The Peralta Stone Maps, Real Maps to Lost Gold Mines or Cruel Hoax?

Do you think the Peralta stone maps are genuine, or fake?

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>>Wouldn't you think that also applies to proving the existence of those small grey stones<<

Sigh, No Arthur. It is not remotely the same. What RG shares is for free. He hasn't asked for contributions.

But while we are on the subject..........haven't YOU been working on a project for around 5 years. Lets see some of your footage. Whatcha got?


I've been reading through Tump and your posts, Now I believe You and Tump have only offered up, believe me, without any real evidence of your claims but your word. So why would you want deducer to offer up anything more. I mean his word is as good as you's two.

If your gonna grab a double headed rattle snake, ITS BEST TO USE TWO HANDS!


Silver Chair


What are you so angry about? This is a forum to share information and discuss topics of interest concerning the LDM.

Tump has shared photos, videos and documents that "should be" of great interest to most here. He enumerated those to you earlier. They include a full view print of the bumper photo. Until that time this forum only had a redacted badly worn copy. This forum only had one old newspaper copy, of a copy, of a photo taken from some distance of Travis in profile. Tump furnished FREELY youth, young adult, middle age and final days photos of Travis and I believe Aileen also (could be wrong on that, he may not have released Aileen's yet). Plus photos of newly made stone replicas in an Oregon sitting.

Just this week he has shared with you video footage of Pegleg's cabin, inside and out, a clear photo of John J. Tumlinson (Pegleg), his grave site as well as that of Travis and Aileen. Interesting tidbits to many, I would suppose.

If that don't float your boat, then I can't help you. If those photos and documents are of no interest to you just pass them by and forget about them. No need to be angry about it.

My request to Arthur is sincere. He has spent considerable time, energy and research on the subject. His work is first class. He has shared his thoughts with us generously. But; I have not seen anything in the form of new hard evidence from him. With his abilities I would think there would be some. I could be wrong. He has asked for ours and we have supplied some as noted. Turnabout is fair play. Show us some of the B roll stuff. That's fair.

BTW, Alice Jane Tumlinson Jones died in 2012 and is greatly missed by her family. She went by Janie, not Jamie. Janie's story and recollections, as shared by her family and friends, play a prominent role in the project and added enormous value to a fuller understanding. We are extremely grateful for access to articles she held onto and cherished. But; we are mindful that those items belong to her family. We respect their wishes for privacy and hope that you will honor it as well.

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"Elaboration on the site - it’s beautiful and methodical - like a drawing of Michelangelo."

lmao...i would expect nothing less from a snake oil salesman!

Still sounds like that unfortunately.
An actual cache location found and photographed/filmed, or just a nice drawing made by a talented artist (in several mediums) as Lynda has described Travis in prior posts here ?
Is 'vestments" in a box or chest merely a description of what is "expected' to be found cached at that location, rather than something already recovered by rg ?
While I can't see the Jesuits ever admitting to having hidden any of their legendary amassed wealth in the mountains, I can imagine that they would be willing to admit to a "box" of accessories related to the giving of Mass as being "lost" out there somewhere. And they would also be quite happy were someone to find it for them as well IMO.

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>>Wouldn't you think that also applies to proving the existence of those small grey stones<<

Sigh, No Arthur. It is not remotely the same. What RG shares is for free. He hasn't asked for contributions.

But while we are on the subject..........haven't YOU been working on a project for around 5 years. Lets see some of your footage. Whatcha got?

Five years? Look at my join date- Jan, 2014. The math don't add up, do it? :icon_scratch:

And as for the allegation that I'm supposedly working on some sort of movie project or documentary- whatever floats your boat. I don't even make a living making movies, but, I am a movie buff, I'll give you that much. Feel free to look through my 1,200 posts to find anything that gives the remotest hint that I'm a big shot from hollywood or working on some sort of project and trying to steal ideas or solicit stories from anyone. If anything, I've gone against the grain because of my belief that the Stone Maps are real (and not a hoax). Frankly, as I've said before, it tickles me pink that without lifting a finger, I've caused drama.

I think the truth is that my constant prodding and poking is causing resentment (or is perceived as threatening), so I apologize if that puts you or RG on the defensive, but I will not stop doing what I set out to do, which is to unravel the story of the Stone Maps as much as I can.


That is a fair question and one that I anticipated when I typed my response to Mr. White. The major difference being, I am not looking for an investor, nor am I looking for collaboration or the blessing of the treasure hunting community. The things I have shared, I have shared for free — but have cost me 10’s of thousands of dollars.

You of all people on this forum, as well as DUSA and others, have the full grasp of what goes into production. As I have mentioned previously, the films you have done are stunning, dramatic, award winning and worthy. Would you whimsically present information, on command, on the projects in which you have invested in both financially and emotionally? Would your backers allow you to do so without repercussion? Would your credibility for future projects be the same, if you bent at the will of a poster on an Internet forum?

I feel that I have shared quite a bit, Arthur. The most infamous photograph of the Stone Map saga, “The Bumper Photo”, was released in high definition for the viewing pleasure of all that are interested. By me releasing that photo, we have eliminated the old legend of it being taken at a gas station in AJ. I have also shared at least one additional and never before seen photograph of one version of the stone maps shortly after their creation. I have posted many photos of Travis, to put a face with the name and pages from Travis’ manuscript. That is enough, for now. I am quite generous and have tremendous respect for those that came before me, but my allegiance is with the Tumlinson and Leasman families as well as the production company and network behind our series.

As you know, again better than anyone on this forum, the amount of time and effort that goes into creating a well thought out and provocative series is beyond time consuming. People rave about working with you, your dedication and professionalism. Would they feel the same way if you shared intimate details of your project prior to public release?

Let’s also discuss audiences. As you are aware, viewership is calculated by the millions of viewers. With all due respect, and also being generous, lets say there are 200 people that frequent this site. Its safe to say the treasure hunting community is not my target audience. If every person on this site chose to not watch our series — or go out of their way to trash talk it at every opportunity, it will never amount to the folks that choose not to watch because of religious affiliations, a lack of interest in the topic, or the damage done to our precious mountain range by a capricious previous series.

I will offer this, however. When and if you make it back to Arizona, I’d be happy to show you in person in trade for information on the series that many have told me you are working on in regard to the Superstition Mountains and related sagas. Let’s hope our schedules connect.


I am by no means an expert on what goes into making movies, but I know enough of it to know the practice of "leaking set photos" as a means of publicity, or to cause buzz, and I am advocating that you do the same. Posting a clear picture of the trail stones are much appreciated, but can hardly be considered groundbreaking. And I think if you continue to strategically toss out breadcrumbs, as you have, you would generate a solid base of interest, through discussion and speculation of such.

I understand that you think there's only around 200 posters in this forum, but you would be quite wrong on that. TNET has 120,000 members, many of who check in occasionally, and who knows how many unregistered guests. When Legends was airing, I believe that we had almost 300 unregistered guests on a single thread at one time.

I think this is a fantastic jumping off point, publicity-wise. You have to start somewhere, and this is a good place to do it. This community does have its share of nutjobs, but there are also smart and very knowledgeable people who would give you great feedback on your project if you would be open to it, and avoid falling into the rabbit hole that is personal confrontations, or attacking posters for questioning the truth you present or for asking too many questions, like I have.

Thank you kindly for your invitation and offer to trade information but as I've mentioned many times before, I have zero interest in becoming involved with any film projects, and wish you only the best of luck with your project. Hopefully you'll have great success with it.

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While they may not ADD anything, they do match the appearance of what can be seen on the rock face to the upper right side of what I was focused on and taking so many photos of that last time we were out there. It's also white to grey in color and heavily pock-marked AND it looks like slabs of rock have been removed or fallen away from just below.
If you have some high res photos of your own, shot from below and head-on to that area, you should be able to see the much larger "original" in exact proportion and layout , and also upside down and backwards as it appears on the LTS as positioned below the upper trail stone with the "trail" lines matching. So it appears as though one could only read those three letters as "DON" if they were hanging upside down from the ledge above....haha....strange! Could be the "DON" indicates the nature of what lies beyond the small round opening at the center (small hole into big hole ?), and the cross indicates the religious ? significance of what lies behind the heart.
With regard to the chest of vestments, IMO, that would likely have been part of the cargo carried by Keller's ill-fated entrada/mission to the Moqui in 1743.

View attachment 1503244

I've explained my thoughts and theory about all of that, in much greater detail and with more references, in previous discussions.

That is something I had never thought of, and is an excellent point. I do have those photos and will go back and look at them again with this in mind. This would represent more of the out of the box thinking that we have come to expect from the mapmaker(s).

I'm out... Now that I know these forums allowed members to look up other members personal information.
Good luck Ryan..
Not a fan of your method.
I will still read the content as a guest..
Peace... lol

I'm out... Now that I know these forums allowed members to look up other members personal information.
Good luck Ryan..
Not a fan of your method.
I will still read the content as a guest..
Peace... lol

captain1965 - I think you misread or misunderstood Ryan's comments. He was given his own forum section to moderate and "own" on another site which is where he was granted access to user's IP addresses there, not here on TNet. He suspects that the owner of TNet also has the ability to check on that information, but it would be up to moderators and the owner of TNet to let you know if that's possible or not.

captain1965 - I think you misread or misunderstood Ryan's comments. He was given his own forum section to moderate and "own" on another site which is where he was granted access to user's IP addresses there, not here on TNet. He suspects that the owner of TNet also has the ability to check on that information, but it would be up to moderators and the owner of TNet to let you know if that's possible or not.

Every forum on the net has the ability to see members IPs when they post, nothing new here. We do not give the ips, names or any personal info to ANYONE, it is used strictly to help moderate the forums and weed out troubles. The ONLY people who can see the ips are the admins and mods.

We also know when a member is posting under more than one name or returns under new name.

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I didn't misread...
Just saying it seems that some have abused it's purpose.
Thanks TH

This has been very interesting lately. I have a feeling this thread will disappear soon.

This has been very interesting lately. I have a feeling this thread will disappear soon.

If everyone could just remain civil and avoid snarky comments, sarcastic innuendos and other snide remarks, pokes, jabs and antagonistic attitudes we may all find ourselves on common ground, get some questions asked and answered and actually have reasonable adult discourse even if one side or another disagrees.

Post's are already being removed almost as fast as they go up, Same ol song and dance ... Oh look > A Squirrel

Post's are already being removed almost as fast as they go up, Same ol song and dance ... Oh look > A Squirrel

Posts removed were removed for rule violation.

Post's are already being removed almost as fast as they go up, Same ol song and dance ... Oh look > A Squirrel

Yes, i wish they would be left there, it helps so much with seeing thru the smoke screen. I didnt read anything that i thought would be offensive. It helped with finding some truth and trust. But truth and trust can be a problem.

Yes, i wish they would be left there, it helps so much with seeing thru the smoke screen. I didnt read anything that i thought would be offensive. It helped with finding some truth and trust. But truth and trust can be a problem.

Post that was removed was actually a shining light and showed some true colors, Was a good insight into how/what the dude actually thinks of himself and others. Hiring a PR firm (to post) would be a better way for that group to go if they wanna put out these little tidbits of (Look what i know) to gain interest. Their way of looking down their noses at everyone on the outside of the Big Secret isn't amusing to anyone. Daddy's money can only buy you so much ...Respect isn't one of them in the real world!

Thought this explanation of 'why oil and water don't mix' to be appropriate.

"Even when you mix oil and water together they still separate.
The oil always floats to the top because it is less dense than water.
Oil and water don't mix because water molecules are more attracted to each other than to oil molecules.
Detergent molecules are attracted to both water and oil."

As one of the soap bubbles, I thought this was humorous..., I'll let you decide who's less dense. ;)

call Sharpton2.webp

Just kidding, LOL. Ease up. This isn't war and peace. You guys have a great afternoon.

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