Why Did The Obama Administration “Organize And Manage” Protests Against George Zimmer

I think they will be advised at least "under the table" to take the weekend or longer
just to be sure everyone thinks they thought long & hard over their Verdict.
Although naturally I could be wrong. did the jury get charged Yet ?
of course they may just wait till Monday to Charge the Jury :dontknow:

Just found this .
If no verdict by 5pm Friday, will the Zimmerman jury work all weekend or rest until Monday? click to find out | Gretawire

I'm sorry Crispin, I did not realize you were there and witnessed the crime...

I have followed the case closely and there is no proof to convict. He profiled him as being suspicious and followed him, no law broken, there was a confrontation and Martin was on top attacking Zimmerman and he defended himself...

Crispin if your the one on trial and there are say text messages on phone that shows man you shot was talking about committing burglaries in your neighborhood
or violence, possibly against you, would you not want that presented at your trial. Would you prefer to sit in jail for several years waiting for the chance for that to be presented.

Zimmerman Had No Other Choice But To Shoot Trayvon Martin To Defend Himself.

Yet another witness took the stand and strengthened Zimmerman’s case this week.

As George Zimmerman’s trial for the murder of Trayvon Martin comes to an end, a former law enforcement officer testified on Zimmerman’s perceived physical abilities.

Denis Root said that Zimmerman’s physical abilities were… Well, nonexistent.

Root said Zimmerman “did scream for help,” and “obviously tried to continue to resist” when Martin was on top of him, allegedly beating him up. Root believes Zimmerman did everything he could to defend himself before resorting to his gun.
“In every force event, it’s just a matter of what you as an individual see as being your options,” Root said.

He continued, “As far as drawing a conclusion, I don’t know what else he could have done based on his abilities. Because, not to be offensive to Mr. Zimmerman, but he doesn’t seem to have any.”
Therefore, it seems that if Zimmerman wanted to stay alive, he had to pull the trigger.

It is beginning to look like Geroge Zimmerman might walk free. If he does, riots may break out across the country. Let’s hope law enforcement is ready.

Expert Says Zimmerman Had No Other Choice But To Shoot Trayvon Martin To Defend Himself // Mr. Conservative

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I agree with you. There is not enough evidence to convict. He will walk, I have clearly said that several times. In fact, I have a bet with DieselRam about it.
It is not up to you, me, or the police officer to determine guilt. It is up the jury...that is why we have a legal system. Oddly enough, at this point in time, Zimmerman is probably better off dead...

I agree with you. There is not enough evidence to convict. He will walk, I have clearly said that several times. In fact, I have a bet with DieselRam about it.
It is not up to you, me, or the police officer to determine guilt. It is up the jury...that is why we have a legal system. Oddly enough, at this point in time, Zimmerman is probably better off dead...

Here is the thing, there wasn't sufficient evidence to charge him with a crime to begin with so why is he on trial?

Under our legal system there must be enough evidence to charge a defendant. As previously stated the chief of police who had the case to begin with stated there was no evidence to charge Zimmerman with any crime, Zimmerman had injuries to show he was being attacked.

Zimmerman only got charged after adminstration stepped in for political reasons......

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Crispin I will have to agree with you.my heart is fearful for Zimmerman as well as the rest of us if he does walk.This has become a trial that has set a orecedence and a tone for this country I do not like,one of more divisiveness than ever.I recently wa a member of a jurys on a case a few months back and the process was really interesting,especially the deliberation part,how far apart the jurors were,yet so close on the same issues.You really have to step outside of yourself,your beliefs,your values and just go with the evidence or lack of you have been given to make up your mind and not be swayed to give the convicted a fair and sound trial.

My friend,

Since when did you and TH become experts on what should and should not be allowed as evidence in a murder trial?
If the judge is biased it will only serve to cause an overturned verdict during appeals. Her every move is closely monitored by both sides. The last thing a judge wants is a verdict thrown out because of their behavior. That evidence is circumstantial and has nothing to do with Zimmerman's guilt. If we were assesing Trayvon's guilt then it would be. O wait a minute....Trayvon is dead. Zimmerman profiled, tracked, approached, and killed him. He did so even after he was told by law enforcement not to confront him. Those are facts that are relevant.

Crispin, please don't see this as wanting to argue with you. But the evidence on the phone substantiates Zimmerman's story and it helps to illustrate the character of Martin. Martin was no angel and Zimmerman had no way of knowing Martins age to know he was only seventeen. As far as the profiling part goes I believe it was nighttime and Zimmerman did not recognize Martin. I don't think it had anything to do with race at all. Martin was on top beating the piss out of Zimmerman so Zimmerman's only defense left was his weapon. The evidence has been presented to prove this. I wish it had ended much differently than it did and I for one never want to have to live with the thought of having killed someone, in any circumstance. But if it came down to my life or theirs I will choose mine every time. The president injecting himself into this case did nothing but divide the country even further and I fear that if Zimmerman is set free the riots will begin and be severe and several people will die as a result. Tragic.
I believe the judge is swaying and railroading this case to ensure a guilty verdict as if he is found innocent he can not be tried for the crime again. She is willing to cheat to achieve this. Unfortunately this is what happens when politics overshadow our political system. In the end someone is going to murder Zimmerman and maybe even torture him. There is no good ending possible to this case.

Crispin I will have to agree with you.my heart is fearful for Zimmerman as well as the rest of us if he does walk.This has become a trial that has set a orecedence and a tone for this country I do not like,one of more divisiveness than ever.I recently wa a member of a jurys on a case a few months back and the process was really interesting,especially the deliberation part,how far apart the jurors were,yet so close on the same issues.You really have to step outside of yourself,your beliefs,your values and just go with the evidence or lack of you have been given to make up your mind and not be swayed to give the convicted a fair and sound trial.

I agree. Being a juror is no easy task. When the standard is "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt" there leaves absolutely no wiggle room. Whether you think the defendant did it or not is completely irrelevant. There is not enough evidence to convict Zimmerman; however, with that being said, I'm only reading and following the news. Things may look different when you are at the trial 8 hours a day for three weeks straight.

I continue to believe that a trial was necessary. There is little point in debating this as it is simply a matter of opinion. I understand the opinion that a trial was not necessary. I just don't agree with it. I also don't trust police to make the decision. We've talked in numerous threads how police in small towns are biased and can abuse power. They can abuse power to falsely arrest people as well as to not arrest people. That may or may not have happened here...


Crispin, please don't see this as wanting to argue with you. But the evidence on the phone substantiates Zimmerman's story and it helps to illustrate the character of Martin. Martin was no angel and Zimmerman had no way of knowing Martins age to know he was only seventeen. As far as the profiling part goes I believe it was nighttime and Zimmerman did not recognize Martin. I don't think it had anything to do with race at all. Martin was on top beating the piss out of Zimmerman so Zimmerman's only defense left was his weapon. The evidence has been presented to prove this. I wish it had ended much differently than it did and I for one never want to have to live with the thought of having killed someone, in any circumstance. But if it came down to my life or theirs I will choose mine every time. The president injecting himself into this case did nothing but divide the country even further and I fear that if Zimmerman is set free the riots will begin and be severe and several people will die as a result. Tragic.
I believe the judge is swaying and railroading this case to ensure a guilty verdict as if he is found innocent he can not be tried for the crime again. She is willing to cheat to achieve this. Unfortunately this is what happens when politics overshadow our political system. In the end someone is going to murder Zimmerman and maybe even torture him. There is no good ending possible to this case.

No worries my friend, I never see it as arguing from you. One, Zimmerman will walk. Two, there will not be race riots. Clearly, we will soon find out which one of us correct.

It is unfortunate that vigilantes will take justice into their own hands. Even if they do not kill Zimmerman, he no longer has any chance of living a life without constant fear and persecution. I agree with your take on the evidence. It certainly appears that Zimmerman was getting an ass whooping. However, that is not a fact. There are logical views from dissenters. However, the evidence against Zimmerman is "Not beyond a reasonable doubt." Having been and still being an intricate part of the court system I have some insight into this.


The Anatomy of a Lynching

Posted on July 12, 2013
By Steven Ahle

A long, *long time ago, there was a confrontation between two people and one ended up dead.* The police took the survivor to the police station, questioned him,*gave him two lie detector tests, both of which he passed and they let him go.* That was the last time George Zimmerman received justice.

The press got their hands on it and made it into the story of the year.* And wherever there is money that Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson can grab off, they will be there.* Guess who else was there?* Eric Holder.* If not in body, at least in spirit.* With cash.**The DOJ sponsored the Justice for Trayvon Tour.

Still, Zimmerman is a free man awaiting final absolution.* The sheriff who let Zimmerman go was fired.* Today, he says that he was*pressured to make an arrest.* When he refused, he was fired former Sanford Police Chief *Bill Lee, told CNN.

The next batter was the media, who finally caught up with the fact that Zimmerman was Hispanic.* But they had already made it a racial thing and they had gone too far to back down now, hence, they coined the phrase “White Hispanic.”* Now remember, liberals claim the darker the skin, the more conservatives hate blacks.* So does that mean anyone who judges Hispanics by the amount of tonin in their skin would be racists?* I think so.

Batting clean up was NBC.* To create the impression that Zimmerman was a raving racist,*they doctored a tape,*making it appear that Zimmerman was racially profiling Martin.* That lie was exposed but it still lives on in the minds of the weak.

Then the racist in chief, just like in the Harvard incident blamed the cop without having any of the facts, condemned Zimmerman and told the world that if he had a son,*he would look just like Trayvon.* Trayvon may have broken into houses, done drugs, and even attacked people, but putting him in Obama’s class is like the Yankees playing a t-ball team.

The prosecutor then got into the act, forced the police to arrest Zimmerman, and charged him for second degree murder.* That would entail him getting very angry and with deranged indifference killing Martin.* The evidence didn’t support that.* She was practically laughing at the press conference she gave.* Even if you believed Zimmerman was guilty of anything, it would be manslaughter.

Not to be left out, the judge then got into the act and decided certain evidence wasn’t relevant.* Oh, like the fact Martin had been smoking pot that night, that he bragged about his fighting, how he tried to buy a gun, etc.* Things like that.* And when the case was nearly over, she then got into an argument with Zimmerman’s lawyer.* She asked Zimmerman if he was going to testify, which is a no, *no.

The lawyer asked for time to confer with his client, but the judge overruled the objection and tried to make Zimmerman answer.* That violates his right for legal representation.* Kathi Belich, a journalist for a local news channel said that in 30 years of reporting in the courts, she had never seen anything the judge’s action before.

Now the prosecutor decides it’s time he got into the act and after arguing for the last week that Zimmerman killed Martin for one reason only.* He wanted to.* He now asks that the jury consider manslaughter and third degree murder.* The judge allowed the manslaughter charge to be considered.* I can see only one reason for it.* They know they didn’t even come close to proving their case, the DOJ is on her arse and they are hoping the lesser charge results in a hung jury.

And once Zimmerman is set free?* Where can he live in peace?* Where can he work?* Will he ever be able to quit looking over his shoulder?* I guess that’s a small price to pay to make money for Al Sharpton, ratings for the television stations and the newspapers, and a good crisis for the White House. Martial law after the riots?* I don’t think so, but then again just 5 years ago if I read this column I would not have believed it.


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the bottom line is; two people knew what happened, and one of them is dead. No matter what else happens from here, they both will answer to a higher power than any second amendment watchdog

Well said Jeff.

Zimmerman will be found not guilty. There will be no riots. He will have to relocate to try and live a semi normal life. This whole thing has been hyped up by the media (as usual). Trayvon Martin was the rascist, he was the drug user, he was the wannabe thug, Zimmerman was just another cracker to him. Is Zimmerman to blame for his death? Of course. Did he commit a crime in doing it? No. Could it have been avoided? More than likely. The only reason this has gained national attention is because of the whole racial aspect of the case. But you know what? It's Martin that is/was the rascist, along with the NAACP marchers led by Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, two of the most rascist people in this country. Not George Zimmerman. This whole thing is nothing but a damn puppet show.

Zimmerman will be found not guilty. There will be no riots. He will have to relocate to try and live a semi normal life. This whole thing has been hyped up by the media (as usual). Trayvon Martin was the rascist, he was the drug user, he was the wannabe thug, Zimmerman was just another cracker to him. Is Zimmerman to blame for his death? Of course. Did he commit a crime in doing it? No. Could it have been avoided? More than likely. The only reason this has gained national attention is because of the whole racial aspect of the case. But you know what? It's Martin that is/was the rascist, along with the NAACP marchers led by Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, two of the most rascist people in this country. Not George Zimmerman. This whole thing is nothing but a damn puppet show.

YEAH! the racist jumped in front of the bullet just to get people riled up. the nerve!

What truly worries me is the underlying intimidation profiling of Zimmerman as a wannabe vigilante cop will cause some jurors to not be true to themselves and use their logic and wisdom because of the dog and pony show this trial really has become. Everyone tends to forget Trayvon's record and he has become the nation's flavor of the day victim.Everyone is suffering,Trayvon's family losing as son as well as Zimmerman's because life will never be the same and he will always constantly have to be on guard.

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YEAH! the racist jumped in front of the bullet just to get people riled up. the nerve!

Did you forget Martin was on top of Zimmerman and in the process of banging zimmermans head on the concrete sidewalk when shot?.....

Did you forget zimmerman passed 2 seperate lie detectors tests at the police station after he was first taken into custdy? How easy do you think it is to pass a lie detector test once much less twice, especially immediately after a crime?

Pictures of Zimmerman's head taken night of attack...Notice 2 black eyes and the lacerations on the back of the head from the sidewalk....

George Zimmerman.webp

respectfully coily, the kid's record or plans to be a thug are irrelevant. this case only involves the events that night. and even if zimmerman's story is true, he took a life. he had the deadly weapon. he stalked the kid. he could have waited on the police. If someone was following me I would confront them too. even if he killed in self defense, he has to live with the consequences

Did you forget Martin was on top of Zimmerman and in the process of banging zimmermans head on the concrete sidewalk when shot?.....

Did you forget zimmerman passed 2 seperate lie detectors tests at the police station after he was first taken into custdy? How easy do you think it is to pass a lie detector test once much less twice, especially immediately after a crime?

Pictures of Zimmerman's head taken night of attack...Notice 2 black eyes and the lacerations on the back of the head from the sidewalk....

View attachment 827502

according to zimmerman you mean? only he knows what happened, not you, not me , not anyone else. and I suppose it's impossible for someone who killed another to injure himself to support his story? If I banged your head on concrete several times, you would need a hospital visit, not a bandaid.

I get where you're coming from too Jeff but common sense and good judgement doesn't always prevail when someone is in a scary situation and people don't always listen to the police,especially when they think they're trying to do the right thing.Yes, Zimmerman stalked if you will Martin but he may have not planned for things to go down the way they did and just reacted. The whole thing is just sad all the way around.

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I get where you're coming from too Jeff but common sense doesn't always prevails when someone is in a scary situation and people don't always listen to the police,especially when they think they're trying to do the right thing.yes Zimmerman stalked if you will Martin but he may have not planned for things to go down the way they did and just reacted.

that's what I think happened too. leave policing to the police I say.

In a perfect world,yes,leaving the policing to the police would have been for the best.

according to zimmerman you mean? only he knows what happened, not you, not me , not anyone else. and I suppose it's impossible for someone who killed another to injure himself to support his story? If I banged your head on concrete several times, you would need a hospital visit, not a bandaid.
Are you serious Jeff? I really don't think Zimmerman banged his head on his own to come up with a story...

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