Why Did The Obama Administration “Organize And Manage” Protests Against George Zimmer

The chief of police who was fired and who is also black has stated there was no evidence to charge Zimmerman with any crime.

Sorry but if your walking through my neighborhood and look suspicious I will investigate as would many people. I have followed cars that acted strange, followed people who acted strange also.

I stopped a kidnapping and most likely a rape or worse because I chose to get involved and investigate when I was younger, if I had been armed then I would have shot him....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

That is very unnerving to hear... Based on several of your past statements, I would be scared to death if I ever encountered you and you were suspicious of me.

That is very unnerving to hear... Based on several of your past statements, I would be scared to death if I ever encountered you and you were suspicious of me.

Ben, as stated I have stop a kidnapping, I have also reported people who turned out to be looking for homes to break into.

I really don't care if your afraid to be near me, my friends and neighbors have no qualms about living near me and have told me they appreciate the fact I am observant.

Even the police officer who lives two houses down asked for my cell number in case something happens while at work and his wife is home alone, she is afraid of guns, he also knows I have conceal carry license and I carry.

On the other hand I would hate to live next to people who are too afraid and or not willing to look out for their neighbors.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Unfortunately, TH, is probably right. There is not enough evidence to convict of 2nd degree and manslaughter is unlikely. However, that does not mean that a trial was not necessary. Regardless of the verdict, a trial was the right thing to do. When a teenager dies in this manner it is not up to the local authority to decide if somebody is guilty of a crime. Remember that thread about police abuse and control of power? You are looking right at it, but in the opposite direction. A teenager who was walking down the street minding his own business is now dead.

1. Zimmerman will most likely be found innocent.
2. Trayvon Martin is dead.
3. Zimmerman racially profiled Martin.
4. Martin is dead.
5. Zimmerman shot and killed Martin.
6. Martin is dead.

A trial was necessary! My two cents.


Crispin, some points to deeply ponder and reflect upon.

Based on the statements of some, I would imagine that certain members here could quite easilly see themselves in Zimmerman's shoes, no?

I say all us good hearted, common sense, metal detectorists storm DC and take everything made of metal - IE: 45's, AR's, Gold, Silver, Surveillance devices, Barracks crown etc..............:dontknow:

Ben, as stated I have stop a kidnapping, I have also reported people who turned out to be looking for homes to break into.

I really don't care if your afraid to be near me, my friends and neighbors have no qualms about living near me and have told me they appreciate the fact I am observant.

Even the police officer who lives two houses down asked for my cell number in case something happens while at work and his wife is home alone, she is afraid of guns, he also knows I have conceal carry license and I carry.

On the other hand I would hate to live next to people who are too afraid and or not willing to look out for their neighbors.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Your a good man, If you lived next to me, there would be zero crime in OUR neighborhood!!!! I look out fo our whole street, just like you do........If there is something suspicious going on, I stop and talk to the person..........and Ben - I don't give a *&^% if they are White, Black, Latino, Jewish, Female, Male, German, Gothic, a Cowboy or frickin Nancy Pelosi; your on my street lurking - you are answering to me!!!!!

Your a good man, If you lived next to me, there would be zero crime in OUR neighborhood!!!! I look out fo our whole street, just like you do........If there is something suspicious going on, I stop and talk to the person..........and Ben - I don't give a *&^% if they are White, Black, Latino, Jewish, Female, Male, German, Gothic, a Cowboy or frickin Nancy Pelosi; your on my street lurking - you are answering to me!!!!!

Totally agree Ring finder. Race does not enter into it, suspicious is suspicious and I don't care what color they are. I would hate to think someone was raped or killed because a neighbor did not have the courage to investigate.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Your a good man, If you lived next to me, there would be zero crime in OUR neighborhood!!!! I look out fo our whole street, just like you do........If there is something suspicious going on, I stop and talk to the person..........and Ben - I don't give a *&^% if they are White, Black, Latino, Jewish, Female, Male, German, Gothic, a Cowboy or frickin Nancy Pelosi; your on my street lurking - you are answering to me!!!!!

:tongue3: I know your not talking to me :tongue3: but on the other side of the coin, - I don't give a *&^% if you are White, Black, Latino, Jewish, Female, Male, German, Gothic, a Cowboy or frickin Nancy Pelosi;
your on my street lurking I won't bat an eye unless you're swinging a detector.
Then you better believe, I'll be asking how your Doing :laughing7:

:tongue3: I know your not talking to me :tongue3: but on the other side of the coin, - I don't give a *&^% if you are White, Black, Latino, Jewish, Female, Male, German, Gothic, a Cowboy or frickin Nancy Pelosi;
your on my street lurking I won't bat an eye unless you're swinging a detector.
Then you better believe, I'll be asking how your Doing :laughing7:


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Your a good man, If you lived next to me, there would be zero crime in OUR neighborhood!!!! I look out fo our whole street, just like you do........If there is something suspicious going on, I stop and talk to the person..........and Ben - I don't give a *&^% if they are White, Black, Latino, Jewish, Female, Male, German, Gothic, a Cowboy or frickin Nancy Pelosi; your on my street lurking - you are answering to me!!!!!
I live in a private development on a private dead end road (posted). And like you and TH as well as others I have ran several shady characters out of here. People tend to think of Maine as safe but believe me it is anything but safe. I look out for my neighbors and they do the same for me. Maybe I wouldn't feel so strongly if my family and I hadn't already been through some really bad stuff involving BAD characters...

Sounds like more Politics to me.

Yes The Media is at fault for making sure if there is not a guilty verdict
there could be riots. but this is just their way of creating news.

As much as I don't like obuma I don't think the administration is involved.

But I am still hoping Zimmerman is found guilty
to send a message to community crime watch people.
They are not cops & not legalized vigilantes either
Jeff, the Obama administration involved themselves when Obama said in a speech that "if he had a son he would look like Travon" Not to mention the pressure put on the local authorities by Obama's justice dept.

and we just sit back and let them run over us.......funny how the Black Panthers can BLOCK a voting polling booth with clubs and no crime!!!!!!!!!!!! Funny too that they never say that this guy was breaking the law by being in the gated community...it is called TRESPASSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the Martin guy was a criminal just by being in the PRIVATE GATED COMMUNITY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amazing the double standard...

The closing statements and exhibits today by the prosecution made my skin crawl as they weighed heavy on the facts that Zimmerman had a conceal carry permit(so what?), was a practiced shooter( again,so what?),often rode along with policeman while they were on duty(so what again?) I know their intent was to make him to be one of those crazy Second Ammendment right people that are so disdainful now(roll eyes)

The closing statements and exhibits today by the prosecution made my skin crawl as they weighed heavy on the facts that Zimmerman had a conceal carry permit(so what?), was a practiced shooter( again,so what?),often rode along with policeman while they were on duty(so what again?) I know their intent was to make him to be one of those crazy Second Ammendment right people that are so disdainful now(roll eyes)
Maybe the prosecutor needs to take a ride in the BACK of the patrol car!

I live in a private development on a private dead end road (posted). And like you and TH as well as others I have ran several shady characters out of here. People tend to think of Maine as safe but believe me it is anything but safe. I look out for my neighbors and they do the same for me. Maybe I wouldn't feel so strongly if my family and I hadn't already been through some really bad stuff involving BAD characters...

Diesel and TH,

The Trayvon Martin case is not an indictment on how you two who behave honorably. The truth is that nobody on this earth knows what really went down between Trayvon and Zimmerman other then Zimmerman. It may have been that Zimmerman shot him to save his own life. It may also be that Zimmerman got his ass whooped by a kid and shot him when he started backing off, shirt would still be 2-4inches away (read both experts opinions, they offset.) However, it is not up to the chief of police to make this call whether he be black, white, or purple. When an unarmed teenager ends up dead at the hands of an armed adult there needs to be a trial. If you can't see this...well, I just don't what else to say. TH, you cannot call into question police behavior in one thread and then defend them to the death in the next.

Zimmerman will be found innocent. However, that is up to the people (jury) to decide.

Show me one person on this thread that did not get in a fight by the time they were 18.
Show me one person on this thread that did not make mistakes as a teenager.

We all deserved to die for those mistakes as much as Trayvon Martin did. He may have grown up to be a gang banger or he may have grown up to be a Saint. Now, none of us will know.

The defense waived the Stand your Ground defense because they knew they would lose. This trial is not about guns or CWL or the second amendment. It is about a bully (Zimmerman), racial profiling, tracking, and killing an unarmed minor (Martin.) If you cannot see that for what it is then I don't know what else to say. You think Martin gave a **** about politics at his age? Honestly, this is making me sick...


Diesel and TH,

The Trayvon Martin case is not an indictment on how you two who behave honorably. The truth is that nobody on this earth knows what really went down between Trayvon and Zimmerman other then Zimmerman. It may have been that Zimmerman shot him to save his own life. It may also be that Zimmerman got his ass whooped by a kid and shot him when he started backing off, shirt would still be 2-4inches away (read both experts opinions, they offset.) However, it is not up to the chief of police to make this call whether he be black, white, or purple. When an unarmed teenager ends up dead at the hands of an armed adult there needs to be a trial. If you can't see this...well, I just don't what else to say. TH, you cannot call into question police behavior in one thread and then defend them to the death in the next.

Zimmerman will be found innocent. However, that is up to the people (jury) to decide.

Show me one person on this thread that did not get in a fight by the time they were 18.
Show me one person on this thread that did not make mistakes as a teenager.

We all deserved to die for those mistakes as much as Trayvon Martin did. He may have grown up to be a gang banger or he may have grown up to be a Saint. Now, none of us will know.

The defense waived the Stand your Ground defense because they knew they would lose. This trial is not about guns or CWL or the second amendment. It is about a bully (Zimmerman), racial profiling, tracking, and killing an unarmed minor (Martin.) If you cannot see that for what it is then I don't know what else to say. You think Martin gave a **** about politics at his age? Honestly, this is making me sick...


Brilliantly stated. Thank you!

Diesel and TH,

The Trayvon Martin case is not an indictment on how you two who behave honorably. The truth is that nobody on this earth knows what really went down between Trayvon and Zimmerman other then Zimmerman. It may have been that Zimmerman shot him to save his own life. It may also be that Zimmerman got his ass whooped by a kid and shot him when he started backing off, shirt would still be 2-4inches away (read both experts opinions, they offset.) However, it is not up to the chief of police to make this call whether he be black, white, or purple. When an unarmed teenager ends up dead at the hands of an armed adult there needs to be a trial. If you can't see this...well, I just don't what else to say. TH, you cannot call into question police behavior in one thread and then defend them to the death in the next.

Zimmerman will be found innocent. However, that is up to the people (jury) to decide.

Show me one person on this thread that did not get in a fight by the time they were 18.
Show me one person on this thread that did not make mistakes as a teenager.

We all deserved to die for those mistakes as much as Trayvon Martin did. He may have grown up to be a gang banger or he may have grown up to be a Saint. Now, none of us will know.

The defense waived the Stand your Ground defense because they knew they would lose. This trial is not about guns or CWL or the second amendment. It is about a bully (Zimmerman), racial profiling, tracking, and killing an unarmed minor (Martin.) If you cannot see that for what it is then I don't know what else to say. You think Martin gave a **** about politics at his age? Honestly, this is making me sick...


You are right in what you say Crispin,only those that are there really know.Is that your real name?

Diesel and TH,

The Trayvon Martin case is not an indictment on how you two who behave honorably. The truth is that nobody on this earth knows what really went down between Trayvon and Zimmerman other then Zimmerman. It may have been that Zimmerman shot him to save his own life. It may also be that Zimmerman got his ass whooped by a kid and shot him when he started backing off, shirt would still be 2-4inches away (read both experts opinions, they offset.) However, it is not up to the chief of police to make this call whether he be black, white, or purple. When an unarmed teenager ends up dead at the hands of an armed adult there needs to be a trial. If you can't see this...well, I just don't what else to say. TH, you cannot call into question police behavior in one thread and then defend them to the death in the next.

Zimmerman will be found innocent. However, that is up to the people (jury) to decide.

Show me one person on this thread that did not get in a fight by the time they were 18.
Show me one person on this thread that did not make mistakes as a teenager.

We all deserved to die for those mistakes as much as Trayvon Martin did. He may have grown up to be a gang banger or he may have grown up to be a Saint. Now, none of us will know.

The defense waived the Stand your Ground defense because they knew they would lose. This trial is not about guns or CWL or the second amendment. It is about a bully (Zimmerman), racial profiling, tracking, and killing an unarmed minor (Martin.) If you cannot see that for what it is then I don't know what else to say. You think Martin gave a **** about politics at his age? Honestly, this is making me sick...

Crispin my friend, as usual your heart is in the right place. I know I made some very serious mistakes when I was younger (teenager and beyond) and I probably should have been held accountable for them (I know this sounds bad but I really am not bad). Same as everyone else has done. As I understand it Travon had no business being where he was and he did beat up Zimmerman. Isn't that what the second amendment is for...self defense? I agree Zimmerman could have handled it a little different but as I am sure you know in the heat of the moment things happen very, very quickly. I believe (and it is just my opinion) that Zimmerman was in serious danger of being killed by Martin. As a side note I am sure a day doesn't go by that Zimmerman is not sick with guilt...I know I would be whether I was facing charges or not.
As far as Martin caring about politics...well at the moment this went down it was about crime and not politics. The media, president, and some of the public is making this about politics. Politics is after the fact.

Diesel and TH,

The Trayvon Martin case is not an indictment on how you two who behave honorably. The truth is that nobody on this earth knows what really went down between Trayvon and Zimmerman other then Zimmerman. It may have been that Zimmerman shot him to save his own life. It may also be that Zimmerman got his ass whooped by a kid and shot him when he started backing off, shirt would still be 2-4inches away (read both experts opinions, they offset.) However, it is not up to the chief of police to make this call whether he be black, white, or purple. When an unarmed teenager ends up dead at the hands of an armed adult there needs to be a trial. If you can't see this...well, I just don't what else to say. TH, you cannot call into question police behavior in one thread and then defend them to the death in the next.

Zimmerman will be found innocent. However, that is up to the people (jury) to decide.

Show me one person on this thread that did not get in a fight by the time they were 18.
Show me one person on this thread that did not make mistakes as a teenager.

We all deserved to die for those mistakes as much as Trayvon Martin did. He may have grown up to be a gang banger or he may have grown up to be a Saint. Now, none of us will know.

The defense waived the Stand your Ground defense because they knew they would lose. This trial is not about guns or CWL or the second amendment. It is about a bully (Zimmerman), racial profiling, tracking, and killing an unarmed minor (Martin.) If you cannot see that for what it is then I don't know what else to say. You think Martin gave a **** about politics at his age? Honestly, this is making me sick...


Crispin, with all due respect, the forsenic expert states travon would have had to be on top due to the evidence deposited on the shirt, this is an extremely respected expert forensic expert who is qualified to present evidence in every court in the land including the Supreme Court, I think he is a lot more qualified than you or for that mater any of us to testify on this....

I disagree, just because someone is killed, even an unarmed assalant does not mean there has to be a trial, there is something called selfdefense and justifiable homicide, if it falls within the realm of the law it is justified..

We are opposite sides of the fence here....... If you wish I can post a list of all the murders committed by unarmed minors the last 10 years. Being a minor is not an excuse to get away with anything. Minors kill people in this country every day, and I am a person who believes if a minor over the age of 12 commits a crime punishable by death as an adult they should be tried as an adult.....

If the evidence is not there to show a crime has been commited then there should not be a trial and there was no evidence there to show a law was broken... The only reason this went to trail was because of the federal involvement.....

I may be branded racist, and I'm not, however...the stereotype of the young black male as violent and twitchy, well, it's based a lot on fact. Find me a rap album that's not rife with violence and hate. Find me a film based on young black males that is not a virtual bloodbath, I'd love to see it. I worked at a pizza place in DC delivering and managing for several years in college. We were robbed seven? times between 1999-2002, and each time it was a young black male. Numerous drivers and bike guys were robbed, each time by a young black male, and we were right next to Georgetown, which is probably the safest place in DC. Now, I wasn't there, I didn't see anything that happened, I don't know who threw the first punch, however based on my experiences with young black males, and the fact Treyvon was suspended from school for fighting, had gang tattoos and boasted of buying a pistol and selling drugs, sorry, but I'm not going to give him the benefit of the doubt. People like Zimmerman love to play the hero, and a lot of rent a cop types are waaaaay too gung-ho, however in this case, evidence points to him simply standing his ground. It's a TRAGEDY a kid lost his life, it's a horrible shame this ever happened, I'm sure his parents will never recover fully, and my thoughts go out to them, but at the end of the day, all fingers point to Martin instigating this. The fact that he's a young black guy does NOT condemn him, however his background does not show him in a good light. It's like if there was a picture of you on the cover of the local paper digging up an Indian grave to retrieve arrowheads, you think anyones going to give you permission to detect? You may not intend to loot Mr. Jones front yard, but that picture, well...There are fine upstanding young black men everywhere, and trash white guys everywhere, but in this case, I'm afraid his history as a thug and a bully might be too much. THAT being said, Zimmerman, guilty or not, will not walk, he will go down, they don't want another Rodney King Riot episode.

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