The Peralta Stone Maps, Real Maps to Lost Gold Mines or Cruel Hoax?

Do you think the Peralta stone maps are genuine, or fake?

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I'm just not convinced. Its totally cool for many to believe them the exact rock. Your opinion is as good as mine. I'm a layman at this. Some of you may be experts. I'll cool with that.

To me; Everything about this screams different rock. Regardless of lighting, ratios should remain the same. Top width to bottom width ratio should be the same. Especially when you have two different cameras, two different exposures, made at different times of the same subject. It isn't. Museum rock is very nearly square. Slightly converging but hardly noticeable. Mitchell rock isn't, side lines are converging at a rather sharp angle.

Then compare the depth of the carving. It should be the same or very similar. Depth is the area where lighting can be a real factor. I just don't see the possibility of this much difference even considering the lighting from different directions in two different exposures. Especially on the left side. Fair too much difference for my taste. Almost <g> gives credence to Mick's power washing discussion. Just kidding.

Ratio's between pocks should be the same. They are not. They are good but not exact in every detail. Angle of lettering from a fixed center line should be the same. Isn't. Again, close but not exact.

But this is much like a discussion of how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. Matters little in the grander scheme of things. As Mick says, its the message that counts, regardless of medium.

Howdy Lynda,<br><br>
As deducer says, I'm not out to get you, so don't think I'm trying to make you look bad with this last post on the picture comparison. I know you have your mind set, and am not trying to turn you around. I always post for the sake of those who chime in so that they can make their own conclusion.<br> <br>The reason that the museum rock looks almost square, while the Mitchell era rock does not is because the Mitchell era rock picture was taken outdoors under the sunlight. It was taken from a kneeling postition, thats why the top looks longer than the bottom. It is closer to the camera. Anything closer to the camera will appear larger, this is why every hunter or fisherman stands or sits behind their trophy.The museum rock picture was taken indoors in a higher place than the floor to get a more direct level image.<br><br>The depth of carving, along with the pocks difference is just due to lighting. The Mitchell era rock picture just had the sun above, while the museum rock  was photographed indoors with several lights. Some pocks will not appear when they have light shining from several sides.<br><br>Even the Mitchell era rock would not look the same if two pictures were taken from it under the sun just an hour or several minutes apart.<br><br>Homar<br><br>

If that is a replica, then the carver matched the details of the stone itself. All the little dimples and imperfection. Seems like a lot of effort to me. I'm convinced that the museum are the originals that Travis found. I don't believe Ryan has the evidence to convince me otherwise.

Ohh know, Captain

The Museum Stones are the same ones Mitchell had, but not the ones on Travis bumper pic.
There different, 231 is present on the bumper pic and not on the others. Instead they put a > mark where the trail starts.
and some small other things to, I know this for a fact as I told RG, I'm looking at it right now.

But like I said the maps in the museum contains enough information to fully solve them. It's just nobody has found the 2

you'll see


From Greg's collection......

R Robinson re copies.webp

So, there are plenty of copies out there which, if the molds were high quality, would show the same details and imperfections as the "originals" from which they were taken.
Texture and color might vary however, depending on what was poured into the molds and what amount and color of dye was used.

Ohh know, Captain

The Museum Stones are the same ones Mitchell had, but not the ones on Travis bumper pic.
There different, 231 is present on the bumper pic and not on the others. Instead they put a > mark where the trail starts.
and some small other things to, I know this for a fact as I told RG, I'm looking at it right now.

But like I said the maps in the museum contains enough information to fully solve them. It's just nobody has found the 2

you'll see


If the back sides of the stone trail map are the same , then the front sides are the same too . The same conditions with the back sides of how and when the pictures were taken make the differences between the front side pictures .
Also I believe how in some magazines , were attached photos of mold replicas from the stone trail map .

From Greg's collection......

View attachment 1502101

So, there are plenty of copies out there which, if the molds were high quality, would show the same details and imperfections as the "originals" from which they were taken.
Texture and color might vary however, depending on what was poured into the molds and what amount and color of dye was used.

Howdy Wayne,

Those half size copies of the PSM's must be what R.G claims to be the originals?


Howdy Wayne,

Those half size copies of the PSM's must be what R.G claims to be the originals?


Don't know Homar, but considering the family's ongoing interest in the stone map saga/treasure hunt, it's certainly possible that a set of those half-size replicas might have been acquired by someone in the family and were what Joe and the others had recalled seeing during the interview RG did with them. More likely though, that he was referring to another set of five even smaller stones that are said to have been the REAL stones which Travis found near Black Point.

This is all based on Joes childhood memories....
And the Latin heart fits the smaller original...
Not buying it

If the back sides of the stone trail map are the same , then the front sides are the same too . The same conditions with the back sides of how and when the pictures were taken make the differences between the front side pictures .
Also I believe how in some magazines , were attached photos of mold replicas from the stone trail map .

No, There not

This is all based on Joes childhood memories....
And the Latin heart fits the smaller original...
Not buying it

A great many of these newer and "revised" versions don't add up IMO, but I've never heard that the LH fits the cavity of the smaller version of the trail stone.
Can you share where you heard about that ?

It was described as fitting in the museum stones. Joking about it fitting any smaller version.
I personally believe the Latin heart is a legitimate artifact witch supposedly fit the museum stone cavity.
If you think Travis carved bigger versions, ether Travis coincidentally guessed the diameter of the cavity or the Latin heart is a fraud.
Ryan believes the Latin heart is a fraud so Joe's childhood memorie still supports his accusation that Travis must have created a hoax.
Just my opinion

In Ryan's video interviewing Joe, Joe said that he remembered them being smaller and the same color as the priest stone. He hadn't seen them since he was a child. Seems to me if Travis wanted to create replicas he would probably have made them smaller.

If Rand McNally printed out a map to Disneyland that NO ONE has ever been able to follow to the Magic Kingdom, would you still consider it a legitimate map?

Give my regards to Mickey.

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If Rand McNally printed out a map to Disneyland that NO ONE has ever been able to follow to the Magic Kingdom, would you still consider it a legitimate map?

Give my regards to Mickey.

What to follow Ernie ? The stone trail map ?
That trail is a short one and connects two rich mines from the same mountainside . That trail lies between the lower " donut " and to the upper " donut " in front of the Horse from the stone map .
The same image with the " donuts " is depicted in front of the Priest from the stone tablet , in which image the stone trail is metaphorically depicted with the back side of the upper stone trail and the numbers 2-3 .
Also the numbers in the Priest stone map , rerpresent each verse written on that map . So , the numbers 2 and 3 , are for " yo boy 18 lugares ' and " busca el mapa " .

Now , you can go to Disneyland .


The number 1 ( that exists also in the stone trail map ) from the Priest stone map which represents the first verse " esta bereda es peligroza " , is not for the stone trail but for a different narrow path which is above and follows in some way the edge and the shape of the mountain .

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If Rand McNally printed out a map to Disneyland that NO ONE has ever been able to follow to the Magic Kingdom, would you still consider it a legitimate map?

Give my regards to Mickey.

Legitimate or not,YOU seem to have enough interest in the stones to follow and comment on what others happen to believe.

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the only interest i have in the stone maps is the entertainment i get from watching people pull their hair out over them:BangHead:


the only interest i have in the stone maps is the entertainment i get from watching people pull their hair out over them:BangHead:

You won't see me pulling my hair out over them... :laughing7:

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