George Zimmerman Found Not Guility On All Charges

I feel everyone has the right to an opinion on anything. I find that some on TNET are gracious in presenting theirs and some are pretty nasty. .

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I'm just making a supposition based on the evidence that has been submitted to the court. What else is there to do? Opinions mean nothing in the court of law. Or shouldn't.

No Bevo, I did not mean sorry if it sounded that way..

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Just registered on treasure net and this crap was not what I expected to see, I could not care less about that stupid trial and don't want to hear a media driven debate.

So don't click the thread!

That's right, as I said it was 911 operator. ..he was in my opinion a fool not to listen to them, look how it all played out..I sure don't know the truth of what happened, but if he had not acted in the way he did this whole thing would have had a different ending for sure..

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Not only do you not no the truth, you don't know anything about this case...he did everything they told him to do, when they told him to do it...the media had everyone confused before the facts came out in the courtroom...your still confused

Excuse me Jason I thought I was in a Metal detecting forum was not a win for the right to defend yourself. If that is all this case was about then the defense who have tried the Stand Your Ground Defense prior to any trial and prevented the whole thing. This is a victory for our legal system. Despite high emotions, six jurors made the right choice. The evidence presented did not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman may or may not have been in fear of his life and may or may not have responded with justifiable force. That is all this trial proves. That and nothing more. Due process was used and applied. The way our founding fathers wanted it to be. If anything it should push those of us that are worried about a government takeover to be a little less worried. The government did its job...

The government did its job? The government did everything they could to railroad and convict an innocent man...its a HUGE win for the right to defend yourself.

Excuse me Jason I thought I was in a Metal detecting forum
You are on the
shanemcn. However, you are in the Second Amendment Watchdog SubForum which is under Everything Else and doesn't actually discuss MD'ng. So, you might want to stay away from this SubForum.

The jury got it right. Best of luck to George. I live in Connecticut. He talk to the cops many times without a lawyer.

Just registered on treasure net and this crap was not what I expected to see, I could not care less about that stupid trial and don't want to hear a media driven debate.

You choose to click on the thread and read. Just like a TV you have the ability to choose a different forum (station)

Any member has the ability to ignore a thread or even an entire forum using forum tools....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I'm surprised no ones bringing up the fact that getting smacked in the nose causes your brain to go over drive. When I boxed in the Navy when you took a hit your whole purpose was to inflect harm to the other guy. Throw rational behavior out the window. Just ask Evander Holyfield. (Not hearing to good):laughing7:

Just registered on treasure net and this crap was not what I expected to see, I could not care less about that stupid trial and don't want to hear a media driven debate.

Too bad, so sad...move along.

Sent from my SCH-R930 using Tapatalk 2

Just registered on treasure net and this crap was not what I expected to see, I could not care less about that stupid trial and don't want to hear a media driven debate.
Then go look at a different thread.....nothing requiring you to read this one.

Saw on the news that Harry Reid & the NAACP are going after Zimmerman for violating Trayvon Martin's civil rights. I knew this thing wasn't over. They won't rest until Zimmerman is behind bars.

Saw on the news that Harry Reid & the NAACP are going after Zimmerman for violating Trayvon Martin's civil rights. I knew this thing wasn't over. They won't rest until Zimmerman is behind bars.

They will try, but still have to prove to a jury..... Going to be real hard to prove this one. No video from bystanders to rely on.

No doubt Al Sharpton will be involved, he never misses a camera photo op.

Maybe this time the real T.Martin will be revealed, the one with stolen jewelry in his backpack with the pot when he was suspended from school or the text messages on his phone where he talks about wanting to buy a gun illegally since he was too young to buy gun and other messages talking about liking to fight, he was in a lot of fights.

He was a wannabe gangsta street thug.....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

You choose to click on the thread and read. Just like a TV you have the ability to choose a different forum (station)

Any member has the ability to ignore a thread or even an entire forum using forum tools....

You know how it is TH,if a lib doesnt like something then nobody should be allowed to like it:laughing7:

Quite tragic really , there were no winners . Mick

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