George Zimmerman Found Not Guility On All Charges

Crispin, he was found not guility of all charges..... Since you were not there you dont know what started the fight or even who threw the first blow, it could have easily been Martin who turned and jumped on Zimmerman first... Evidence not allowed in trial by judge shows Matin is not some innocent kid.....He was on a path of cirme...

It is a win for the right to defend yourself..... was not a win for the right to defend yourself. If that is all this case was about then the defense who have tried the Stand Your Ground Defense prior to any trial and prevented the whole thing. This is a victory for our legal system. Despite high emotions, six jurors made the right choice. The evidence presented did not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman may or may not have been in fear of his life and may or may not have responded with justifiable force. That is all this trial proves. That and nothing more. Due process was used and applied. The way our founding fathers wanted it to be. If anything it should push those of us that are worried about a government takeover to be a little less worried. The government did its job...


I don't believe he is innocent but unfortunately the prosecution did not prove their case..thus reasonable doubt!

Ever think that they didnt and couldnt prove their case because there wasnt one:laughing7: was not a win for the right to defend yourself. If that is all this case was about then the defense who have tried the Stand Your Ground Defense prior to any trial and prevented the whole thing. This is a victory for our legal system. Despite high emotions, six jurors made the right choice. The evidence presented did not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman may or may not have been in fear of his life and may or may not have responded with justifiable force. That is all this trial proves. That and nothing more. Due process was used and applied. The way our founding fathers wanted it to be. If anything it should push those of us that are worried about a government takeover to be a little less worried. The government did its job...


Wrong, it is also a win for the right to defend yourself, he was being attacked, his head was being banged in the concrete, he used his legally own firearm to defend himself...

The current adminstration did everything in its power to try to use this case in their attempt to try to destroy our 2nd amendment rights and to see he was found guility including getting the worthless attorney general Holder involved when he should not have been..

They told him not to pursue. ..he was a cop wannabe. .maybe you don't know the facts...

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Squig I'm not confronting you but I take it you do not belong to a Block watch. Some people take this serious,
while your sleeping some body is watching maybe for your protection. Ya and I know maybe maybe well that's not what happened.
When I go to Sun City Arz. I see people in their 80's They are called the posse (Block watch) No gun's just radio's (Maybe the cops actually come there) Or maybe it's to hot there to wear a hoodie?? and that's a state were every body carries.

You are celebrating the death of a minor and the freedom of a killer. Perhaps a therapist would be of benefit.

No, we are celebrating the freedom of a man who excersized self defense against a 17 year old who attacked him. You should stop watching the news channels that only show the picture of Martin as a 12 year kid instead of the 17 year old, pot smoking, gang sign throwing thug that he was.

No, we are celebrating the freedom of a man who excersized self defense against a 17 year old who attacked him. You should stop watching the news channels that only show the picture of Martin as a 12 year kid instead of the 17 year old, pot smoking, gang sign throwing thug that he was.

Just another case of things being bass ackwards,again. was not a win for the right to defend yourself. If that is all this case was about then the defense who have tried the Stand Your Ground Defense prior to any trial and prevented the whole thing. This is a victory for our legal system. Despite high emotions, six jurors made the right choice. The evidence presented did not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman may or may not have been in fear of his life and may or may not have responded with justifiable force. That is all this trial proves. That and nothing more. Due process was used and applied. The way our founding fathers wanted it to be. If anything it should push those of us that are worried about a government takeover to be a little less worried. The government did its job...

No, the government didn't do their job...our fellow citizens did theirs. The government actually tried to railroad Zimmerman. They knew the case was weak, so got the press involved, and tried to stir the racist emotions in an attempt to pressure the jury into a conviction. You may think this is government's job...I don't. This was a large win, because people will be less afraid to get involved when they see a problem. Had Zimmerman been convicted it would have served notice that we should all keep our heads monkeys....see no evil , hear no evil, etc. I'm sorry Trayvon is dead, but I see this as larger than Trayvon. I tend to go with the police chief, who, originally said it was self-defense.

What gets me is how often Martin is referred to as a minor and even "a child". For pete's sake, I was 17 and in a combat zone on the South China Sea. I didn't consider myself a "child". Also, it doesn't matter how old he was if he was banging someone's head on the concrete. I don't care if he was 9, if the only way to stop him was to shoot his a$$, then shoot away! Can a 17-year-old shout out that he is only 17 and then do whatever he wants because he is considered a minor? Had he killed Zimmerman I'm sure he would have been tried as an adult. He is referred to as a "child" to beef up the case against Zimmerman just like when the "American Talban's" father referred to his 20-year-old traitor son as "he's just a boy". If 17 is a child, then we have children in our military. Now they are saying that people might think twice about following someone around but I would hope it might make thugs think twice before they accost someone on the street, they might just be armed! This wasn't a case about whether Zimmerman shot him or not, it was whether he was justified because he felt he was in imminent danger. Apparently evidence showed Zimmerman was within his rights.

Mixed emotions here, too. The circumstantial evidence was not in favor of Zimmermann (Martin was returning from a convenience store, with skittles and ice tea, to a family member's residence in the neighborhood). Had Zimmerman not bird-dogged him, the boy would have likely just gone to the residence, and that would have been that.

The eyewitness testimony was spotty, at best, and the only person alive that really knows what happened is Zimmermann. Did Martin act aggressively to Zimmerman's presence and truly place him in danger? That we will never know for sure.

If I was on the jury, I would have also voted to acquit. I feel bad that the kid is dead, but the prosecution flat failed to prove it's case. Was it because there was no evidence to find? Again, we'll probably never know.

Is it a loss for race relations? Is it a win for gun rights? The media will play it both ways, but (even as a proud gun owner) I think not. It's just fuel to the fire for people looking for that slant.

As they say, opinions are like noses (clean version), everyone has one, and they're all different. This just happens to be mine.


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(Martin was returning from a convenience store, with skittles and ice tea, to a family member's residence in the neighborhood). Had Zimmerman not bird-dogged him, the boy would have likely just gone to the residence, and that would have been that.


Why do people keep forgetting to add what happened between leaving the store and arriving home?? He almost beat a guy to death.... That might have a little something to do with why this happened.

Just a boy? I think not. If T dog wasn't doing anything why the hell did he jump Zimmerman? And nobody is celebrating the death of the"child". It is certainly a clear case of self defense.
A better outcome would have resulted if Travon would have just asked Zimmerman why he was following him. Then he could calmly explain that he was returning from the store and on his way home.

Why do people keep forgetting to add what happened between leaving the store and arriving home?? He almost beat a guy to death.

I'm not forgetting anything. If there was conclusive proof that "He almost beat a guy to death", then I couldn't agree with you more. Not here to debate, just to state my opinion.


Anyone who has been a member of a jury knows it is a tough call weighing all the facts and not just the ones grandized to the public by the media.Don't forget people that we didn't get to see all the evidence that was presented and its so easy for everyone to armchair quarterback.I feel like justice has been served and I am definitely not celebrating nor gloating over the death of a "child" as it were.

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To prove the crime of Second Degree Murder, the State must prove the following three elements beyond a reasonable doubt:
1. Trayvon Martin is dead.
2. The death was caused by the criminal act of George Zimmerman.
3. There was an unlawful killing of Trayvon Martin by an act imminently dangerous to another and demonstrating a depraved mind without regard for human life.
An “act” includes a series of related actions arising from and performed pursuant to a single design or purpose.
An act is “imminently dangerous to another and demonstrating a depraved mind” if it is an act or series of acts that:
1. a person of ordinary judgment would know is reasonably certain to kill or do serious bodily injury to another, and
2. is done from ill will, hatred, spite or an evil intent, and
3. is of such a nature that the act itself indicates an indifference to human life.
In order to convict of Second Degree Murder, it is not necessary for the State to prove George Zimmerman had an intent to cause death.

The police did not tell zimmerman anything, it was 911 that told him, 911 operator is not the police. He was not obligated to listen to them either.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

That's right, as I said it was 911 operator. ..he was in my opinion a fool not to listen to them, look how it all played out..I sure don't know the truth of what happened, but if he had not acted in the way he did this whole thing would have had a different ending for sure..

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Squig I'm not confronting you but I take it you do not belong to a Block watch. Some people take this serious,
while your sleeping some body is watching maybe for your protection. Ya and I know maybe maybe well that's not what happened.
When I go to Sun City Arz. I see people in their 80's They are called the posse (Block watch) No gun's just radio's (Maybe the cops actually come there) Or maybe it's to hot there to wear a hoodie?? and that's a state were every body carries.

I understand what you are saying and by the way thanks for being nice about it..No I don't have neighborhood watch, I live way out in wilderness area, so I don't know how that is set up..sounds like a good thing to have.
I sure don't know what happened, just think he should have not pursued and let law enforcement handle it..

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Trayvon should not have attacked him. He was the aggressor.He tried to inflict massive bodily harm on an armed citizen, and paid the ultimate price. Very sad, very true.

Nobody knows the truth, unless they were there!

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4 Beta

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