Gold Member
Matt the story is the stones were hosed off at a gas station after being discovered to get dirt and roots off. A glued heart stone in that photo put the whole story in a bad light. Unless as Homar said the stone was found glued.
Obviously, I am new here, so I have a lot of catching up to do before I can even come close to the caliber of those here. I will have to look it back up, but several years ago I had read where "one" of the stones had broken while being washed off. Not sure which stone, or if it was the heart portion. Which, if it was the Heart portion, then this somewhat makes sense. This was also reported to have happened at a gas station. Being a gas station, they would certainly have had "glue" on hand as a daily part of their business would have been repairing those inner tubes inside those low tech tires. Rubber cement has a yellowish tint to it, but that would not always be the case because at times a lite match would be used to help bond the glued surface. Naturally, I wasn't there, but just saying, it is feasible that they grabbed whatever was handy. Many times I wished I had 20/20 hindsight, had he knew that gluing the piece would inhibit its credibility, he might have chosen a different option, then again, those guys were living in the moment and not thinking about down the road.
This was a great video Frank and Ryan. Ryan, you have a great sounding voice for narrating, not loud, not scratchy, very smooth and concise. Look forward to what you guys present us with next. I have followed this stuff for maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany years, and only recently,( this month ), joined this forum, in part, due to the professionalism as well as open mindedness being displayed here, as well as your educational videos. I have my own opinions, but not so narrow minded that I fail to see big picture.