I'm though not good at anything. Don't know what I like really. Work is just work to me. So I have no idea
Pet shop?
Flower shop?
There are people who get paid to water plants. You'd need mobility.
Pet sitting? L.o.l. Squirrel fighting.)
No idea what's out your homes windows, was a time I should have learned concrete repair to patch steps when I lived in a city about a year. I did remove trees and over grown shrubs at a former in laws and could have kept going.
Just hauling stuff away when others worked on thier properties.
And today , people buy rocks. Meanwhile rocks are piled out of the way as nuisances elsewhere..
Firewood? Just some for a city fireplace on special occasion or emergency? Egads the money people pay for it to arrive and be stacked!
See the goins ons with stones and sticks? Nope you don't drive a truck or own a tractor?
Something from the 60's would be a hoot delivering with. Or to load with.
But what if you were only the middleman?
Storm downs trees. I see fee wood adds that once in a while have some good quality timber.
Guy messed up but is out again who did custom work for a woodworking hobbyist who finished (if such ever really happens) his home.
The guy had post sized trunks with burls on them. Where did he get them?
I've seen pine and cedar with burls I left alone.
But somewhere are more. Who owns them? What will thay cost you? How and when should you remove thier bark?
What are they worth?
Desert rats collect pretty stones. My now gone stepfather used to note them in AZ.
Guys makin do partly by what they find on/in the ground.
Steampunk art made with what? Industrial art from salvaged what?
No dread inn scrounging if done right. Or in art. Orin admiring natures flukes or insect or weather damaged / caused strange shapes in wood.
A vine chokes into a sapling and you make a walking stick out of it. How much $$?
Yes I look at prices.
Some get left on consignment at different places.
You could do that. You'd need stout sticks to start.
Look about. Resources abound.
People shun work you can do for them.
If you stress clearing my yard , keep clearing anyways. Yes that's still a sound oak sapling I removed. Take it with the rest of the debris.
Debris = compost.
People will pay you to collect and take thier leaves. And or grass.
Other people (if not the same) will pay you for compost.
Stump grinding. Nope. I never bought a grinder.
I have dug many stumps though. Yes gas lines electric lines water lines all need to be known. We have a number to call and utilities get marked.
I don't care to dig stumps any more.
You know how?, Care to learn? I could leave you alone to remove one. No stress. Just you and stump. Like a tooth to extract.Well ,kind of.
Oh my goodness. What about the hole left now? What about the stump itself? Where shall it go?
You don't drive a vintage truck...
Amish here hire rides.
When for work it is easy enough to figure they charge accordingly.
But they build and do construction. Meaning materials.
When it's from an Amish mill it's not like delivered from other sources. But the middleman (or who)sees it is delivered.
Can you get a stump and storm downed tree from my yard disappeared?
We both know the answer.
The right tree could produce woodchips. Or a bench. Ask Bart!
Ever look at how much people pay for a dozen worms?
Can you get away with raising worms? (likely yes.)
Neighbor is growing and selling "greens" from her basement.
Dirt light seeds water =greens. They buy dirt. Dirt! One source mixes worm castings with it. (Worm poop for money!)
I stay out of it thier grow , but would have you ask a couple local (nearest) chefs what they would like to be able to access.
Self serve honey the other day. Being locally sourced I should have stopped.
Have you ever been near a working hive? Were you anxious , or interested?
Self serve eggs spotted again last week.
People sell stuff "porch pick up".
You don't have to confront them.
Gourds. Grown. Dried. Then varnished.
Others cleaned out through a birdhouse hole and a perch added.
You can study size of holes per bird specie.
Scrap wood builds bird houses too.
How much for a raw one? How much for a painted one?
Garden marker stakes.
How long have people been decorating scrap wood and selling it?
Gardening went wild during covid.
Some of the people buying stones and sticks bought dirt!
I bought dirt! I bought terrible dirt!
Would have been a bargain to buy green beans from you probably. Or have you "build" me a garden. Could you? Absolutely. And/or you could sell instructions.
Years ago a temporary worker said he liked working for the temp service. He got to move around and experience lots of things. But more , he could work on his business of making and selling pamphlets. From which he derived income.
Hmm. write print/copy and staple and mail kind of stuff?
Today you don't even need paper! Though some folks would prefer such.
You know anything about chickens?
Anyone willing to pay for such intel?