Why Did The Obama Administration “Organize And Manage” Protests Against George Zimmer

Judge refuses to allow texts found on T.Martins phone to be introduced as evidence even though they show he was involved in illegal activity.

Jury should see all evidence if it relates to any violent or illegal activity.

Outside pressure on judge from federal side? Holder has already been involved when he shouldn't had....

This whole case looking like a railroad job to me.

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I realize that in your world you can judge people freely and decide their innocence or guilt as you see fit.

However, (and thankfully) our legal system does not work that way. It seeks to eliminate and keep clear any preconceived notions that one might have about a defendant.

Text messages showing that he was involved in illegal activity mean nothing. All the court cares about are the facts that we know and the evidence that supports those facts. The text messages would only seek to prove character traits of Martin. Again, not something that the court cares about.

Not sure where you live but it sounds pretty rough. Are these men afraid of bears in the woods or people involved in the drug trade in the woods? I don't think in the real world any reasonable person runs up to strangers waving a loaded gun. Might have one on them bit it's not out on display looking for trouble. It's the gang members and common criminal you should be afraid of not someone with a concealed gun. As you said your not afraid to go about your business without a gun but many around you are apparently carrying...

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I live way out in the boonies in a place that the local folks all refer to as "the wild west". Everyone here has guns, and since they are all afraid of everything that moves, they spend virtually every spare minute of every day shooting the stupid #@!!%^&%#! things (night and day) to "keep in practice". There is a guy about 1/2 a mile from me who practices with a sub-machine gun at least twice a week, and another one that I can't quite locate who shoots a bigger and better one (from the sound it makes) over on the other side of me about a mile away. On my west side, the guy is a night security guard who surrounds his house in those HUGE lights that glow like a full moon because he is scared of the dark and shoots his little toy pistol at least 3 times daily (usually at mice, rabbits and turtles that threaten him). I am sick to death of all these "macho" men who are terrified of leaving the house without guns!!! I moved here next to a national forest to get some peace and quiet and spend time in the woods. Now, every time I turn around there are guns going off somewhere. I've had them whizz past my ear a few times. Once it made me so mad I charged up the hill to confront the ******* only to find him running like crazy the other direction as soon as he saw me. And HE was the one with the gun!

For the record, my dad was a cop (part of that time in University City, a suburb of St. Louis; and later on as an undercover detective working the drug-smuggling trade out of Miami, FL) so I know a little bit about what goes on in the world of crime. He used to say, don't pick up a gun unless you are willing to kill someone. He wasn't and he never carried one. He was the kind of person that didn't need to, and because his superiors knew that, they never required it of him. Well, I am not willing to shoot someone either, so I don't carry a gun. And guess what? I am not afraid to go anywhere or do anything. I walk over that forest (where incidentally, two bodies were found shot in the head, execution-style last year). The irony is that everyone I know who has a gun is scared all the time and everywhere they go. Maybe that says something about the personalities of people who need guns to feel brave.

This whole thing is a farce This entire thing was created for the dumb :censored: on the Government teat who sit around all day watching the tube. Drinking tahiti treat and Popeye chicken Just a good way to have them watch all the commercials during the pause button.
Had more fun watching the odd makers in Vegas who kept changing the line.
One poor kid gets the dust but over the 4th weekend 72 people in Chi town get shot 12 dead and 60 wounded and not a word on the news.Maybe they were all over the age 18 Nothing to see here. or maybe non looked like the Pres. fictitious son??
Bet Jessica Simpson's family wished they had these prosecutors.

Popeye chicken? Seriously? Have you been hanging out with Sergio Garcia?

That judge is doing her best to railroad Zimmerman...

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My friend,

Since when did you and TH become experts on what should and should not be allowed as evidence in a murder trial?
If the judge is biased it will only serve to cause an overturned verdict during appeals. Her every move is closely monitored by both sides. The last thing a judge wants is a verdict thrown out because of their behavior. That evidence is circumstantial and has nothing to do with Zimmerman's guilt. If we were assesing Trayvon's guilt then it would be. O wait a minute....Trayvon is dead. Zimmerman profiled, tracked, approached, and killed him. He did so even after he was told by law enforcement not to confront him. Those are facts that are relevant.


My friend,

Since when did you and TH become experts on what should and should not be allowed as evidence in a murder trial?
If the judge is biased it will only serve to cause an overturned verdict during appeals. Her every move is closely monitored by both sides. The last thing a judge wants is a verdict thrown out because of their behavior. That evidence is circumstantial and has nothing to do with Zimmerman's guilt. If we were assesing Trayvon's guilt then it would be. O wait a minute....Trayvon is dead. Zimmerman profiled, tracked, approached, and killed him. He did so even after he was told by law enforcement not to confront him. Those are facts that are relevant.


I'm sorry Crispin, I did not realize you were there and witnessed the crime...

I have followed the case closely and there is no proof to convict. He profiled him as being suspicious and followed him, no law broken, there was a confrontation and Martin was on top attacking Zimmerman and he defended himself...

Crispin if your the one on trial and there are say text messages on phone that shows man you shot was talking about committing burglaries in your neighborhood
or violence, possibly against you, would you not want that presented at your trial. Would you prefer to sit in jail for several years waiting for the chance for that to be presented.

Zimmerman Had No Other Choice But To Shoot Trayvon Martin To Defend Himself.

Yet another witness took the stand and strengthened Zimmerman’s case this week.

As George Zimmerman’s trial for the murder of Trayvon Martin comes to an end, a former law enforcement officer testified on Zimmerman’s perceived physical abilities.

Denis Root said that Zimmerman’s physical abilities were… Well, nonexistent.

Root said Zimmerman “did scream for help,” and “obviously tried to continue to resist” when Martin was on top of him, allegedly beating him up. Root believes Zimmerman did everything he could to defend himself before resorting to his gun.
“In every force event, it’s just a matter of what you as an individual see as being your options,” Root said.

He continued, “As far as drawing a conclusion, I don’t know what else he could have done based on his abilities. Because, not to be offensive to Mr. Zimmerman, but he doesn’t seem to have any.”
Therefore, it seems that if Zimmerman wanted to stay alive, he had to pull the trigger.

It is beginning to look like Geroge Zimmerman might walk free. If he does, riots may break out across the country. Let’s hope law enforcement is ready.


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Crispin if your the one on trial and there are say text messages on phone that shows man you shot was talking about committing burglaries in your neighborhood
or violence, possibly against you, would you not want that presented at your trial. Would you prefer to sit in jail for several years waiting for the chance for that to be presented.

Zimmerman Had No Other Choice But To Shoot Trayvon Martin To Defend Himself.

Yet another witness took the stand and strengthened Zimmerman’s case this week.

As George Zimmerman’s trial for the murder of Trayvon Martin comes to an end, a former law enforcement officer testified on Zimmerman’s perceived physical abilities.

Denis Root said that Zimmerman’s physical abilities were… Well, nonexistent.

Root said Zimmerman “did scream for help,” and “obviously tried to continue to resist” when Martin was on top of him, allegedly beating him up. Root believes Zimmerman did everything he could to defend himself before resorting to his gun.
“In every force event, it’s just a matter of what you as an individual see as being your options,” Root said.

He continued, “As far as drawing a conclusion, I don’t know what else he could have done based on his abilities. Because, not to be offensive to Mr. Zimmerman, but he doesn’t seem to have any.”
Therefore, it seems that if Zimmerman wanted to stay alive, he had to pull the trigger.

It is beginning to look like Geroge Zimmerman might walk free. If he does, riots may break out across the country. Let’s hope law enforcement is ready.

Expert Says Zimmerman Had No Other Choice But To Shoot Trayvon Martin To Defend Himself // Mr. Conservative

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Let's back it up a bit. Did Martin attack Zimmerman completely unprovoked? Did Zimmerman follow Martin after being told not to? Is Zimmerman a police officer? Was Martin armed with any instrument capable of killing Zimmerman?


Let's back it up a bit. Did Martin attack Zimmerman completely unprovoked? Did Zimmerman follow Martin after being told not to? Is Zimmerman a police officer? Was Martin armed with any instrument capable of killing Zimmerman?


Following after being told not to does not violate the law, Zimmerman lived there.

If I see someone breaking in house next door and police tell me to wait they are on the way, I am breaking no laws if I ignore and go next door and fatally shoot someone attacking my neighbor.

No evidence presented that shows anything other than self-defense...

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and it used to be legal to to get something from the convenince store and walk home.

really T_H? you know his phone has evidence of illegal activity? You amaze me sometimes. I wonder how Zimmerman knew what was on the teens phone?

It seems to me, both parties, had a propensity for violence. Now, one is dead, and the others' life is over.
It has been questioned, with Z's previous Georgia arrest record, why he was even allowed to carry a concealed weapon.
Is there a reason why no one has brought this up? I mean, wasn't Martins' behavioral disposition questioned, as well?

yes pat, don't talk here about taking guns away from people!

Following after being told not to does not violate the law, Zimmerman lived there.

If I see someone breaking in house next door and police tell me to wait they are on the way, I am breaking no laws if I ignore and go next door and fatally shoot someone attacking my neighbor.

No evidence presented that shows anything other than self-defense...

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No, TH it isn't illegal.

But you know what does happen? Exactly this - you end up in court. It opens you up to legal liability. He can now be held (at least partly) responsible for Martin's death.

No, TH it isn't illegal.

But you know what does happen? Exactly this - you end up in court. It opens you up to legal liability. He can now be held (at least partly) responsible for Martin's death.

Wait and see what the verdict is before you convict him. In America your INNOCENT until proven guilty. No evidence has been presented that shows he is guilty of murder or any crime.

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If George didn't have a gun and he just beat the crap out of this guy to the point of death would we be here? Or just one good punch to the neck? or just beat him with a unloaded gun? This whole thing is just a ruse to take the pressure off the Kings screw ups. I say let the riots begin and we'll just blame it on their culture.

It seems to me, both parties, had a propensity for violence. Now, one is dead, and the others' life is over.
It has been questioned, with Z's previous Georgia arrest record, why he was even allowed to carry a concealed weapon.
Is there a reason why no one has brought this up? I mean, wasn't Martins' behavioral disposition questioned, as well?

Every state law us different. If your convicted in federal court you can never get conceal carry license unless you get presidential pardon, but convicted in state courts is different and possible to get ....

Zimmerman was convicted of resisting arrest without violence which is nothing , he and his ex fiance had joint restraining orders against each other, no charges, no crime there as no arrest or conviction, he had a speeding ticket, no conviction as officer did not appear in court.

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Wait and see what the verdict is before you convict him. In America your INNOCENT until proven guilty. No evidence has been presented that shows he is guilty of murder or any crime.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

1. This is coming from the guy who has stated that he would shoot first and ask questions later.
2. No one said Zimmerman was guilty of murder. I am saying he is (at least partly) responsible for Martin's death. Is he not?

1. This is coming from the guy who has stated that he would shoot first and ask questions later.
2. No one said Zimmerman was guilty of murder. I am saying he is (at least partly) responsible for Martin's death. Is he not?

Ben I advise you back off of me....

Yes he is responsible, he pulled the trigger, I just don't believe he is guilty of a crime.

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Sure Zimmerman is responsible for Martin's death,he pulled the trigger but there is not enough factual evidence to convict him 100% of murder in the 1st degree.A juror must think with his/ her head and not their heart and certainly not their political leanings if they're upholding the oath they took as part of a jury pool.

Do you guys think the jury will work threw the weekend?

If this was one black guy killing another, it would be a 1 day paragraph in a newspaper. It's only a story because that allows for a segment of our population to keep us divided. We had 72 blacks shot by other blacks in Chicago last weekend, yet no one really cares.

Do you guys think the jury will work threw the weekend?

I think they will be advised at least "under the table" to take the weekend or longer
just to be sure everyone thinks they thought long & hard over their Verdict.
Although naturally I could be wrong. did the jury get charged Yet ?
of course they may just wait till Monday to Charge the Jury :dontknow:

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