The Tumacacori Treasure Room and Mines

Why is it that I doubt the pics will ever be posted? ::)


Wow. If this post doesn't count as a flame war, nothing will. :)

Anyway, as per this map in question: Probably doesn't exist. But why fight over it? To quote Stephen King: "Go, Gunslinger. There are other worlds than these".


Have you talked to "Gary" lately ?
I haven't for a couple of yrs
I DID! Hear that he had lost his "Leases" on the Site ?
I haven't checked in to that.
I hope to be over in your direction sometime this coming year
How about, you/I/Bugs/Docc/Aragron get togather some where for a cup of coffee and some chatter?
We're going to be out for, as I see it, aboout....
A Y E A R :D
We'll have plenty of time out there !
Need some help on THAT! Project ? ::)
How about you coming over to So. Arizona and we'll open up THe Pure Conception Mine Tunnel and drag those silver bars out?
I Have it Located !
I can show you where it is on the MAP!
I can, if I can find them, show you the Photos (of the area near to where it is) !
There's actually a Large "Monument Rock" about 6-8 feet high
Perfectly squared off ! (w/some writting on it)
That I do have Photos of !

By The way!
I am heading out this morning to buy a new a scanner
My old 1 , quit working
I'll be back with a "KodaK All in One"
I'll scan those pictures for you'll

I've ask this question before, and yes I'm new to this and unschooled. Enough for the lack of bona fides; What is the advantage, if there is one, to having all the knowledge regarding the exact locations of these fabulous treasures and then getting on here talking about them, running errands, going to one's day job,etc, etc, etc, instead of going out and getting the daggone goods?
Sorry if this seems like a rant, but I can never get a response to this question.

tac512ltd said:
I've ask this question before, and yes I'm new to this and unschooled. Enough for the lack of bona fides; What is the advantage, if there is one, to having all the knowledge regarding the exact locations of these fabulous treasures and then getting on here talking about them, running errands, going to one's day job,etc, etc, etc, instead of going out and getting the daggone goods?
Sorry if this seems like a rant, but I can never get a response to this question.

The same question I have asked several times, and always get an answer like I'm attacking the poster. I can't for the life of me ever figure why someone who claims to know the exact position of a fortune, lets things like their day jobs, wife, or whatever get in the way of them getting on the road and recovering their treasure. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense...................................unless...........................maybe.............................they don't................. REALLY ...............................know.............................the spot?????

;) ;) ;)


Now that, gollum, is probably the only and also the closest to a real answer I'll get. I guess i was hoping that one of the posters of the FINDS could explain, but............ Thanks for your insight.

tac512ltd, I can only speak for myself Sir. I also am very new at this. I think if I were on top of something that is worth Millions/Billions in Gold I would be very careful as to how to recover it. For example, How do I move It. When do I move it, Who do I take with me That I can trust. Is it better to file a claim or is it better to recover secretly. There have been many cases where land owners give permission to Dig all you want and once you find what it is you're looking for kick you off their land. Sometimes you can know exactly where the T-room is but you just can't find the (Pozo) Entrance. Sometimes you only have a weekend to go try to find the pozo before having to come back to work. The whole time you know you are right over it. The best way I can describe it in my own Inexperienced way is like this. You know those new mouse traps they advertise on T.V. that is a small compartment ( Box ) that have four holes one on each side. Say you are the mouse who is trying to get the " cheese " that is in the Middle of the Box, except the box with the four pozo's is buried in the ground. You have to figure where to dig for one of those pozos. Next you have to ask yourself which of the four pozos is " not " the one that is going to smash my little head. NOTE, This whole time you know exactly where the cheese is. Then if you are lucky and you do get the cheese you still have to get it back to the Mouse house without the cat or dog eatting you alive. Captbill, like myself works areas that are very close to the Mexican Border. I would hate to be in a 7 ' hole, then look up and have 15 illegals all carrying 80 pound back packs with dope in them looking down on me. That hole you just dug could very well end up being your grave. I personally would love to have 3 Teams of you Special Forces people with me If I someday do Recover the cheese. I have not Yet had one But, I Think allot of planning needs to go into a " Successful" Recovery. I only speak for myself.

Captbil, Do you know what the symbol for " La Purisima Concepcion " looks like ?

cptbil said:

Have you talked to "Gary" lately ?
I haven't for a couple of yrs
I DID! Hear that he had lost his "Leases" on the Site ?
I haven't checked in to that.
I hope to be over in your direction sometime this coming year
How about, you/I/Bugs/Docc/Aragron get togather some where for a cup of coffee and some chatter?
We're going to be out for, as I see it, aboout....
A Y E A R :D
We'll have plenty of time out there !
Need some help on THAT! Project ? ::)
How about you coming over to So. Arizona and we'll open up THe Pure Conception Mine Tunnel and drag those silver bars out?
I Have it Located !
I can show you where it is on the MAP!
I can, if I can find them, show you the Photos (of the area near to where it is) !
There's actually a Large "Monument Rock" about 6-8 feet high
Perfectly squared off ! (w/some writting on it)
That I do have Photos of !

Hey Capn,

Gary hasn't lost his lease as far as I know. It's only been a few months since I spoke with him. The only restrictions I know of regarding him are that he can't bring in any more heavy equipment (because it has to be transported over private property). The BLM (who administers the USDA Forest Service Land in the Coronado National Forest) told him that they had no problem with him excavating on a smaller scale.

The remainder of the land in Javelin Canyon was patented by Alan Fecht in about 11 or 12 claims. Those claims were signed over to one of the people he had been swindling (from what I understand it was to keep himself from being physically whomped). I am still trying to contact that person.

As far as showing the location of the Virgen de Guadalupe "on the map", that's not too hard as it is labeled. What WOULD impress me is if you could show where the mine is "on land" not the map.


Victorio - Thank you for taking the time to help me understand the whole process. It must be very complicated when you factor all the variables in. Interesting to say the least. And hey, I'd be happy to round up some of the 'boys from bragg' if the need truly arises. Thanks again, Tim

Gollum - Thanks so much for the PM's. Makes all the sense in the world. Tim

To Mr "tac512ltd" ;
AND! To other "Wonder Whys"! ???

Here is another scenario!

I have been working on the
"Silver Tunnel" Project
in southern Arizona, for about 5 yrs!
I believe that I have located it, "EXACTLY"!
Why haven't I gone out there and recovered the 1000's of silver bars ?
"It's", The Location", is right on a main route for Drug Smugglers, illegals,
Get this !!!!
One, of whom!, was caught !
Who are daily, coming into the country
I have been witness to several "fire fights", auto weapons included!
And !
See daily, groups of people ???? traveling up the canyon
My base camp is about 1/3 of a mile off this main route !
Because of the terrain, it has to be located there
Why haven't I gone in and recovered all of that Silver !
Mainly, because if I were to leave camp, I would come back to find it

Therefore, I must find several "partners" who are willing to "shoot first and ask questions later! "
(AND! This is no JOKE!)
Therein lies the problem!
Can I count on you as being a Partner in this venture?
Your "share" will put you on "easy street" for the rest of your life!
PLEASE !!!!!!
Contact Me !!!
We leave in March '08 !

Come on all of you TH'ers and Wonder whys
See for yourself...
If you'd like to visit this area,
I will offer to meet anyone, in Rio Rico, Az. and, will then, take you to the top of the canyon
Where you can look down and see all of this going on
You'll be perfectly safe up there! :D
I can also, show you, my mentioned "Monument Rock" ( you can actually, touch it/photo it too) and a, very deep, and water filled, Spanish Shaft,
and down in the canyon, below
A Spanish Mission :P

All of this from the safety of your or my vehicle!
You just buy lunch at the family resturant in Rio Rico ;D
How can anyone not take me up on that deal? ???

Cptbill - Give me the specifics, by PM or however. If need be, I'll give you my bona fides. I would consider it quite the experience to be involved in such a venture. Lord knows, I've done enough on Uncle Sugar's dime; and that, as I'm sure you know, is chump change.

Hank said:
tac512ltd said:
I've ask this question before, and yes I'm new to this and unschooled. Enough for the lack of bona fides; What is the advantage, if there is one, to having all the knowledge regarding the exact locations of these fabulous treasures and then getting on here talking about them, running errands, going to one's day job,etc, etc, etc, instead of going out and getting the daggone goods?
Sorry if this seems like a rant, but I can never get a response to this question.

Ahhhhh yes my dear fellow......the answer I give you may be interpreted by a few ['dreamers' /schemers?] as unkind, mean, envious, or some similar adjective. TRUTH IS.....someone who is currently involved in this topic, and must remain unnamed, is a pathetic soul, a veritable pathological liar claiming to possess more esoteric secrets and knowledge of lost treasures, secret caches, Spanish mines, and maps thereof than any mere mortal, or prolific writer of fiction could possibly invent.

Once, quite long ago, this person had me censored by another treasure forum for questioning his mental instability, plethora of fantasies, lies, and unmitigated exaggerations.

Thus, be forewarned...a small number of detectorists/treasure hunters may be as fanciful with their stories as the proverbial fisherman is with his fanciful and mendacious tales. To date, for example, there has NEVER been one genuine treasure map documented! Only a fool would share a secret which promises riches, fame, or whatever other benefits which might derive from their efforts.

Hank, why not use your real name?

Please don't tell me that this is our old buddy BILL RILEY? Wyatt/WyattWestwood/Blackbeard/Jan?/TreasureLegend/LegendHunter/and many more? Could it be? If that is you Bill, and you promise to play nice, you may not get banned from here again!

Merry Christmas-Mike

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