Hello Paul, Please email me for my complete solve.
Evidently you are the only one who can understand this. My Solve... Completed in dec 2019 There is far more to this btw.
By Michael Palma
1 Old Faithful is our WWWH. 2 To begin "it" we draw a [line] from Old Faithful as a tangent line touching the grand canyon in through Fossil Forrest in the NE corner. [Fossil Forrest is Forrests 'bones' he was always talking about.] Our Line is drawn from warm water (geyser) to cold canyon water. We now call this our "cold water line" 3 The Lamar ranger station is (half) of the third consecutive clue along with a giant fish that we are seeking. 4 "Put in" below the home of brown means to go down in elevation and cross the Lamar River in a field that is no place for the meek. In the field the creek names are semi precious stones-- a true no place for the meek. We use Amethyst creek as our clue 4.
5 "The end is ever drawing nigh" refers to the giant double Omega shape that is made by the river to the left.

double omega
6 "There'll be no paddle up your creek...JUST heavy loads and water high" This is were you must find the blaze-- the blaze is a PADDLE SHAPED CREEK IN FOSSIL FORREST!

Blaze is this Paddle shaped creek to the right. To the left is an upside down "peace sign" under the text. There is a giant Fish to the right with an eye.
7 "Go in peace" refers to the next consecutive clue. 8 "So why is it that I must go" refers to the "Y" shaped creek to the left of the giant "Peace sign". This "Y" is the next consecutive clue.

The "Y" is the creek to the right. The "Eye" is visible to the left. from ground level it becomes clearer.
"So why is it that I must go and leave my trove for all to seek" is a bit of a red herring but the giant eye is to the left of the "Y". ["I" can keep my secret where] is from the first stanza-- We are looking for an "eye".
Once we have the resolution of he sixth stanza, Forrest tells us where the Gold is.
9 "So hear me all and listen good" tells us to listen for HOMONYMS. [your effort 'will be' worth the cold'] Tells us to go towards the cold line. "If you are brave" actually means": If YEW trees make a fine appearance-- telling us to look for a formation of conifers!
"And in the wood" tells us to look for an appropriate % amount of canopy coverage--It is not jungle or forest-- it is a wood so look for that definition.

Fish with EYE
Here is the fish we saw earlier made out of yew trees. If you are in this wood. "I give you title to the gold" tells us that the heading we should take is to the EYE of the fish.
FACT: Gary Gene Brown who the cabin was named after was in the Air force (Joining the same time as Fenn) as an Airplane Maintenance mechanic from June1950 to July1953
And passed on March 16 2010.

Fossil Forrest with omegas underneath
Fossil Forrest or FF is Forests bones
I solved this on Dec 25 2019!! And no-one has a clue it is correct. But i am sure with a quick glance you can see I'm right. The poem is (among others) A grand Fishing allegory.