The Tumacacori Treasure Room and Mines

Mr's: Gollum, Mr Tac512ltd & Mr Springfield
Didn't I notice somewhere back around post 31
Where you guys were 'a bad mouth'n me :-\ and said that I'd never "post" any photos ??
Well! ???
Is this true or not ??
Are my eyes playing tricks on me ?
" ME! " a "Foreward Observer"
For The 2d Bn 4th Marine Regt and 3rd Bn 7th Marines.... In Combat Viet. 64-67 ! (30 mos.)
(Is That An apology that I hear ???????????)

I don't know what your problem is, but I neither badmouthed you, nor said you wouldn't post any pictures. I merely asked some questions. Furthermore, after I said I would accompany you out West you failed to ever pm me or provide the details I requested.

So - before you accuse me of any wrongdoing or badmouthing - get your facts straight!!

Sheesh BUGS & capt bill: You p[osted --->

Went to ASU and Majored in Geology

I worked for Magma Copper Co. for 2 1/2 yrs ..
One of the Hottest Mines in the World!
As a Geologist, a "Jr"

One yr for Kennecott Copper Co... in exploration work (prospecting/drilling for copper) though out central Arizona
Mostly Northeast of Tucson ... in The Galiuro Mnts....


Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. snicker snicker

Oh! No! ::)
OH! NO! ;D

I CAN! You Can't ..... :o

I'll bet you five coffees at Denny's (No. Tucson, Grove Grove) !

HAH! :-X

Wait until I dig out my Mexico Topo map's right there !
I'll show you

HI BUGS & bill: If we ever manage to meet, the coffee is on me. Hamburger for you BUGS.

Incidentally it is spelled "T A Y O P A "

Don Jose de La Mancha

Cptbil wrote:
To Mrs OroBlanco ...
Yep !
That's a "PISTOL" I'm a carry'n

Greetings Cptbil - I presume that you are actually replying to me, (Oroblanco) and not Mrs Oro, who is not following this thread as far as I know. I am not sure where you are getting some kind of impression that I have anything against guns, but I will say this. I had my own gun shop and gunsmithing business for several years, and would bet a nickel that I might well own more guns than you do today even after selling off over forty a couple of years ago. (I have been collecting guns since my first at the age of ten) I have NO problem with guns of any kind, and am a firm believer in the Second Amendment. I don't go around telling everyone (especially here on the internet) just how many guns I own nor where I keep them. There are people who love to steal guns.

I do NOT think it is necessary to pack more than a single handgun, PERSONALLY, while out prospecting and treasure hunting, unless it is a combination with hunting for game animals as well, in which case either a shotgun or rifle would be needed for either small or big game. If you think this OPINION of what equipment I need to haul around while out prospecting or treasure hunting being less firepower than what you take along, makes me some kind of "anti-gun" fanatic then you are very VERY mistaken. I have run into some nasty situations and am alive to talk about it, and in my opinion you are better off making a detour or going for the sheriff/border patrol than to try to shoot it out with some smugglers. I don't think it is wise to go WITHOUT a firearm, and my opinion a handgun is all that is needed for self-protection. A rifle is a large bulky item and gets mighty heavy after the first few miles, and a shotgun equally so - not to mention the extra ammunition. A rifle or shotgun is also a larger item to have to protect against the elements, to keep clean and free of rust, dirt etc than a handgun. I have gone out prospecting while being forced to pack along a rifle and a shotgun in the Yukon, where handguns are illegal so the ONLY legal choice for protection was the rifle, and I can tell you that long rifle or shotgun got to be a hated item to haul around. Because it got so danged heavy and such a nuisance, snagging on every overhanging branch, banging against rocks and wearing a two-inch-deep groove in my shoulder, I once left the danged thing in camp and THAT is when I had my closest brush with a Brown Bear that stood over eight feet tall and I wished for any kind of gun. A handgun, riding on your hip or a shoulder holster is very little trouble so is more likely to be carried along. Of course most handgun cartridges are too low-powered to kill a charging brown bear anyway, but just being able to fire a warning shot usually works to scare off even the biggest bears.

Then there is the question of how much you want to pack - for suppose you do find a cache of silver bars, or a good pocket of gold - are you going to leave your GUNS there while you carry out the silver/gold? Of course if you don't find any such silver or gold, this won't matter, but I don't want to be in the position of having to decide whether to leave behind guns or silver/gold! :o :'(

All that said, it is MY OPINION - if you prefer to carry rifles, shotguns or bazookas makes not one whit of difference to me whatsoever, my only point was that your mentioning that you might bring along plenty of firepower MIGHT cause SOME potential 'partners' to have concerns and choose not to join you on expedition. You wouldn't want that type of anti-gun person along anyway, I would wager.

As an aside, and completely off-topic, I am also a US Army vet, and worked for several years as a corrections officer at a maximum security prison in Virginia, where I was offered the position of sharpshooter. I LOVE guns!

Good luck and good hunting mi amigo, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco

Hmm should I carry a lot of guns into an area and little or no treasure out??

Gee that's a hard decision.....................NOT.

I'd choose the treasure out option every time.

OroBlanco :
Where do you see me carrying rifles, shotguns etc ?
In the above photo, what do you see me carrying ?
ONE! .44 Mag revolver !
Where in any of my "Posts" do you see me trying to
TELL YOU How to Live or What to do ?
If you don't like weapons Fine!
Don't insinuate that I shouldn't have as many as I want, where I want, when I want !
That IS MY Constitional RIGHT!
AND! I will Use it to the fullest!

Now remember, I am not just a "Vet",
Because, I have more than 30 years Military experience
I have over 900 days in direct combat !
Some of it "hand to hand"
Or! Maybe I should say
Bayonet to Bayonet! :-\
I served 12 of those yrs With The USMC !
(8yrs USA, 4yrs USAF, 4 yrs USN, 2 1/2 yr State Guard) )
I was a Bn Cmdr of the State's Military Police!
I am an "EXPERT" Shot, not just a Sharpshooter!
I was a Rifle Coach at Camp Perry .. for, The National Rifle Matches in Ohio!
That means, I was a "coach" for some of the World's Best Shots!
I have been an owner of weapons, for longer than a lot people have been alive!
If you Love weapons, as you say, you CERTAINLY! Don't sound like it!

AH AH TEOPARI BILL. you said------>

If you don't like weapons Fine!

You missed the critical words from Oro, " I LOVE GUNS", so do I as a matter of fact. He was advocating pistols basically for prospecting and treasure hunting.

I agree with him 100%, get a GOOD S&W pistol and learn to hit a man sized sil target to 400 meters.

My consistant choice, until Mexico blocked it, was a 4 " S&W Hiway patrol model with Keith long range front sights in .357 as a compromise calibre. I can carry more ammo for the given weight and space as in a larger caliber, and as has often been said "only hits count". No pistol is a consistant one shot downer on baddies.

For under 100 meters, the old Colt 1911-a1 was/is excellent, if you have an accurizied version.

The gi version is for the birds.. Made sloppy for consistant working under adverse conditions of warfare. i.e. mud, sand, & water, good for maybe 25 30 meters.

I had one fail me twice in WW-2,both times due to faulty ammo. Once with a dead primer, the other with no powder, just a primer. However it drove the projectile into the barrel and put the pistol out of commission until the projectile was later removed.

Coffee & hamburger bet that I can still out shoot you Cpl Bill, even with my bad shoulder. Short, mid, and long range 10 ----500 meters, and quick draw work to 15 meters

AS for hand to gland work, I show the state and local police here in Mexico just how easy it is to avoid getting shot if the joker makes the mistake of touching you with a pistol. There is no way that he can shoot you in the first 3 -4 seconds. This gives you time to do your dirty work, IF you know what to do.

etc., etc., etc. Wanna talk on ideal back country security and weapons?

Actually Bugs is prob. the best defense that you have for prior detecting and avoiding of trouble.

Don Jose de La Mancha

cptbil said:
OroBlanco :
Where do you see me carrying rifles, shotguns etc ?
In the above photo, what do you see me carrying.

One photo does not out weigh the dozen's of other posts you have made about the arsenal you pack around with you. And your prowess with them. In which you have claimed to have a multitude of weapons with you when your in the field.

And i quote

"I usually have, 3-4 rifles, 3 pistols & 3 shotguns .....
I consider anyone who crosses THAT!
Border to be

A! Federal Felon"

Be logical. What else would expect someone to think?

Why is it bothering you people what I carry and what I have in camp !
Are You out there in the field along the border to see what is going on ?
Are you sitting at home in your air conditioned house ?
I sure don't want to take anyone's advise, about my safety, who is sitting at home !
Is it hurting you any ?
What I do ...
I! aha!
Now I Know ! ;D
That's it! :o
You guys are all jealous ::)
Because I can go and come as I please, and spend months TH'ing !
It's the old "Sour Apples", story all over ! :-\

You Know I am wasting too much time here on the "net with you
I have things to do, to prepare for a 12 month long trip
You're just wasting time!
Be, Seeing you?
I know it won't be in the field! ;D

cptbil said:
Why is it bothering you people what I carry and what I have in camp !
Are You out there in the field along the border to see what is going on ?
Are you sitting at home in your air conditioned house ?
I sure don't want to take anyone's advise, about my safety, who is sitting at home !
Is it hurting you any ?
What I do ...
I! aha!
Now I Know ! ;D
That's it! :o
You guys are all jealous ::)
Because I can go and come as I please, and spend months TH'ing !
It's the old "Sour Apples", story all over ! :-\

Jealous LMAO of what? You getting ready for a trip?? How many guns you think you need to make your self feel secure? LMAO.

I was just trying to things in prospective. Your accusing a person of making anti American statements and you are wrong.


I'm already in the field.

And there you sit counting your ammo.

Right now I'm somewhere in Ca. researching the fact that over the years several gold coins have shown up in a wash on the south end of a mountain where the alluvial fan meets the valley floor.

Peers there is a stash of loot that needs discovering.

Have a nice day.

" You guys are all jealous

Because I can go and come as I please, and spend months TH'ing ! "

Mi Capitan You are right. I wish I could go with you to recover those Silver Bars." I am Jealous " !!!

I Wish you the best. ;)

Cptbil wrote:
Why is it bothering you people what I carry and what I have in camp !

You are mistaken sir, no one here is bothered by what you have in camp, nor what you carry with you. You might have mis-understood a post a ways back there and I don't know how to correct this misunderstanding, other than to say you don't need to defend your right to carry whatever guns you wish, I certainly have no problem with it and it is guaranteed by our constitution. Good luck to you and good hunting I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

your friend,

& Gollum
Do you see any photos that I have scanned ?
What do you think about your Posts, #23 & 24,
Now ! ;D
Do you still doubt that I have and will post any ?
Should I, ::) "Consider the source(s) " (#24) 8)
Now! From now on, I'll be psoting photos with about every one of my "Posts" !
I don't want to hear, "why are you scanning all of ..." !
You asked for them....that's why! :P


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Mr. Las Vegas Bob:
Not! of plannng a trip... (re: Jan 10...2:53:16 PM)
Because I have been doing this full time since 1994

It just dawned on me!
Haven't you been banned on another website for you attitude?

cptbil said:
Mr. Las Vegas Bob:
Not! of plannng a trip... (re: Jan 10...2:53:16 PM)
Because I have been doing this full time since 1994

It just dawned on me!
Haven't you been banned on another website for you attitude?


Me banned??

No you must be thinking of yourself.........LOL

But thanks for such an insightful reply.

I almost forgot how long you have been at THing.................since you haven't posted that info for at least a day or two.

Anyways I needed a good laugh.

Now I must get back to my research...........Lots of people to talk too and deals to be made.....busy busy busy

Have a nice day

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