The grandaddy of all Treasure Puzzles FORREST FENNS POEM

We obviously have a serious dichotomy here. You say the treasure wasn't where you thought it would be because it doesn't exist. BingFa9 says that the treasure wasn't where he thought it would be because a bald, heavy set Caucasian guy in his mid forties found it just before he did. Both of you have produced your solves, yours in this thread and BingFa9 on his website: BingFa9 solve site. At least one of you is on the short end of the stick here. At worst, you could be wrong. On the other hand, at worst, BingFa9 would be a liar since in addition to his solve he has provided specific information regarding the person he says found it. So who has more on the line here? You've always shied away from the DDX process, but it would be interesting to see you and BingFa9 go line by line through your solves in an effort to resolve this.
I’m game!
I was just asked to do a video or redo the solve so it’s easier to follow. I did a seminar in which I showed a large group of people the solve and everyone was blown away. Unlike this thread, the visual aids I used along with the simple descriptions, left no doubts. Every single person was amazed and convinced. I do admit that this solve is complicated as it stands.

There will be no paddle up your creek, just heavy loads and water High (Hi).!8m2!3d44.4279684!4d-110.5884542

If you've been wise and found the blaze, look quickly down your quest to cease. The rock circled in green has a U turn arrow on it, pointing to the nook. Look quickly down (short distance) from Fenns image, your quest to cease, when you realize what the u turn arrow points to.


  • blaze.webp
    83.1 KB · Views: 147
  • forrest-fenn-map.webp
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He just wished that someone would one day walk out into the woods to find his bones.

Forrest Fenn Bones.webp

Well that was one of the easy parts.

The other parts like "Done it Tired" were also easy to find as the whole trail was laid out in a straight line.

Forrest Tired Wood Check.webp

Forrest Done It Tired.webp


It's above 5000 ft apparently so that is one sign that you are in the right vicinity.

But the problem is that the pics that he used for reference are now gone from Google Earth.

They began an upgrade and erased them all and then went back to allowing them for some strange reason, so everyone's research was dumped unless you saved the pics on screenshot.

There are numerous signs that Forrest was alluding to another chest altogether and leading people out to find a trove he was dreaming up.

That the real trove was from a Jesse James/Younger Gang heist.

As you can see the bones are found at the entrance to a location known as "The Blaze"....a cut through pass that has a history concealing the R&R Camp.

The Blaze Above.webp


One things for certain - you see things that no one else does.

One things for certain - you see things that no one else does.

Well, there was @Bloodline. He had similar drawings and conspiracy theories, with Satanists tied to both Forrest Fenn and the Vatican, claims that the person who found the treasure would be a blood sacrifice that took place every few hundred years and all sorts of weird stuff. He even had a lot of videos for people to see. It culminated in him advising searchers in a post here to find a clue to the treasure by poking a dinosaur statue in the face at a children's hospital in New Mexico. When the hospital got wind of that they specifically asked him to slow his roll and stay in his lane, which elicited a rare retraction from him in one of the Forrest Fenn treasure threads here. I feel strange just typing the previous words, but it's all here in black and white if those posts haven't been deleted. Yeah, fun times...

“In the end, one detail is unarguable:
There will always be those searching for treasure.
Never forget: We are a country founded on legends and myths.
We love them, especially legends of treasure.”
― Brad Meltzer

The Treasure is safe. His home of brown is not correct. Also I could not see what his wwh is. I couldn’t really read anything the website kept kicking me back to the home page.

Fairly reliable sources say the treasure was found quite some time back, but no one will ever come forward due to all the taxes that would be due. So my money is on the reasonable assumption it is a found treasure now.

Fairly reliable sources say the treasure was found quite some time back, but no one will ever come forward due to all the taxes that would be due. So my money is on the reasonable assumption it is a found treasure now.
Reliable source?
No one will ever come forward?
It is a found treasure now?


Hard to find something that never existed in the first place.

wow, they say an alcoholic drinks to create his own Psychosis. Others dont need alcohol. Holy mackerel Andy ,, my head hurts trying to understand all that.. it may be believable if not for all the condescending judgmental rants.
Such as this post..... Opinions are just that, I have shared mine, My wish is that someone finds it before Mr Fenn passes. And by the way Mr Fenn thank you for your service to this wonderful country.

My “interpretation “ fell apart. Off to a new search area [emoji23]

I will give you a clue about hunting treasure: Just like playing Poker. You don't play the cards, you play your opponent.

That there, that's some wisdom if I've ever heard it. Thanks Gollum

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The Fenn Treasure is hiding at Maggie Browns Summer Home, called the Avoca Lodge, right near Bear Creek in Denver Colorado. Thank me later.

Edit: - answers to several clues in there...

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One interview on a radio show he stated that you could only solve the first few clues without putting boots on the ground. This makes A LOT of solves inadequate. Happy Hunting

I always thought it was located around the Meadowlark lake area in Montana it will be interesting to know were it was at.

Forrest Fenn has stated his chest has been found by an unidentified searcher.
Forrest Fenn has yet to release the winning solution and all the clues.
I can’t wait for the world class description by Forrest Fenn.

I can’t wait for the world class description by Forrest Fenn.

Does this mean you have already decided that you won't believe any explanation he provides? You were one of the more vociferous people, claiming that you had solved the clues and that there never was any treasure. If the finder comes forward and he or Fenn shows the solve in detail I see only two paths for you: Admit that person solved the puzzle and found the treasure, or claim it is all some kind of conspiracy they cooked up.

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