Why Did The Obama Administration “Organize And Manage” Protests Against George Zimmer

according to zimmerman you mean? only he knows what happened, not you, not me , not anyone else. and I suppose it's impossible for someone who killed another to injure himself to support his story? If I banged your head on concrete several times, you would need a hospital visit, not a bandaid.

Jeff, there were witnesses there just seconds after the gun shot, dont you think they would have reported zimmerman banging his head on the concrete.....:BangHead:

Now you have him banging his own head to support his story that he had to make up with in seconds of the gun shot, and then was able to pass not one, but TWO lie detector tests.......:BangHead: :BangHead:

Now who is reaching for a far fetched story....

I am confused as to why the general rule is Travon is completely innocent and George is a murderer...Why the assumption of guilt?
Is this how it is supposed to work?

Are you serious Jeff? I really don't think Zimmerman banged his head on his own to come up with a story...

I'm just saying none of us KNOWS what happened.

I am confused as to why the general rule is Travon is completely innocent and George is a murderer...Why the assumption of guilt?
Is this how it is supposed to work?

Well you certainly know I don't think that Dieselram but as usual,the mainstream media fueled by our current administration has completely flipped the whole trial and its content to be a racial matter and the public just eats it up. I'll bet you if Trayvon had lived to give his side of it things might just be completely different story but dead men tell no lies or truths for that matter and so it rests in the jury's hands.

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Lets talk about this whole "laceration" thing. Since we are now using medical terminology I get to be the expert on lacerations. Here are a couple of points to consider:

1. The scalp is one of the most vascular parts of the body. The wounds that appear on the back of Zimmerman show very little blood and are extremely minor. Given the amount of adrenaline he was pumping through his body and how high his pulse and BP would have been any serious head wound would have resulted in a lot of blood loss.
2. Any serious amount of banging head against the ground would have led to coup and contra-coup injuries of the brain and would have resulted directly into a concussion. Had Zimmerman actually had a concussion then his memory surrounding events would have been impaired and he would not have been able to participate in a lie detector test.
3. The pictures of his eyes fail to demonstrate any sort of facial swelling. Minutes after injury occur, serious flesh damage would have resulted in edema in inflammed areas.

Conclusion: Zimmerman's injuries are minor at worst.
Opinion: It is easy to survive a fight. It is really hard to survive a bullet to the heart.
2nd opinion: Zimmerman should have just taken his ass whooping like a man. Trayvon would still be alive and he would not be in the terrible situation he is in.


Jeff, there were witnesses there just seconds after the gun shot, dont you think they would have reported zimmerman banging his head on the concrete.....:BangHead:

Now you have him banging his own head to support his story that he had to make up with in seconds of the gun shot, and then was able to pass not one, but TWO lie detector tests.......:BangHead: :BangHead:

Now who is reaching for a far fetched story....

I was trying to make the point that none of us knows. well, except you and rush . I give..

I am confused as to why the general rule is Travon is completely innocent and George is a murderer...Why the assumption of guilt?
Is this how it is supposed to work?

You are invoking semantics. Zimmerman is a self-confessed killer. Murderer is just putting a slant on the definition of a killer. (a natural borne killer)

So if none of us KNOWS what happened then how can he be convicted?

This is exactly why he will not be convicted. You can retract your wager if you want. :) I was going to get the first tank of gas as a courtesy to a guest irregardless.


Lets talk about this whole "laceration" thing. Since we are now using medical terminology I get to be the expert on lacerations. Here are a couple of points to consider:

1. The scalp is one of the most vascular parts of the body. The wounds that appear on the back of Zimmerman show very little blood and are extremely minor. Given the amount of adrenaline he was pumping through his body and how high his pulse and BP would have been any serious head wound would have resulted in a lot of blood loss.
2. Any serious amount of banging head against the ground would have led to coup and contra-coup injuries of the brain and would have resulted directly into a concussion. Had Zimmerman actually had a concussion then his memory surrounding events would have been impaired and he would not have been able to participate in a lie detector test.
3. The pictures of his eyes fail to demonstrate any sort of facial swelling. Minutes after injury occur, serious flesh damage would have resulted in edema in inflammed areas.

Conclusion: Zimmerman's injuries are minor at worst.
Opinion: It is easy to survive a fight. It is really hard to survive a bullet to the heart.
2nd opinion: Zimmerman should have just taken his ass whooping like a man. Trayvon would still be alive and he would not be in the terrible situation he is in.

Crispin, this could have easily ended with Zimmerman dead and Travon being set free with no media attention. This started out as a non racial thing and because of outside factors has been turned into a racial thing. Very sad...

I am confused as to why the general rule is Travon is completely innocent and George is a murderer...Why the assumption of guilt?
Is this how it is supposed to work?

I'm trying to stay out of the Argument part,
because I already made my opinion Known, & Don't expect it to matter :tongue3:

But since you asked I'll give my opinion on this,
and Yes Everyone is Innocent until proven Guilty in my world.

Including Martin . Unfortunately he can no longer defend himself.

but his past can be used against him anyway :( even Exaggerated if necessary .
(Called a drug addict, cause he smoked pot ? :icon_scratch: )
So :dontknow: even if zimmerman is found legally Innocent I will still have my doubts
the court system got it right. they didn't get it right with OJ imo
although at least he's in jail for now

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This is exactly why he will not be convicted. You can retract your wager if you want. :) I was going to get the first tank of gas as a courtesy to a guest irregardless.


LOL! That's OK Crispin I don't mind sticking with the bet. :occasion14:

Martial Law sounded pretty far-fetched in this 1961 episode of The Twilight Zone. Could it really happen here soon?


I'm trying to stay out of the Argument part,
because I already made my opinion Known, & Don't expect it to matter :tongue3:

But since you asked I'll give my opinion on this,
and Yes Everyone is Innocent until proven Guilty in my world.

Including Martin . Unfortunately he can no longer defend himself.

but his past can be used against him anyway :( even Exaggerated if necessary .
(Called a drug addict, cause he smoked pot ? :icon_scratch: )
So :dontknow: even if zimmerman is found legally Innocent I will still have my doubts
the court system got it right. they didn't get it right with OJ imo
although at least he's in jail for now
I agree OJ is finally where he belongs. To bad he wasn't convicted of murder though.

My main concern is the fact that a person who was legally, and within his right to carry a firearm, and an individual that may have been in the wrong place, met.....and one is dead! I am one of the strongest advocates of the right for the right to bear arms, and the rights of the individual to defend his live and liberty, but I also see the responsibility of the individual, if he chooses to exercise that right to be properly trained in not only the mechanical operation of his weapon, but the legalities of when he can use it, and when he can't. It was even brought out in court testimony that the person with the gun was unable to defend himself in a fight, this from a trainer who knew him. Was he attacked and perhaps beaten....Maybe.....was he in fear of his life.......Maybe, in his mind......was his reaction warrented......that is the question.

I have been trained, practiced in the ability to answer force with equal force, and view this differently than the majority, while you don't bring a knife to a gun fight....younalso don't bring a gun to a fist fight!.....I would have reacted differently, but can't surmise what was going through the head of Zimmerman. Only he knows why he reacted as he did, and I think ego, and over confidence, since he was armed led to this whole confrontation. Is he gulty? Of what? A young man is dead, and we may argue for years about the decision which ever way it goes, Just always remember that while you have the inalienable right to carry and process a firearm, you also have the responsibility to know how to operate it safely, and when and how you can use it. I apologize for my rant, but feel very strongly about this, and have the personal experience to back it up.

Martial Law sounded pretty far-fetched in this 1961 episode of The Twilight Zone. Could it really happen here soon?

Dude, it is called "The Twilight Zone" for a reason. This is exponentially ridiculous in comparison to the ridiculous that has previously been going on. Science-Fiction, not non-fiction. Next thing we know somebody is going to start recruiting for the C. of Scientology.


My main concern is the fact that a person who was legally, and within his right to carry a firearm, and an individual that may have been in the wrong place, met.....and one is dead! I am one of the strongest advocates of the right for the right to bear arms, and the rights of the individual to defend his live and liberty, but I also see the responsibility of the individual, if he chooses to exercise that right to be properly trained in not only the mechanical operation of his weapon, but the legalities of when he can use it, and when he can't. It was even brought out in court testimony that the person with the gun was unable to defend himself in a fight, this from a trainer who knew him. Was he attacked and perhaps beaten....Maybe.....was he in fear of his life.......Maybe, in his mind......was his reaction warrented......that is the question.

I have been trained, practiced in the ability to answer force with equal force, and view this differently than the majority, while you don't bring a knife to a gun fight....younalso don't bring a gun to a fist fight!.....I would have reacted differently, but can't surmise what was going through the head of Zimmerman. Only he knows why he reacted as he did, and I think ego, and over confidence, since he was armed led to this whole confrontation. Is he gulty? Of what? A young man is dead, and we may argue for years about the decision which ever way it goes, Just always remember that while you have the inalienable right to carry and process a firearm, you also have the responsibility to know how to operate it safely, and when and how you can use it. I apologize for my rant, but feel very strongly about this, and have the personal experience to back it up.

Thank you GMD52! You summed up my rantings and ravings perfectly. :notworthy:

I am not worthy,

YEAH! the racist jumped in front of the bullet just to get people riled up. the nerve!
You missed my point entirely. But just by reading some of your other replies, I can see it's not really your fault.

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