THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Well in the beginning I destroyed the first shrine, and took the money 💰. I was offended as a Christian. But as I thought how horrible the catholics were in the great inquisition.....I regretted destroying someone's beliefs and practices. I had taken that jar, and dropped it about 75 yards away. Well the next time I hunted there, everything had been put back in the exact spot.....including the jar with the pepper 🌶 in it. To my surprise the presence of more money gave me an epiphany...... don't destroy the shrine, just take the offering and see how long this will go on for. We'll its been at least a year, and I've raided this temple at least 4 times now. The offering was larger than usual because I waited an extra long time to check it. I've noticed that as this person walks to the shrine they sprinkle change all over the path all the way to the shrine. At the shrine the money is concentrated around the jar and 🌶 pepper. The jar is buried upside down and protruding from the ground.....never buried all the way. I left at least another 20 bucks there mixed in the dirt.....another strange thing is that there are very few pennies, which means that the silver colored coins are preferred by there diety. I got a Barbados dime, and a wheat penny dated 1954 mixed in the coins. I will continue to play the part of there diety accepting there offerings.....your right.....if I continue to profit here I will be able to buy a new machine from there offerings of money. Something tells me this is Hindu in origin.....just guessing though.....I don't know why I think that !!
I would find it strange that it would be anything to do with Hindu religion, Lakshmi.

Maybe a very discreet trail cam set up might answer some questions on who drops the money.

Would be sort of weird if this dude shows up dressed in an Armani suit dropping coins.
Then again in this world of 8 billion creatures who really knows what goes through one's head.

In hunting the large High Park in Toronto over the years I dug up a few offerings. Jars buried upside down, full of liquids, and some really weird looking contents that I wasn't going to messing with. So I just reburied it, and carried on detecting. There was one spot in the park that had pennies, lots of pennies, I must of recovered a few hundred in a 20' x 20' area and still there were lots. I avoided the spot after a few attempts of cleaning them out looking for something older.

In hunting the large High Park in Toronto over the years I dug up a few offerings. Jars buried upside down, full of liquids, and some really weird looking contents that I wasn't going to messing with. So I just reburied it, and carried on detecting. There was one spot in the park that had pennies, lots of pennies, I must of recovered a few hundred in a 20' x 20' area and still there were lots. I avoided the spot after a few attempts of cleaning them out looking for something older.
Same scenario.....this is the same has oil and water, and a red pepper 🌶 in it, and they searched for and found that jar when I desecrated the first shrine.....they found it and restored it to its original orientation. They have also inadvertently contaminated an old spot with relics with pounds of modern coins. I concentrate on the spot where the coins are easy to scoop up !!

Good day crusty crew… i think Peps has already had a shot of “the good stuff” this morning… hold onto ur hats people he is in woo-ing mode…. 😆!! 🤗 xx
Just a shot, I will state for the record.
It's a full intravenous drip that is administered to the 🌶
BTW good morning smoothie.

Good morning!


It's a witch 🧙‍♀️ bottle im almost sure !! 🤪 pretty crazy 🤪 sh×t !! Read down to the part of how a contemporary witch bottle is made !! I am the 🧙‍♂️ witch hunter !!

It's a witch 🧙‍♀️ bottle im almost sure !! 🤪 pretty crazy 🤪 sh×t !! Read down to the part of how a contemporary witch bottle is made !! I am the 🧙‍♂️ witch hunter !!

Might be a reason pennies are not involved as much as higher denominations on your site. Oh great I'm cursed with bold letters now!!!​

[Money Magic​

A money jar spell can be done to bring wealth your way—in some traditions, nine pennies are used, in others, it may be various other coins, and placed in a jar or bottle. In some cases, the jar may be painted green or gold, and then put someplace where it can be seen each day. Eventually, according to tradition, money will start coming towards you.

Keep in mind that spell jars can be plain and simple, or you can decorate them to look pretty. The nice thing about a decorative, attractive jar is that you can leave them anywhere you like, and no one will even realize that magic is afoot.]

Still leaning towards an attraction attempt. Someone wanting to attract money.

A bit of another persons method.

[Now throw these three coins into the vase, open your eyes and blow out the candle.

This gesture shows that you are ready to give something to get something you want in return.

Perform this spell every morning for the next nine days. In the end, bury the vase with coins in the ground.

Of all the money spells with voodoo, this is the easiest to perform. But still, don’t be reckless.]

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