The grandaddy of all Treasure Puzzles FORREST FENNS POEM

Just need to know where. I would be happy to know if I was in the right County

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Hello Paul, Please email me for my complete solve.

Evidently you are the only one who can understand this. My Solve... Completed in dec 2019 There is far more to this btw.

By Michael Palma

1 Old Faithful is our WWWH. 2 To begin "it" we draw a [line] from Old Faithful as a tangent line touching the grand canyon in through Fossil Forrest in the NE corner. [Fossil Forrest is Forrests 'bones' he was always talking about.] Our Line is drawn from warm water (geyser) to cold canyon water. We now call this our "cold water line" 3 The Lamar ranger station is (half) of the third consecutive clue along with a giant fish that we are seeking. 4 "Put in" below the home of brown means to go down in elevation and cross the Lamar River in a field that is no place for the meek. In the field the creek names are semi precious stones-- a true no place for the meek. We use Amethyst creek as our clue 4.
5 "The end is ever drawing nigh" refers to the giant double Omega shape that is made by the river to the left.

Fossil Double Omega.webp
double omega

6 "There'll be no paddle up your creek...JUST heavy loads and water high" This is were you must find the blaze-- the blaze is a PADDLE SHAPED CREEK IN FOSSIL FORREST!

Fossil Peace and Paddle.webp
Blaze is this Paddle shaped creek to the right. To the left is an upside down "peace sign" under the text. There is a giant Fish to the right with an eye.

7 "Go in peace" refers to the next consecutive clue. 8 "So why is it that I must go" refers to the "Y" shaped creek to the left of the giant "Peace sign". This "Y" is the next consecutive clue.

Fossil Y and Eye.webp
The "Y" is the creek to the right. The "Eye" is visible to the left. from ground level it becomes clearer.

"So why is it that I must go and leave my trove for all to seek" is a bit of a red herring but the giant eye is to the left of the "Y". ["I" can keep my secret where] is from the first stanza-- We are looking for an "eye".
Once we have the resolution of he sixth stanza, Forrest tells us where the Gold is.
9 "So hear me all and listen good" tells us to listen for HOMONYMS. [your effort 'will be' worth the cold'] Tells us to go towards the cold line. "If you are brave" actually means": If YEW trees make a fine appearance-- telling us to look for a formation of conifers!
"And in the wood" tells us to look for an appropriate % amount of canopy coverage--It is not jungle or forest-- it is a wood so look for that definition.

Fossil Fish.webp
Fish with EYE

Here is the fish we saw earlier made out of yew trees. If you are in this wood. "I give you title to the gold" tells us that the heading we should take is to the EYE of the fish.
FACT: Gary Gene Brown who the cabin was named after was in the Air force (Joining the same time as Fenn) as an Airplane Maintenance mechanic from June1950 to July1953
And passed on March 16 2010.

Fossil Forest Wide shot.webp
Fossil Forrest with omegas underneath

Fossil Forrest or FF is Forests bones

I solved this on Dec 25 2019!! And no-one has a clue it is correct. But i am sure with a quick glance you can see I'm right. The poem is (among others) A grand Fishing allegory.


what if the "blaze" was literally the key to the chest? Like it was hanging up on a tree, find the key, look down, and there is the chest. My thought is it was located near Thermopolis Wyoming. Just a theory.

Forrest Fenn Bones.webp

The Bones were found following the trail in the poem, we found these in the tree right before entering the blaze, which is a mile long trail through a canyon that is shaped like a stalk of hemp, and looks like a huge excavator came through carving the canyon on both sides in straight line

The Blaze.webp

This is the Jesse James R+R Camp location at the end where the leaves, or branches of the canyon split

Two huge caches are still lost there.....that was the treasure that was found using the poem to get you there.....where Brave and In the Wood meant in the Saddle .......... in the holdout of Jesse Woodson James

BTW this treasure hunt was far more exciting researching than the prospect of finding that meager chest of trinkets from the sale of his store and his surplus of coins

The idea that he hid a more grand trove of hidden secrets behind was the driving force of going even through two to the Horse and Saddle location with the Kilns, where it could easily be scorched by fire, and the other location to the blaze

Forrest knew that there were two or three locations and he led you on a trail through their locations describing them each along the way to the final one....strange how fitting his comments were and how he singled me out on Chase Chat for a personal review of my solve but then cut off the side contest to all the others making only a comment about mine.

Seeing the lead coming from his obvious grooming of one solve, denying the others any review, and leaving the issue wide open in front of dozens of people, there was a clear and concise action by the maker of the poem to hint at something related to my solve so I went out on my own on my birthday, as well as going out again with a friend of mine to make the final hike....over 10 miles each way, according to the trail, but using the last clues "Effort worth the cold" we assumed that the old man shortcut the hike calling it too far to walk, and cut across the river at a shallow, parking at the Gates of Lodore campground and walking no more than 1.5 miles each way.....

Assuming that he went twice in one day that put him at no more than 4 miles total on an easy flat slope uphill to the backside (escape rte of the gang) through to the Blaze.

We searched the area for some time.......but there was not much light so we came back along the long route, getting back in total darkness around 9:45pm.....and totally dehydrated with 3 stops along the river to water up......22 miles plus the searching at the final location.....a crazy day.

If I tell you the simple, easy, one-picture solution, do you have the ability to recognize the one true solution out of all the vague, misguided static floating around here? Here are some guidelines:
1. Forrest said: "The treasure is out there waiting for the person who can make all the lines cross in the right spot."
2. Forrest said: "...Look at the poem as if it were a map, because it is, and like any other map, it will show you where to go if you follow its directions."
3. Forrest said to use the poem and a map to find the treasure. All other information, INCLUDING QUOTES FROM FORREST TO BLOGGERS, should be ignored because there is a lot of misinformation out there (much of it generated by Forrest himself to limit the type of person who would find the chest.

What solution uses the poem as a map? Have you seen even one? I will show you one, and that one is all you will need. What lines are you supposed to make cross in the right spot? How many searchers even know that there are lines? Hardly any, but I will show you the lines and how you get them. Are you ready? Okay, here is the easy, simple, one-picture solution:

Thats quite ingenious but forest has come forward and said the treasure was in Wyoming.

Thats quite ingenious but forest has come forward and said the treasure was in Wyoming.

I hope it was not around the Meadowlark Lake area I am going to be mad at myself.

What would Forrest gain by telling the truth about which state it was found? Nothing!

What would Forrest gain by diverting attention away from the REAL treasure site? Would that help reduce the number of lawsuits, if no one could prove the real answer? If someone now files a suit saying they had the correct solution in Wyoming, and it gets to court, Fenn could then produce photos and sworn affidavits from Fenn and the finder to show that the chest was never in Wyoming.

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The finder, Blackbeard probably knows where the chest was hidden.

If so, what does Blackbeard mean by this cryptic comment:
"Before closing this out for good and getting on with life, this video is more of a nod to Forrest and his famous use of the double entendre, and which is a noun that means a word or phrase open to two interpretations, one of which is usually risqué or indecent. I do realize that probably only Forrest and myself will understand the meaning behind it, but there it is nonetheless for all to enjoy."

What would Forrest gain by diverting attention away from the REAL treasure site? Would that help reduce the number of lawsuits, if no one could prove the real answer? If someone now files a suit saying they had the correct solution in Wyoming, and it gets to court, Fenn could then produce photos and sworn affidavits from Fenn and the finder to show that the chest was never in Wyoming.

Even if someone produced documentation that their solve placed the treasure chest within a millimeter of where it was found, they didn't travel to the site and pick it up off the ground. So they have no suit. That would be like me saying I picked the winning horse that came in at 1000:1, but never placed the bet and then filing a lawsuit claiming I am entitled to the money. And why would Fenn lie about it now, only to then get with the finder to show that the chest was never in Wyoming? All of a sudden you go from a simple lie to conspiracy to commit fraud, which opens both Fenn and the Finder to many more civil actions and some criminal hassle, as well. Unless as some people believe, the whole thing is a hoax, why would Fenn waste his time lying about it? There are really only two logical possibilities here. One is that the whole treasure hunt was a hoax. The other is that the finder really did find the treasure where Fenn hid it, and they both agreed to not reveal the location or identity of the finder for whatever reason they wanted.

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IMG_20200712_193415.webpHello friends, I am a new member. What is your opinion about this symbol?

I hear you GoDeep! How did this story get here? Post it in the appropriate place. We're talking about the fenn treasure!

Thats quite ingenious but forest has come forward and said the treasure was in Wyoming.
He did not say the treasure was in Wyoming. Below is what Forrest actually WROTE about where the treasure was FOUND:
"However, the finder understands how important some closure is for many searchers, so TODAY [July 22, 2020] he agreed that we should reveal that the treasure was FOUND in Wyoming. Until he found the treasure, the treasure had not moved in the 10 years since I left it there on the ground, and walked away."

This seems a strange, convoluted, devious statement. Why not just say, "The treasure was hidden in Wyoming"? Could it be that the treasure was NOT HIDDEN in Wyoming, but on July 22, the chest was FOUND lying on a large map of Wyoming on Fenn's desktop? That makes his writing true for THAT DAY ONLY in typical Fenn-speak, but it may not be ALL the truth about the special spot. If a lawsuit is filed by someone claiming to have the correct solution in Wyoming, Fenn can file a sworn affidavit that the treasure was never HIDDEN in Wyoming, and no one has any evidence or can prove any different, because it was really hidden in New Mexico, according to the clues in the poem that define 4 easily-located map points:
Waters Canyon, CO,
Marvel, CO,
and Casa Marron in Santa Fe, NM.
There is a 4th implied point “blaze” or Angel Fire, NM which is on the same line with Marvel, CO.

Draw lines between these points to form a Right triangle similar to the one on the front cover of Too Far to Walk. Then cut out the poem and use it as a map, following the directions in Stanza 2 of the poem. The word "blaze" in the poem then falls across the triangle hypotenuse and points to the blaze on the ground, a large black painted "nn" on top of a big flat rock that you can still see at GPS coordinates 36.6355, -106.2105 - - - -

"However, the finder understands how important some closure is for many searchers, so TODAY [July 22, 2020] he agreed that we should reveal that the treasure was FOUND in Wyoming. Until he found the treasure, the treasure had not moved in the 10 years since I left it there on the ground, and walked away."

This seems a strange, convoluted, devious statement. Why not just say, "The treasure was hidden in Wyoming"? Could it be that the treasure was NOT HIDDEN in Wyoming, but on July 22, the chest was FOUND lying on a large map of Wyoming on Fenn's desktop?

I think you are trying too hard to parse simple statements. Fenn said the treasure was found in Wyoming because people were asking where the treasure was found. There wasn't a clamor of people demanding to know where it was hidden. Fenn answered the question that was asked.

I think you are trying too hard to parse simple statements. Fenn said the treasure was found in Wyoming because people were asking where the treasure was found. There wasn't a clamor of people demanding to know where it was hidden. Fenn answered the question that was asked.

You could definitely be right, i don't disagree that it could be looking for fire where there is none. I'm not going to rehash by past griefs, But this whole "discovery" has just always tilted a little off key for me.

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