The Peralta Stone Maps, Real Maps to Lost Gold Mines or Cruel Hoax?

Do you think the Peralta stone maps are genuine, or fake?

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It is an interesting discussion. I appreciate all points of view. I don't dismiss your points. They are well made. And; I think you guys shouldn't dismiss first hand testimony from those who witnessed the Tumlinson era history of the stones. It has much to tell you. There is more than just one account.

Those accounts have been freely shared with you. Not my place to rehash it. It was only removed when the discussion got so ugly with accusations against innocents folks whose moral character was questioned and mocked. Including hounding Priests, telling witnesses they are motived by greed and even saying fathers didn't/couldn't have fathered children due to age. Grown adults had to verify their birthday to strangers to be considered reliable. That surely they are mistaken because trusted folks know better from afar. How crass is that? And you're bothered because your post of such were deleted??? Come on. You see why these folks may be somewhat leery of interest seekers? These are real people with fond memories from their childhood. This is their kin or their neighbor, they share a kindred spirit with those who went before them. They hold those memories dear.

You don't have to accept all of it as absolute gospel but with the large and diverse group of people who viewed "the stones" and give a different description of their make up, it ought to give you pause. Heck; just from these accounts there is evidence of at least five different sets. One set couldn't have been in multiple places across the country at the SAME time. I'm not a stone carver, I can't tell you how. I can only tell you it happened.

And before attributing fraudulent motive to Travis, consider what you know. Other than unsubstantiated backroom gossip there isn't one shred of evidence Travis ever tried to financially benefit from his creations. Not one. You got it, bring it. On the contrary, what we know is that at each juncture it was Travis' money on the line financing the search. He asked for help in the form of guides and later when his health failed for physical labor help, not for money.

So you ask "why did he do it". The only answer I can give you is because he could. I've told you I believe he was a man obsessed. He was obsessed with finding the meaning of the material his grandfather left behind. Whenever this comes up I picture Richard Dreyfuss in Close Encounters of the Third Kind making a rendition of Devils Tower in his mashed potatoes. Its the same kind of obsession and Travis felt it (IMO) up to his death bed.

Attached is a video I have been authorized to share with you. No advertising, no ulterior motive, just for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy. Please note the pock marks on the chimney. Similar? Also the rock wall carvings which extend for at least 1/4 mile. These carvings span at least a 100 years with different carvers. Rock carving was a Stockdale tradition and still is today. Similar color and style? Notice the stone color, shape, and texture at frame minute 1:14. And; for those of you who don't think Travis was a "real" police officer please take note of the final photograph which was taken just prior to his death. Understanding comes with context..... We strive to correct the context and from it get understanding.


maybe because you dont have any left?:dontknow:

lol...How did you know that I am bald azdave??? JK...I still have a fairly full head of hair...

You won't see me pulling it out because I have been there azdave...And I could solve the mystery for all of you...But I won't...IF ya'll knew what I know about said location...

Ya'll can wait for Cubfan's verdict on my little silver ore from said location...That is IF he will be truthful about the composition of IT...I believe that the ore that I submitted to him is from the location depicted in the PSM's...Maybe I may reveal all that I know about them in the future...But I would not hold my breath...hehehe

Legitimate or not,YOU seem to have enough interest in the stones to follow and comment on what others happen to believe.

I'm 'interested' in Buddhism too, but not enough to shave my head and wear an orange robe.

Sorry SH, I'm not a believer in the Stones, but not trying to discourage others from their chosen religious paths.

I'm 'interested' in Buddhism too, but not enough to shave my head and wear an orange robe.

Sorry SH, I'm not a believer in the Stones, but not trying to discourage others from their chosen religious paths.

Then it sounds like you fall within the same category as the rest of us, Earnie, in that you find the stones and story interesting and have opinions you want to share with other folks who are also interested in the topic.

Interesting Old,

Various interpretation along the river, Which is connected to many carvers but not one to Travis. Why didn't they walk the bank and check out the carvings and try to connect the dots. But it seems by your video it's not Travis's house its peg legs. So where is Travis's house.

Interesting and plausible but not the definitive moment.
So how about a guy who is in tune to carvings so much that he stopped to pee and saw some rocks and say Wow these are cool. Took them home and spent the rest of his life Time and money believing they lead to something Great.

The bottom line no one in there right mind who do that if he new they were FAKE!

Interesting Adds a little more to the whole story.


Then it sounds like you fall within the same category as the rest of us, Earnie, in that you find the stones and story interesting and have opinions you want to share with other folks who are also interested in the topic.

Yes, very interested in the history and myth.

But also kind of astounded that rational people continue to hang on to belief the Stones lead to a result which years and years of their own research and efforts have proven they do not.

Oops, that sounded discouraging. Sorry, carry on...

lol...How did you know that I am bald azdave??? JK...I still have a fairly full head of hair...

You won't see me pulling it out because I have been there azdave...And I could solve the mystery for all of you...But I won't...IF ya'll knew what I know about said location...

Ya'll can wait for Cubfan's verdict on my little silver ore from said location...That is IF he will be truthful about the composition of IT...I believe that the ore that I submitted to him is from the location depicted in the PSM's...Maybe I may reveal all that I know about them in the future...But I would not hold my breath...hehehe

sounds to me like the man is trying to do you a favor by testing your ore...its probably not a good idea to question his motives or truthfulness ..i dont think he has anything to gain by falsifying the results....have you ever considered your suspicious nature is the main reason you are broke?

Mick, the title of the video tells you its Peg Leg's cabin. Travis' grandfather. Have you not seen this before??? Its been known of in Dutch Hunting circles for a decade. Travis, as well as others, carved on the chimney. I would have thought you knew this. I gave you more credit than perhaps was due.

So far as the bank of carvings, its purpose was to show you that rock carving is, and has been, an age old tradition where Travis grew up. Nothing more. Its just something quite normal as a pastime for the area. Seeing evidence that Travis was one of hundreds of others who enjoyed this pastime made his later endeavors and leanings more understandable. That's why the footage is included. If you want to search that wall for clues, be my guest. Take a lunch, its quite massive.

In closing I think there is one thing we can agree on. Whether its rock, parchment, hide, or any other medium, its the message that is important. Many people dismiss the Stone Maps because of the controversy around the medium on which they are displayed. We should dismiss all of that controversy and concentrate on the message. Travis was not obsessed with the rock. He was obsessed with the message. My findings indicate the message did not originate on a rock but rather something much older in time. You are free to disagree.

Yes, very interested in the history and myth.

But also kind of astounded that rational people continue to hang on to belief the Stones lead to a result which years and years of their own research and efforts have proven they do not.

Oops, that sounded discouraging. Sorry, carry on...

earnie..i have talked to many ldm hunters over the years and every one of them has the stone maps solved...and all of them say they lead to a different area...and not one of them has ever produced a speck of gold or an artifact...but it did end up costing them their and finances

sounds to me like the man is trying to do you a favor by testing your ore...its probably not a good idea to question his motives or truthfulness ..i dont think he has anything to gain by falsifying the results....have you ever considered your suspicious nature is the main reason you are broke?

IF you have been down the long road that I have been down with said ore in question azdave...I have been cheated and lied to for a very long time by many people...And not one of them have been truthful when it comes to any of my little ores, nor my little Tia Juana...So pardon me IF I am hesitant to trust anyone when it comes to any of my ores from any of my little holes in the wall...

As for being broke...My suspicious nature may contribute to my current situation but only to a small degree...I was born into poverty azdave...I have not had the luxury of being born with a silver spoon in my mouth or up any other bodily there are times I get frustrated because I am not certain where my next meal may come from or how I will go about making ends meet...But that is life when one is poor...IT has more to do with this glorious system in which we live...Where all of our daily activities are driven by the need for the all mighty, mark of the beast, dollar...IF life were much simpler...I would reveal unto ya'll what I know and solve the mystery of the PSM's and other treasure tale mysteries...

IF I wanted to be rich...I don't believe that I would have too many problems in becoming rich...Other than the fact that when it would come to selling any diamonds or anything else, I would more then likely end up on the short end of the stick...People who buy and sell such things always end up offering much less than said items are actually worth...IF I were to discover a diamond that is worth, let's say a million dollars, a perspective buyer would blow smoke up my rear and tell me that it is only worth a hundred grand...Or something to said effect...Who can say for certain...When it comes to these things I have learned that the buyers of said items are always out to give the seller the short end of the stick...

I would much rather remain poor than make any of said jackholes any richer than they already are...But that is just the way I am...I don't care IF some people try to encourage me to lay claim to any of my little holes in the wall...For IF I do...The cat will be out of the bag and some low down dirty scum will figure out a way to shaft me and lay claim to the area for themselves...Oh well...

I am content in knowing what I know...It does not matter to me in the least IF I ever return to any of my little holes...I am content in knowing what I know and teasing ya'll who believe that you know everything...When in all actuality...Ya'll may not know squat...But that is just my nature...rofl

IF you have been down the long road that I have been down with said ore in question azdave...I have been cheated and lied to for a very long time by many people...And not one of them have been truthful when it comes to any of my little ores, nor my little Tia Juana...So pardon me IF I am hesitant to trust anyone when it comes to any of my ores from any of my little holes in the wall...

As for being broke...My suspicious nature may contribute to my current situation but only to a small degree...I was born into poverty azdave...I have not had the luxury of being born with a silver spoon in my mouth or up any other bodily there are times I get frustrated because I am not certain where my next meal may come from or how I will go about making ends meet...But that is life when one is poor...IT has more to do with this glorious system in which we live...Where all of our daily activities are driven by the need for the all mighty, mark of the beast, dollar...IF life were much simpler...I would reveal unto ya'll what I know and solve the mystery of the PSM's and other treasure tale mysteries...

IF I wanted to be rich...I don't believe that I would have too many problems in becoming rich...Other than the fact that when it would come to selling any diamonds or anything else, I would more then likely end up on the short end of the stick...People who buy and sell such things always end up offering much less than said items are actually worth...IF I were to discover a diamond that is worth, let's say a million dollars, a perspective buyer would blow smoke up my rear and tell me that it is only worth a hundred grand...Or something to said effect...Who can say for certain...When it comes to these things I have learned that the buyers of said items are always out to give the seller the short end of the stick...

I would much rather remain poor than make any of said jackholes any richer than they already are...But that is just the way I am...I don't care IF some people try to encourage me to lay claim to any of my little holes in the wall...For IF I do...The cat will be out of the bag and some low down dirty scum will figure out a way to shaft me and lay claim to the area for themselves...Oh well...

I am content in knowing what I know...It does not matter to me in the least IF I ever return to any of my little holes...I am content in knowing what I know and teasing ya'll who believe that you know everything...When in all actuality...Ya'll may not know squat...But that is just my nature...rofl

actually we would have to believe you had something..before we could be teased by far as being born into poverty so was i...and probably alot of others on this forum were also...nothing wrong with being born broke..its what you do after being born that determines if you stay poor

earnie..i have talked to many ldm hunters over the years and every one of them has the stone maps solved...and all of them say they lead to a different area...and not one of them has ever produced a speck of gold or an artifact...but it did end up costing them their and finances

Well I bag to disagree Azdave,

You just call it Painted 2X4 or Something else, Its just you can't grasp the concept of it because all the years invested by
you and others don't want to believe. Let's face it your not the sharpest tool in the shead along with a lot of others.


Well I bag to disagree Azdave,

You just call it Painted 2X4 or Something else, Its just you can't grasp the concept of it because all the years invested by
you and others don't want to believe. Let's face it your not the sharpest tool in the shead along with a lot of others.


lol...i'm sharper than you'll ever least i can spell:icon_scratch:....if you want anyone to believe you found anything with those silly rock maps you will have to bring proof to the rendezvous..anyone can paint boards gold and try to pass them off as gold bars...if those bars were real you would be in a federal prison right now...the feds monitor this site and if they thought those were anything but painted boards you would be typing from a prison cell...i'm sure they got a good laugh though...matter of fact you are probably the funniest guy on here...thanks for the entertainment

OK, I admit, even though I said I don't believe in the Stones, whenever I pass a mountain skyline in Arizona, New Mexico, or even in Texas, I'm constantly on the look out for something that resembles a Horse, a Heart, or a Sombrero... ;)

Darn those Stones!

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Mick, the title of the video tells you its Peg Leg's cabin. Travis' grandfather. Have you not seen this before??? Its been known of in Dutch Hunting circles for a decade. Travis, as well as others, carved on the chimney. I would have thought you knew this. I gave you more credit than perhaps was due.

So far as the bank of carvings, its purpose was to show you that rock carving is, and has been, an age old tradition where Travis grew up. Nothing more. Its just something quite normal as a pastime for the area. Seeing evidence that Travis was one of hundreds of others who enjoyed this pastime made his later endeavors and leanings more understandable. That's why the footage is included. If you want to search that wall for clues, be my guest. Take a lunch, its quite massive.

In closing I think there is one thing we can agree on. Whether its rock, parchment, hide, or any other medium, its the message that is important. Many people dismiss the Stone Maps because of the controversy around the medium on which they are displayed. We should dismiss all of that controversy and concentrate on the message. Travis was not obsessed with the rock. He was obsessed with the message. My findings indicate the message did not originate on a rock but rather something much older in time. You are free to disagree.

Have I known of this place, Well if you would have checked the bank out you would have found a name there, The name would have read something like this. Wayne Rex Mickelson 73 So keep looking for the ghost in the Machine.

Its in Fort Worth


OK, I admit, even though I said I don't believe in the Stones, whenever I pass a mountain skyline in Arizona, New Mexico, or even in Texas, I'm constantly on the look out for something that resembles a Horse, a Heart, or a Sombrero... ;)


This is is the one your looking for


It is an interesting discussion. I appreciate all points of view. I don't dismiss your points. They are well made. And; I think you guys shouldn't dismiss first hand testimony from those who witnessed the Tumlinson era history of the stones. It has much to tell you. There is more than just one account.

Those accounts have been freely shared with you. Not my place to rehash it. It was only removed when the discussion got so ugly with accusations against innocents folks whose moral character was questioned and mocked. Including hounding Priests, telling witnesses they are motived by greed and even saying fathers didn't/couldn't have fathered children due to age. Grown adults had to verify their birthday to strangers to be considered reliable. That surely they are mistaken because trusted folks know better from afar. How crass is that? And you're bothered because your post of such were deleted??? Come on. You see why these folks may be somewhat leery of interest seekers? These are real people with fond memories from their childhood. This is their kin or their neighbor, they share a kindred spirit with those who went before them. They hold those memories dear.

You don't have to accept all of it as absolute gospel but with the large and diverse group of people who viewed "the stones" and give a different description of their make up, it ought to give you pause. Heck; just from these accounts there is evidence of at least five different sets. One set couldn't have been in multiple places across the country at the SAME time. I'm not a stone carver, I can't tell you how. I can only tell you it happened.

And before attributing fraudulent motive to Travis, consider what you know. Other than unsubstantiated backroom gossip there isn't one shred of evidence Travis ever tried to financially benefit from his creations. Not one. You got it, bring it. On the contrary, what we know is that at each juncture it was Travis' money on the line financing the search. He asked for help in the form of guides and later when his health failed for physical labor help, not for money.

So you ask "why did he do it". The only answer I can give you is because he could. I've told you I believe he was a man obsessed. He was obsessed with finding the meaning of the material his grandfather left behind. Whenever this comes up I picture Richard Dreyfuss in Close Encounters of the Third Kind making a rendition of Devils Tower in his mashed potatoes. Its the same kind of obsession and Travis felt it (IMO) up to his death bed.

Attached is a video I have been authorized to share with you. No advertising, no ulterior motive, just for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy. Please note the pock marks on the chimney. Similar? Also the rock wall carvings which extend for at least 1/4 mile. These carvings span at least a 100 years with different carvers. Rock carving was a Stockdale tradition and still is today. Similar color and style? Notice the stone color, shape, and texture at frame minute 1:14. And; for those of you who don't think Travis was a "real" police officer please take note of the final photograph which was taken just prior to his death. Understanding comes with context..... We strive to correct the context and from it get understanding.

Howdy Lynda,<br><br>
I for one have never complained about R.G. deleting what I have posted, for I can post it again. I don't remember how long you have been here, but for your information, and for the information of Travis's family members, it was R.G. who came here as a newbie calling Travis Tumlinson a con artist. Of course he has deleted those posts, but many here can verify it.<br><br>Besides calling Travis a con artist, it was he who said that Travis could not have been a police officer because he had been in prison. We all knew he had been a police officer, and had seen his picture where he was refered too as Robert Tumlinson. Some figured his name was either Robert Travis, or Travis Robert.<br><br>It is also R.G. who continues to call the PSM's Travis's creations according to your post, when Travis was not even capable of creating them as I showed in a post that has been deleted.<br><br>So don't go accusing others for hurting the feelings of the Tumlinson's when R.G. created all the negetivity. I personally have never trashed any of Travis's family members, but I have proven how their recolections are not reliable, that also got deleted.<br><br>Homar P. Olivarez

Howdy Lynda,<br><br>
I for one have never complained about R.G. deleting what I have posted, for I can post it again. I don't remember how long you have been here, but for your information, and for the information of Travis's family members, it was R.G. who came here as a newbie calling Travis Tumlinson a con artist. Of course he has deleted those posts, but many here can verify it.<br><br>Besides calling Travis a con artist, it was he who said that Travis could not have been a police officer because he had been in prison. We all knew he had been a police officer, and had seen his picture where he was refered too as Robert Tumlinson. Some figured his name was either Robert Travis, or Travis Robert.<br><br>It is also R.G. who continues to call the PSM's Travis's creations according to your post, when Travis was not even capable of creating them as I showed in a post that has been deleted.<br><br>So don't go accusing others for hurting the feelings of the Tumlinson's when R.G. created all the negetivity. I personally have never trashed any of Travis's family members, but I have proven how their recolections are not reliable, that also got deleted.<br><br>Homar P. Olivarez

you say travis was not even capable of carving the stones?..what makes you say that?

actually we would have to believe you had something..before we could be teased by far as being born into poverty so was i...and probably alot of others on this forum were also...nothing wrong with being born broke..its what you do after being born that determines if you stay poor

It is not all that bad being poor...I am much happier eating taquitos de frijoles than when I was miserable eating lobster...I have never even been close to being rich...Unless you want to count that time that I held a paragon diamond in my hand...Or the time I went to one of my good holes in the wall...But I will not complain...I have been in the middle class at one point in my life...And I could afford a nice ribeye steak and know that I still can when I really want one...Yet I am content eating frijol peruano and the simpler things in life...Heck...Today I broke down and got me some cheap chicken thighs and bone in breasts for .79 cents per pound...It is time for a barbecue...I even got me 2 32 oz Salvadorean Caguamas...rofl...It is not too bad being poor...lmao

So why should I care IF I have solved the PSM's???

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