THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Good morning all. The chicks say good morning, too.


Going to pick up our 55 viking next week, and then the boss is back, and fishing begins. Hoping to take more trips. After last year's marlin success, we may try for more bahama time.

I keep having cold feet on stopping at the un touched sandbar. We have a spot called the cuban sandbar. I briefly hunted it with a customer that actually paid me to give his family detecting lessons. I hunted it for about an hour with this family, and it looked promising. Before that I havnt hunted it since 1996 !! Its about as virgin as it gets. I'll try and hunt it with my family on Sat if I can. I'm scared to set up here alone.....its a much wilder environment with sea life, and it's just creepy being alone out there.

I got some rings and earrings yesterday, and saw : 2 lemon sharks, snappers, barracuda, large school of pilchards, silver Jenny's, grunts, high hats, tom toms, blue line jacks, blue runners, glass minnows, and needle fish. Sea life everywhere with the season change. Water temp is 10 degrees cooler from all the rain we had.

Well that was a long hard day of doing things before it rained. Still I know I probably forgot to do a few things.
Eating dinner at 10pm, yippee. :hello2:
Yup woke up SNAP! The downspout off the one corner isn't reconnected-tractor windows open.
Amazing one can think of something one the first eye opener.
Task done radar says green-just a bit of spitting so far.

Cleaned up the lawn with the leaf blower yesterday, it was a carpet of pine needles and fallen leaves.
Looked out this morning and I might as well dreamt that task-it's a carpet of the above once again.
Pine trees doing the shedding big time this year.

This boat thing is a very easy loading kyaks and tying them, just put the ice and drinks in the boat with detector and gear and hook up. Launch is quick 1 person deal, and no traffic to battle. With the kyak it's load, unload, paddle, reload, and finally unload again and put away. So this is just fantastic to have the shallow draft boat. They don't call it a flats boat for nothing.....its built for the shallowist water....knee deep and im still floating.

What breed are then chicks?
They are Cherry Egger chicks. Supposed to be all females, and so far It looks like they are. They're about a month old, and all are doing great so far. The best bunch of chicks we've had yet, I think. When spring comes, a few will go to live with our daughter, the rest will stay with us.

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