Video 6 - On Tumlinsons Trail : The Peralta Stone Maps

Validity of the stones

  • Travis found the stones and had nothing to do with their creation. They are real.

    Votes: 15 36.6%
  • Travis hoaxed the entire thing. They are fake

    Votes: 12 29.3%
  • Travis carved the maps - but they are based off of real information.

    Votes: 14 34.1%

  • Total voters
Post #249 #250 #251

Hal wasn't referring to Ryan. He was cool about it.

Your amusement will be short lived and replaced by embarrassment once you slow down and take the time to read that post and the follow up post again.

Of course Ryan is welcomed. The museum is staffed by great people who are extremely welcoming.
Those rocks sounds about right. That's all they are.

Tell us, did you ask? Are they the original stones on display? What about the back room where the original originals are kept and sold for private viewing, does it exist?

Wait a minute Hal Croves, ..... are you telling me I not only have to know how to read words, I actually have to know and understand what they say and mean ?

Oh this is to much, ..... this is to hard, .....this will never work here !

Reading is Fun-da-Mental.


Your amusement will be short lived and replaced by embarrassment once you slow down and take the time to read that post and the follow up post again.

Of course Ryan is welcomed. The museum is staffed by great people who are extremely welcoming.
Those rocks sounds about right. That's all they are.

Tell us, did you ask? Are they the original stones on display? What about the back room where the original originals are kept and sold for private viewing, does it exist?


It was written as part of evidence in SEC v MOEL that FLAGG could not verify the authenticity of the stones. So to question which set of stones is displayed is rather a moot point. Is there a back room? I believe we saw it in the video as part of a library. And yes, ALL Museums have an "Backroom" so to speak that holds artifacts that are not currently on display. I have seen them and have friends that are curators that work behind the scenes with exhibits.
The bottom line, Museums are a business. They display relics and artifacts of the past or Models of artifacts of the past to give reference to History.


It was written as part of evidence in SEC v MOEL that FLAGG could not verify the authenticity of the stones. So to question which set of stones is displayed is rather a moot point. Is there a back room? I believe we saw it in the video as part of a library. And yes, ALL Museums have an "Backroom" so to speak that holds artifacts that are not currently on display. I have seen them and have friends that are curators that work behind the scenes with exhibits.
The bottom line, Museums are a business. They display relics and artifacts of the past or Models of artifacts of the past to give reference to History.


Before the war starts again it should be noted that the SEC never did consider anything about the Stone Maps or Flagg in their hearing vs. MOEL Corporation. The Stone Maps had absolutely nothing to do with the SEC case and sanction against MOEL. A private citizen on their own sent inquiries concerning the Stone Maps to the SEC investigator Lawrence Storch. It had nothing to do with the MOEL violations and was not even a consideration in the case. Just one of hundreds of false rumors about the SM's and MOEL.


The stones I shot were the stones on public display. I didn't enter any back rooms. The museum refers to the stones I shot as the originals.

I don't understand the logic behind a lot of these posts.

The bumper trail stones are not the same trail stones as the museum.

The heart stone is broken the same as the museum stone - but the bumper heart is missing the carvings. Of course there is always a question of the glue that held the heart stone together and whether Travis found a stone buried in the desert "pre-glued".

No amount of hose water - mud - pixie dust or wishful thinking will change that.

12 votes Travis is a scam artist

6 votes that Travis and the stones are the real deal.

Detractors will always yell the most.

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Before the war starts again it should be noted that the SEC never did consider anything about the Stone Maps or Flagg in their hearing vs. MOEL Corporation. The Stone Maps had absolutely nothing to do with the SEC case and sanction against MOEL. A private citizen on their own sent inquiries concerning the Stone Maps to the SEC investigator Lawrence Storch. It had nothing to do with the MOEL violations and was not even a consideration in the case. Just one of hundreds of false rumors about the SM's and MOEL.



I completely understand that they were private property purchased by an individual. However, as part of evidence as they were in "Discovery" prior to the trial, there is a document filed by FLAGG stating that they could not verify the authenticity of the stones.

Other than Ryan I made no reference to any T-net member in my last post. The guilty flee when no man pursues...

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Large antlered deer are copied and taken on tours. King Tuts goodies methinks too..
Probably not a few paintings.
Liability of loss may be one reason.
Historic value of originals another. Risk of theft or damage.. Fragility, human oils on objects allowed to be touched.
Sometimes reproductions for display have sound reasons.
What ever the museum wants to do I guess. Not my place to run.
Sounds like hospitable host's there though no matter what's really on display, though it's understood the originals hold greater weight with those seeking their credibility..
I enjoyed the museum peek here online.

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Oh the tangled webs we weave when the practice is to deceive.......

Thank you again Ryan. You definitely know how to get the conversation started. Fun stuff

Can't wait for the next video. Am I going to have to wait till fall?

If there ARE any stones in a "back room", which will be copies as well, they are the stones that the museum had on display prior to the acquisition of the "permanent loan" set from the AMMM in 2009. These were the stones that AMMM kept in a "back room" and charged people extra to examine under supervision. Does anyone know what happened to the "display" copies from the AMMM ?

Thank you again Ryan. You definitely know how to get the conversation started. Fun stuff

It's almost like we are discussing religion here! One of the biggest things I've learned is how similar the belief system is for both lifestyles.

(And no - let's not start discussing religion)

I can't imagine what will happen when we start interviewing descendants related to the stone map story. Either video 7 or 8

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well after all this great investigation , im still at a loss as to why
whoever did the museum stones, needed to add or subtract info
from the bumper stones onto the museum stones

And what exactly should Matt be reading in his post, almighty Victor? Trying to belittle and shame members again, I see.
If Matt is UncleMatt, tell him that he belittled and shamed himself for that post (your words BTW).
I think he just made a mistake and got called for it.


You need to stop with the insults and stop taking everything so personally. My comments had nothing to do with you and that is quite clear. I don't understand why you need to constantly pull the spotlight back onto yourself but, it's getting weird.

In case you haven't been reading, it was suggested that the museum was intentionally misrepresenting the stone maps on display and charging for a back room private preview of the originals. In the museum world, that would be a major embarrassment if proven true. Something about credibility and integrity.

It's another example of rushing to judgement, rushing to conclusions, and simply being uninformed.


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