Homar, I don't recall you trashing anyone really. You speak your mind. Sometimes forcefully. So do I <g>. Sometimes I agree and sometimes I don't. I've valued your opinion on a number of occasions and, in turn, argued a point with you to the point of boredom to many here.
I understand and accept that's your perception of what happened. I get that. I remember it differently.
Yes, the person of which you speak did early on have serious doubts about the stones and Travis. More along the lines of the miraculous story of the "find" of the stones and where. He's outspoken too. I don't recall him calling Travis a con artist but perhaps you are right. I just don't remember it. I could wrong. Is that unreasonable given what we knew at the time? It was the accepted narrative of the day. Its unreasonable now given what has surfaced. But yet it persists.
As I recall his original introduction to the saga involved a different matter best left undiscussed at this point. But debunking it, not Travis, was his original project.
I too doubted Travis was a full fledged police officer early on. (Listen up Earnie) Until I knew of the governor's full pardon issued at the behest of, and on written request of, the County sheriff. And; seeing Travis' badge and credentials. All of which were brought to light through the efforts of the one of which you speak. Known to the people directly involved but unknown to the TNet community.
I think he's been proven right about some of his original hesitations. In the alternative, he's seen there is substance to the base of the story, and uncovered details previously unknown. Is that a wrong thing to do? He went, he saw, he listened and he learned. He found there was much more to this than he originally thought. I think he's told of his change of mind. I know I have learned much along the way and had to re-evaluate.
Did I or anyone else say that the old Spanish wording wasn't on the prototype? Nope; don't think so. There is little in the way of language on the trail stones and what is there is highly suspect on when it appeared.
He hasn't deleted anything on this site since his departure. He can't, even if he wished to do so. He has no access to it. Whatever remains, is gone or is changed is not done by his hand or mine. We/he do not have that ability. Different site, at a later date; yes. A request to delete the forum section was made to those power-that-be for the reasons I stated earlier. They graciously agreed. Which site, I might add, was created after the fact of what you are speaking of. I stand by my reason. Not all are culprits, some have been more than fair and open. And Lord knows many have been patient. But some are determined to be as offensive as possible. Surely you see that. Perhaps not, we will just have to disagree on that point.
He, with the help of those involved, have sorted through mountains of truths and untruths. Even when publicly cast as the villain of all things PSM he's been upfront in crediting those who went before him, went with him, and helped along the way since. Has it been a bumpy path? Sure thing. Is there more to learn? Perhaps so. I'm open to it. Such is the nature of most things. It has been and continues to be an epic journey. To look back where we started and look now at where we have come and what has been learned is extremely gratifying. Perhaps not to some but to me it is.