I mean just for me to remember dining set up and what goes at everyone's seat I had to draw out a diagram in my notebook of the room and have it all draw out. I simply struggle to remember all of it. But I was able to set up because I have the diagram I made. It still bothers me as i find my memory not adequate it's what makes me struggle a lot or I feel mine is worse than others at least
The things I no longer remember. And worse , what I forget today!
Used to rattle off part numbers at one job...Boy oh boy.
I put silver ware on the left of a place setting still. Out of habit. Knife far left. But some cultures would be offended with a knife at the table..
Someone creates waterspots at times. I suspect the sink sprayer attachment I seldom use is involved. I don't say anything about it though.
It reminds me of being shown how to tumble/roll wet/damp silverware in a towel years ago though. But it's good enough for who it's for here. I'll even leave a fingerprint on a piece. But ... When I wash silverware I don't want waterspots. And dining elsewhere? Oh my. I've seen some nasty silverware now and then. If waitstaff was in a hurry and missed it who's fault is it? (It's multiple peoples fault by now.)
Big chain restaurant. Rather a franchise.
My hashbrowns arrived white. Pasty pale white and cold.
I'm not ordinarily a color biased /prejudiced type. But asked the waitress to return them to the kitchen and be browned.
She returned eventually with , white pasty hashbrowns.
Now my former restaurant worker self has to be polite.
She maintained it wasn't on her. I suggested my plate was. so she gets the manager.
Who maintains they are using a new oil by corporate decision and potatoes won't brown in it.. At which point I'm forcing myself to remain seated and not demand I be escorted to the kitchens grill for a demonstration of an oil that won't allow hashbrowns to be more than thawed.
Rule #1 for assured success. Manager needs to know every job. Not know about it. Know each job.
A miracle oil that prevents any browning can be end arounded on a returned potato order by putting it under the broiler without miracle non browning oil. And somewhere in the kitchen , or in range of it must be another way to brown a potato. Butter perhaps.
Yes fresh/new fryer oil reduces browning. Type can too.
Using fryer oil on the grill reflects the oils ability and inherent plusses and minuses.
Serving customers pale white cold hashbrowns is not a hashbrown success.
But then we had been watching the place decline for years.
And it got to the point so few locals visited it anymore it affected the former staff. The best of which had bailed and thier likes not duplicated through acquiring pre experienced or well trained and supported staff.
New restaurants meant competition. And welcomed by customer competition .
I doubt the cold pale potato manager lasted long. Potatoes said so. As did his inability despite being a restaurant manager to produce a browned version of one.
Could he run a dish machine? Know how to wash and sanitize after? See that clean silverware made it to the table?
Explain the spinach quality or lack thereof?
It doesn't matter I doubt he could.
What matters is three employees or more couldn't produce a decent hashbrown while each of them passed the blame to someone else.. And I'm not including the corporate count to the alleged albino hashbrown causation chain..
Who in corporate cooked hashbrowns?
Who in corporate ate clod pale while pasty hashbrowns?
Who should have?
Was my server supported by having what she needed in her work?
Am I qualified to evaluate a restaurant based on a single visit among decades of infrequent visits to multiple restaurants in the same chain and having worked in a quality restaurant myself? That doesn't matter either as much as the parking lot today does.
If not for highway victims...It might be closed. And even they appear less.
A newer Culvers is in sight. As are multiple fast food places.
I'll argue my server was in a no win situation.
Denied the minimum support there can be no such support extended forward. And that was as simple as a kitchen not being capable of browning a pile of hashbrowns. Worsened by a manager not being able to.
Great place to be a server? If not , pity the customer. Oh wait , the customer can go elsewhere.
As did the staff that learned they were not supported or provided what they needed to do the job.