Why Did The Obama Administration “Organize And Manage” Protests Against George Zimmer

Lets talk about this whole "laceration" thing. Since we are now using medical terminology I get to be the expert on lacerations. Here are a couple of points to consider:

1. The scalp is one of the most vascular parts of the body. The wounds that appear on the back of Zimmerman show very little blood and are extremely minor. Given the amount of adrenaline he was pumping through his body and how high his pulse and BP would have been any serious head wound would have resulted in a lot of blood loss.
2. Any serious amount of banging head against the ground would have led to coup and contra-coup injuries of the brain and would have resulted directly into a concussion. Had Zimmerman actually had a concussion then his memory surrounding events would have been impaired and he would not have been able to participate in a lie detector test.
3. The pictures of his eyes fail to demonstrate any sort of facial swelling. Minutes after injury occur, serious flesh damage would have resulted in edema in inflammed areas.

Conclusion: Zimmerman's injuries are minor at worst.
Opinion: It is easy to survive a fight. It is really hard to survive a bullet to the heart.
2nd opinion: Zimmerman should have just taken his ass whooping like a man. Trayvon would still be alive and he would not be in the terrible situation he is in.


1. Wounds were attended to by paramedics before picture was taken.

Paramedics testimony..

Paramedic went to the police car to treat Zimmerman. He asked the officer to let him swing out so he could evaluate him. The officer complied. He had cuts and abrasions on his face. His nose looked like it had some damage. He had a cut on the back of his head. He said that they basically just cleaned him up. He said Zimmerman was pretty silent, and didn’t say anything about how the injuries happened. (4:30) He said nobody asked Zimmerman how he got the injuries.

No statements made by Zimmerman. They cleaned him up and checked him over. They told the cops he’s going to need to go to the hospital to get some stitches. The paramedic asked police if they wanted them to take him to the hospital and the cops said they would take him.

He had a laceration to the back of the head–an inch by a half inch wide. It was straight up and down on the back of his head.

Zimmerman was in handcufs the whole time. Zimmerman had blood on his arms and hands, so they just cleaned him off.

2. Scalp needed stitches according to paramedic. Just how much head banging on concrete is allowed before you think your allowed to think to defend yourself?

Fla law states if your in fear for your life lethal force is allowed. If someone is on top of me banging my head on concrete I will defend myself with lethal force.

3. How many fights have you been in? From the sounds of it I guess little to none. I fought full contact karate for 4 years 2-3 times a week, most of my bruises were not visible till the next day.

Pictures of Zimmerman's face 2 days later were a lot more brushed or do you think like Jeff he made his own injuries..

I can't help but question what you guys would say if it was T.Martin on the ground and he shot Zimmerman who was straddling him banging Martins head on the concrete ....

Bet it would still be Martin was the victim.........

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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1. Wounds were attended to by paramedics before picture was taken.

Paramedics testimony..

Paramedic went to the police car to treat Zimmerman. He asked the officer to let him swing out so he could evaluate him. The officer complied. He had cuts and abrasions on his face. His nose looked like it had some damage. He had a cut on the back of his head. He said that they basically just cleaned him up. He said Zimmerman was pretty silent, and didn’t say anything about how the injuries happened. (4:30) He said nobody asked Zimmerman how he got the injuries.

No statements made by Zimmerman. They cleaned him up and checked him over. They told the cops he’s going to need to go to the hospital to get some stitches. The paramedic asked police if they wanted them to take him to the hospital and the cops said they would take him.

He had a laceration to the back of the head–an inch by a half inch wide. It was straight up and down on the back of his head.

Zimmerman was in handcufs the whole time. Zimmerman had blood on his arms and hands, so they just cleaned him off.

2. Scalp needed stitches according to paramedic. Just how much head banging on concrete is allowed before you think your allowed to think to defend yourself?

Fla law states if your in fear for your life lethal force is allowed. If someone is on top of me banging my head on concrete I will defend myself with lethal force.

3. How many fights have you been in? From the sounds of it I guess little to none. I fought full contact karate for 4 years 2-3 times a week, most of my bruises were not visible till the next day.

Pictures of Zimmerman's face 2 days later were a lot more brushed or do you think like Jeff he made his own injuries..

I can't help but question what you guys would say if it was T.Martin on the ground and he shot Zimmerman who was straddling him banging Martins head on the concrete ....

Bet it would still be Martin was the victim.........

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

"You guys"... this is just people stating their opinion...

1. Do you know why they are called "paramedics?" Because one of them is not good enough...
2. Paramedics are not allowed to do sutures; hence, they cannot determine what needs suturing. That is up to the physician.
3. Head wounds do not easily stop bleeding, they require constant pressure for clotting to occur.
4. The opinion of a doctor trumps that of a paramedic. I'm pulling rank.


You missed my point entirely. But just by reading some of your other replies, I can see it's not really your fault.

I may be stupid, but I get the dig. Please watch over this dumb animal oh wise one!!

1. Wounds were attended to by paramedics before picture was taken.

Paramedics testimony..

Paramedic went to the police car to treat Zimmerman. He asked the officer to let him swing out so he could evaluate him. The officer complied. He had cuts and abrasions on his face. His nose looked like it had some damage. He had a cut on the back of his head. He said that they basically just cleaned him up. He said Zimmerman was pretty silent, and didn’t say anything about how the injuries happened. (4:30) He said nobody asked Zimmerman how he got the injuries.

No statements made by Zimmerman. They cleaned him up and checked him over. They told the cops he’s going to need to go to the hospital to get some stitches. The paramedic asked police if they wanted them to take him to the hospital and the cops said they would take him.

He had a laceration to the back of the head–an inch by a half inch wide. It was straight up and down on the back of his head.

Zimmerman was in handcufs the whole time. Zimmerman had blood on his arms and hands, so they just cleaned him off.

2. Scalp needed stitches according to paramedic. Just how much head banging on concrete is allowed before you think your allowed to think to defend yourself?

Fla law states if your in fear for your life lethal force is allowed. If someone is on top of me banging my head on concrete I will defend myself with lethal force.

3. How many fights have you been in? From the sounds of it I guess little to none. I fought full contact karate for 4 years 2-3 times a week, most of my bruises were not visible till the next day.

Pictures of Zimmerman's face 2 days later were a lot more brushed or do you think like Jeff he made his own injuries..

I can't help but question what you guys would say if it was T.Martin on the ground and he shot Zimmerman who was straddling him banging Martins head on the concrete ....

Bet it would still be Martin was the victim.........

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

to quote Reagan " there you go again" T_H. I didn't say I believe he did it to himself. I brought it up as a possible reason for injuries. It's called objectivity.
Now to quote Padme " you assume too much"

"You guys"... this is just people stating their opinion...

1. Do you know why they are called "paramedics?" Because one of them is not good enough...
2. Paramedics are not allowed to do sutures; hence, they cannot determine what needs suturing. That is up to the physician.
3. Head wounds do not easily stop bleeding, they require constant pressure for clotting to occur.
4. The opinion of a doctor trumps that of a paramedic. I'm pulling rank.


I am not a doctor, but I was able to look at my own head in mirror and determine when I needed stitches, I was also able to look at my younger brothers heads and know when they needed stitches, how was that possible, when I wasn't even a doctor.....Magic???

I have had head stitches multiple times, from fighting, I know what is required to stop the bleeding. More than a couple times they stop bleeding without long period of pressure due to hair matting from the blood.

It is obvious we will never agree on this......

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I am not a doctor, but I was able to look at my own head in mirror and determine when I needed stitches, I was also able to look at my younger brothers heads and know when they needed stitches, how was that possible, when I wasn't even a doctor.....Magic???

I have had head stitches multiple times, from fighting, I know what is required to stop the bleeding. More than a couple times they stop bleeding without long period of pressure due to hair matting from the blood.

It is obvious we will never agree on this......

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Just because we don't agree does not mean that either one of us is right or wrong.

Not sure what the hair matting has to do with this as Zimmerman had a shaved head. However, if you want to bring that into it; I was on an excursion in Belize when somebody fell out of their raft and hit their head on a rock. The wound needed sutures but I obviously had none. So, I used an old trick I learned in med school and tied the hair off in sutures. Was it optimal? No, but it worked to stop the bleeding.

As for the stories about your previous head wounds and necessity of sutures...I guess I don't have much to say. It is easy to look at a compound fracture and declare the bone broken. Try diagnosing a stress fracture in a pedal bone...

Ps. I'm not looking to be right. I'm enjoying the conversation for what it is...


Please honor my opinion! You and I are some of the strongest defenders of the 2nd amendant, and the individuals inalieniable rights that are granted us in this great country. But let's not our focus be blinded by a case where an individual, who completely within his rights, may have made a poor decision. I too have had stiches, a broken nose, facial bones shattered, and for what.....I have also given more than I received......for what?...I have also , without the use of a weapon disarmed individuals aiming a gun at me......again I reacted as I had been taught to, and firmly believe that this whole situation in Fla. could have ended differently, if ego, and macho hadn't been involved. PLease accept that the citizen's of this counry have the right to defend themselves, but the all dictates that the response must be in like kind....If you choose to carry a weapon, and choose to confront an individual, you had better be willing to suffer the determination, and predujice of a citizens jury. Sorry, but this whole story is one that should never have happened, and the outcome will have repercussions for years to come. We have he respondsibiliy not only for the defense of ourselves and the innocent, but to be sure that the rights we have are used legally, and properly......again, my opinion, and my experience, for what it's worth....Gary

Just because we don't agree does not mean that either one of us is right or wrong.

Not sure what the hair matting has to do with this as Zimmerman had a shaved head. However, if you want to bring that into it; I was on an excursion in Belize when somebody fell out of their raft and hit their head on a rock. The wound needed sutures but I obviously had none. So, I used an old trick I learned in med school and tied the hair off in sutures. Was it optimal? No, but it worked to stop the bleeding.

As for the stories about your previous head wounds and necessity of sutures...I guess I don't have much to say. It is easy to look at a compound fracture and declare the bone broken. Try diagnosing a stress fracture in a pedal bone...

Ps. I'm not looking to be right. I'm enjoying the conversation for what it is...

I didn't say he had long hair, I said my head wounds stop bleeding with out pressure due to my hair, I use to have hair.

Zimmerman had 2 black eyes, broken nose, and head lacerations from the assault.....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


Please honor my opinion! You and I are some of the strongest defenders of the 2nd amendant, and the individuals inalieniable rights that are granted us in this great country. But let's not our focus be blinded by a case where an individual, who completely within his rights, may have made a poor decision. I too have had stiches, a broken nose, facial bones shattered, and for what.....I have also given more than I received......for what?...I have also , without the use of a weapon disarmed individuals aiming a gun at me......again I reacted as I had been taught to, and firmly believe that this whole situation in Fla. could have ended differently, if ego, and macho hadn't been involved. PLease accept that the citizen's of this counry have the right to defend themselves, but the all dictates that the response must be in like kind....If you choose to carry a weapon, and choose to confront an individual, you had better be willing to suffer the determination, and predujice of a citizens jury. Sorry, but this whole story is one that should never have happened, and the outcome will have repercussions for years to come. We have he respondsibiliy not only for the defense of ourselves and the innocent, but to be sure that the rights we have are used legally, and properly......again, my opinion, and my experience, for what it's worth....Gary

Gary, you have won me over. You are alright by me! Thank you.

"You guys"... this is just people stating their opinion...

1. Do you know why they are called "paramedics?" Because one of them is not good enough...
2. Paramedics are not allowed to do sutures; hence, they cannot determine what needs suturing. That is up to the physician.
3. Head wounds do not easily stop bleeding, they require constant pressure for clotting to occur.
4. The opinion of a doctor trumps that of a paramedic. I'm pulling rank.


Crisp I'm not questioning you expertise But your very wrong here. Many many times we were asked do you agree with a 1099. You guys are good but not in the field.
No argument here but your way off base on your statements. But like you said in the past we're just a bunch of guys on our little red trucks. some are Green

I am nodding my head in agreement with Jersey Ben.That was eloquently put Gary.Nobody can know what really happened except that things got way out of control too fast and a man is dead.Those my friends are the facts.

I'm trying to stay out of the Argument part,
because I already made my opinion Known, & Don't expect it to matter :tongue3:

But since you asked I'll give my opinion on this,
and Yes Everyone is Innocent until proven Guilty in my world.

Including Martin . Unfortunately he can no longer defend himself.

but his past can be used against him anyway :( even Exaggerated if necessary .
(Called a drug addict, cause he smoked pot ? :icon_scratch: )
So :dontknow: even if zimmerman is found legally Innocent I will still have my doubts
the court system got it right. they didn't get it right with OJ imo
although at least he's in jail for now

The kid was carrying a bag of Skittles and a bottle (or can) of iced tea when attacked. He did not have drugs on his person. Do you know how many ordinary foods and personal care products can result in a positive drug test? Loads! Where is the proof he was using drugs? Even the tests admit only trace amounts in his system.

Also, early on, the police reported that Zimmerman did not appear to have wounds consistent with his story.

If you only watch Fox news or listen to Rush Limbaugh, you will undoubtedly get a pretty slanted view of the facts.

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The kid was carrying a bag of Skittles and a bottle (or can) of iced tea when attacked. He did not have drugs on his person. Do you know how many ordinary foods and personal care products can result in a positive drug test? Loads! Where is the proof he was using drugs? Even the tests admit only trace amounts in his system.

Also, early on, the police reported that Zimmerman did not appear to have wounds consistent with his story.

If you only watch Fox news or listen to Rush Limbaugh, you will undoubtedly get a pretty slanted view of the facts.

Pictures and story have been all over the local tv news and papers. and radio since the day it happen.... It is only about 20 miles from my house to the scene............

As I stated before, if it had been T.Martin on the ground with Zimmerman on top of him banging Martin's head in the concrete and Martin shot zimmerman, the same liberal people would still be defending T.Martin as the victum stricly because he is black.... My opinion was formed by the evidence or rather the lack of evidence presented....

Zimmerman will be found not guilty. There will be no riots. He will have to relocate to try and live a semi normal life. This whole thing has been hyped up by the media (as usual). Trayvon Martin was the rascist, he was the drug user, he was the wannabe thug, Zimmerman was just another cracker to him. Is Zimmerman to blame for his death? Of course. Did he commit a crime in doing it? No. Could it have been avoided? More than likely. The only reason this has gained national attention is because of the whole racial aspect of the case. But you know what? It's Martin that is/was the rascist, along with the NAACP marchers led by Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, two of the most rascist people in this country. Not George Zimmerman. This whole thing is nothing but a damn puppet show.

digg: This is some serious logical thinking you have, bravo. Just plain common sense. More minds should be like yours and TH's but sadly we are a minority when heads meet. Most people are "shut-ins", get yourselves out in the streets and learn to survive, your perceptions will change or you will be killed by thugs walking by on a rainy night.

The kid was carrying a bag of Skittles and a bottle (or can) of iced tea when attacked. He did not have drugs on his person. Do you know how many ordinary foods and personal care products can result in a positive drug test? Loads! Where is the proof he was using drugs? Even the tests admit only trace amounts in his system.

Also, early on, the police reported that Zimmerman did not appear to have wounds consistent with his story.

If you only watch Fox news or listen to Rush Limbaugh, you will undoubtedly get a pretty slanted view of the facts.

Same can be said if you only watch msnbs, cos or any of the mainstream media.

Sent from my SCH-R930 using Tapatalk 2

Crisp I'm not questioning you expertise But your very wrong here. Many many times we were asked do you agree with a 1099. You guys are good but not in the field.
No argument here but your way off base on your statements. But like you said in the past we're just a bunch of guys on our little red trucks. some are Green

I have a lot of respect for paramedics. I don't typically see that returned. Being the first responder can be scary and is difficult at the best of times. However, we are taught very early on that if we are involved with a patient that it is our butt on the line. When is the last time you saw a malpractice suit against a paramedic? I'm sure there are some examples but no where even close to the number for MDs. How long is school for a paramedic? That is a legitimate question, I don't know. The minimum for an MD is 4years undergrad, 4years med school, and 3 years residency (if no specialty.) I've met some great paramedics and I've met some terrible doctors. The reverse applies as well.

Ps. I take back the comment about little red trucks. I said that while under attack. I didn't mean it and I was only saying it to get under your skin like so many others were doing to me. I've learned since then. "Control your emotions or somebody else will."

I have a lot of respect for paramedics. I don't typically see that returned. Being the first responder can be scary and is difficult at the best of times. However, we are taught very early on that if we are involved with a patient that it is our butt on the line. When is the last time you saw a malpractice suit against a paramedic? I'm sure there are some examples but no where even close to the number for MDs. How long is school for a paramedic? That is a legitimate question, I don't know. The minimum for an MD is 4years undergrad, 4years med school, and 3 years residency (if no specialty.) I've met some great paramedics and I've met some terrible doctors. The reverse applies as well.

Ps. I take back the comment about little red trucks. I said that while under attack. I didn't mean it and I was only saying it to get under your skin like so many others were doing to me. I've learned since then. "Control your emotions or somebody else will."

Thanks crisp. Your right we are protected by the Good Samaritan act (Some what) I have been in situations were a Dr. on scene will give some verbal advice but hardly ever get in the mix. because of your fear of litigation. (Sad)
The training is much less then yours but I thank G. for it. I have been a care giver to my wife for 12 years my expertise lays with signs and symptoms. If it wasn't for good Dr. she would not be with me.
One example were i got the crap scared out of me (We brought back a young child in a drowning incident Later on we were involved in the court system were the parents sued us for hardship claiming we turned their child in to a vegetable state. We're on our own in these situations (Scary)

Same can be said if you only watch msnbs, cos or any of the mainstream media.

Sent from my SCH-R930 using Tapatalk 2

I don't "watch" any of it. I haven't owned a television for 25 years and don't want one. I read, research and think for myself.

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