Have you talked to "Gary" lately ?
I haven't for a couple of yrs
I DID! Hear that he had lost his "Leases" on the Site ?
I haven't checked in to that.
I hope to be over in your direction sometime this coming year
How about, you/I/Bugs/Docc/Aragron get togather some where for a cup of coffee and some chatter?
We're going to be out for, as I see it, aboout....
A Y E A R 
We'll have plenty of time out there !
Need some help on
THAT! Project ?

How about you coming over to So. Arizona and we'll open up
THe Pure Conception Mine Tunnel and drag those silver bars out?
I Have it Located !
I can show you where it is on the
I can, if I can find them, show you the Photos (of the area near to where it is) !
There's actually a Large "Monument Rock" about 6-8 feet high
squared off ! (w/some writting on it)
That I do have Photos of !