what I have or don't have...Because I believe that the area depicted in the psm's are one of the little silver deposits mentioned by a one Antonio de Ulloa...IF I ever return to said location is yet to be seen...

I don't care IF there are crybabies on this site who continue to try to glean information from me in regards to said location...I know that I will not give them any useful information on said location...As I will continue to state...IT is where one finds it...

IF cubfan's little quote on his posts are true...He is the one who will continue to wonder where I got said samples from...I could really care doubt that he will ever come close to the area where the samples came from...When I sent him the samples I was already under the impression that he would not live up to his hype...I knew that my continued statement "trust no one" would apply to him as well...

Furthermore...I too have stated that he is not the first nor do I believe that he will be the last person whom I freely give a sample of said ore to...I find it amusing taunting certain people with said ore...rofl...I won't spend any time searching for where IT came from...And I sure hope that he nor anyone else wastes their time searching for where it came from as well...

As I have mentioned...Said samples were from my private collection...They were merely scraps I had laying around...lmao...Sure they were/are unique and they are probably worth a pretty penny...But...It really doesn't matter...

So, I guess that ya'll will never really know IF my claims that the psm's lead to a platinum deposit or not...hehehe...

John....just stop.
This has gone from being comical, to ridiculous , to now being annoying.
We get it. You don't care what people think, yet you continue to post the same statements over and over and over. No one cares about your ore or where it came from. Enough already. Hehehe.


You have to work really hard to turn someone like Paul against you. I believe you were a waste of time from the start. This post is longer than you deserve.

Joe Ribaudo

Please end the animosity in the posts and post by our rules..

Johnwhite stop trying to intentionally antagonize members.

Our rules are clear.

"Posts should be suitable for all ages, on topic, concise, and courteous.

If you disagree with another member's post, make your comments in a polite and respectful manner.

Don't attack, provoke, insult, or deliberately offend anyone."

Please end the animosity in the posts and post by our rules..

Johnwhite stop trying to intentionally antagonize members.

Our rules are clear.

"Posts should be suitable for all ages, on topic, concise, and courteous.

If you disagree with another member's post, make your comments in a polite and respectful manner.

Don't attack, provoke, insult, or deliberately offend anyone."

Well ya'll...I know where I am not

So IF it is possible...I would like to request that my account with Tnet be closed and all of my posts removed IF possible...

Ed T

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