THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

A.D. (Anno Domini, year of the Lord) and B.C. (Before Christ) have long been used by archaeologists in Europe and the Americas; their reference point is the birth of Christ.
C.E. (Current Era) and B.C.E. (Before Current Era) are sometimes used instead of A.D. and B.C. as a way to express a date without specifically referencing Christianity. But the dates themselves are exactly comparable to dates expressed as A.D. or B.C. For example, 1280 C.E. is the same year as A.D. 1280, and 228 B.C.E. is the same year as 228 B.C.
B.P. (Before the Present) is the number of years before the present. Because the present changes every year, archaeologists, by convention, use A.D. 1950 as their reference. So, 2000 B.P. is the equivalent of 50 B.C.
ka (kilo annum, thousand years) signifies "thousand calendar years ago," and it is used most often in geological, paleontological, and archaeological reporting to assign a general date to events that occurred a very long time ago. For example, the entry of humans into the New World during the Pleistocene (Ice Age) is thought to have occurred by about 15,000 years ago, or 15 ka (which is equivalent to approximately 13,000 B.C).

So put that in yours pipe and smoke it. Thats all I have to say about that.....


My latin is a bit rusty but here goes BC refers to before Christ. AD is actually Anno Domini which stands for the in the year of the lord which is where the current calendar started.

Your bang on Bill
I posted this up before, so that how they refer to the different.

Just keep an eye on Msbeepbeep and WD in tha rum cellar :laughing7: 770C44F1-EEC4-4621-8F52-76A37B25AEAD.gif

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Like the saying goes "when life gives you lemons make lemonade" or in your case "when life gives you rugs make table cloths".....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

We are too cheap for a real table cloth... so we will use the rugs :P


Gotta give the kid credit though for his young age he did a credible job with the song.

Not exactly easy measuring up to Bob Marley who was one of a kind.


Gotta give the kid credit though for his young age he did a credible job with the song.

Not exactly easy measuring up to Bob Marley who was one of a kind.

I'll give the guy a grade of "E" for effort. But if his parents encouraged him to go on television to sing they get a "F-". That would be child abuse, IMO.


I .. was inside doing finish work...( I'm Irish so...):tongue3: My wife WAS going to bring me lunch/dinner. I already have da Scotch! Rain from hell washed out part of the road... partially my fault as I identified as an excavator expert. :laughing7: Well I installed a culvert.. badly... and it was not successful! :BangHead:
That is why I stay inside! I locked the hubs...(I lie pushed a button..) and made it home to .... BS with you guys!!!!

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I'll give the guy a grade of "E" for effort. But if his parents encouraged him to go on television to sing they get a "F-". That would be child abuse, IMO.

Strike that, I take it all back due to insufficient information. If the kid begged his parents to get him on television so he could sing then his parents get a solid "B+" at the very least. It ain't easy raising a kid and sometimes you gotta let them fall so you can raise them up.

Here's a video with Carlos Santana & Taj Farrant in Las Vegas.


Another day, from one solitary another. just gets tough sometimes.

:sad11: sigh......


I like to rock...


On a sour note.. Who says that?
I got my ass kicked today, by a Subaru WRX. I really am not a fan of those fart pipe little *&^$%&*(* ers.
Now it was damp out so I really had traction issues.. ... .. I just might install an LS1 in the screamin' chicken... posi too....

Improvements done in the last few hours.

New Pups.
Seymour Duncan Alnico II Pro Slash APH-2 pickups.

New saddles.
TUSQ® bridge saddles are preferred for rich tone and sustain. TUSQ is an advanced polymer that's formed under high heat and pressure for uniform density. It's designed to transfer string energy more efficiently, to make guitars come alive with enhanced harmonics, volume and sustain.

We will see.

IMG_7609 (2).webp

I vacated the premises


Ok ok.... I realize that some of you don't know what the RCT actually really looks like... what the "real deal" is here.

SO.... In case you guys are wondering... here are a few pictures of stuff around the RCT... :)

I will start with the bathroom...


The rum room of the RCT... (notice the lack of rum)


The RCT telephone...


And.... since many of you don't know what yours truly ... AKA "The Captain"... looks like...

I took this selfie so you can...


Good morning, crew mateys.

Cap’n, ye be kinda gangly looking creature, but a friendly face to talk to nonetheless. D’ya see how tidy me and Missy Beeps keep da rum room for ye? Nary a drop of rum spilt!

Morning your sweetness. :)

Good morning folks

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