Blak bart
Platinum Member is incredible, but wow....I just couldn't do it like that.....I really don't have time.....once in a while I'll post the clad, and I really never get silvers except in the winter when I go back on land !! Really only film jewelry, and hopefully quality pieces.....when im showing micro earrings and cheap struggling.....and it happens. Ill soon get quiet because water season is over, and it's slim picking on land. But the boat will give me an ace or 2 in the sleeves !!Kind of thinking like a post up like tnt-hunter does, all displayed out, on grid lines, in rows.
I'm down to the stage of here it's in the dirty stage, because I really don't have the time to make it look pretty and organized.
Posting up finds is time consuming and it takes a bit of time to get it all cleaned and sorted/laid out/photo'd/written up/posted up.
I tip the hat to those that can find the extra time to do that.
For example ill go take a pic of my current clad pile.....I don't count coins....I count pounds of coins !!
I have to go to my salvage/junk corner of my patio, where I have an absolute pig stye of a clean up table !!