THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

When me and the MR started dating, we went with another couple to a festival. We smoked so much weed and hash on the way. Was flying pretty high. I don't even remember which festival it was. I wanted this stuffed bear so bad. I believe it was knock the milk cans over game. Future MR tried and failed and I pouted and used all my wiles to get him to try some more. $104.00 later the guy running the booth gave it to him. I guess he had pity on him. I was happy for a brief second until the loss of money sunk in. Well, future MR shoulda took that as a sign. LOL!

I can sure relate to winning one of those large Teddy Bears. Right after we were married, we went to our state fair with another couple. Wife saw this 4' tall blue and white bear. This was were you toss coins onto glass plates and hope they did not slide off, which they always did. I spent a lot of money trying to win her that bear, with no luck. I finally asked the guy how much for the bear. He had to check with the owner to see if they could sell it outright. He came back with a price and so I handed him the cash. Maybe 10-15 years ago the wife said she wanted to toss the bear because it was taking up to much room. My reply was short and simple: " If the bear do you". We still have the bear :icon_thumright:

Mine disappeared when I went into the service. As a matter of fact, a lot of my stuff did.

Well I literally picked out my coffee machine this afternoon. I feel so much better now.

In memory of your newly departed coffee machine Jim: :tongue3:


Good morning tnet


Morning Rook.

Morning Rook, Arc

Good morning people....hope everyone is feeling good this AM !!

How are ya simon !! ??

Good morning ARC, Bart, Jim, rook and the rest of the gang.

Morning Pepper ... Bart... Bill.

Morning AARC, bill ,pepperj , bart and Simon if you haven't left yet.

BBL little later. Time to take Sadie cruising.

Ya we love turtles
New signage
Try this again, poor sat. link too much rain.

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Hi Simon :hello:
Tried before shut eye, but he skies were covering up the reception.

Morning Bill
I hope you received what we have for moisture this weekend so far.
I checked a bucket at ten last night and there was a good 1" already in it from the one evening rain.
It rained till 3am so we had a good 6 hrs.

I'm outta here.....going to hunt inshore of sueceo de arizon.....a 1733 galleon. My partner is an early riser....we should be in the water by 830am. See ya !!


Yep we had a decent amount of rain and the birds are chirping this morning so they're happy we got rain also. I've been putting out a couple of pails for them recently with drinking water.

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Good morning ARC, rook, Bill, Jim & Bart! :wave:
Best of luck to you on your beach hunting Bart, hope you find more Spanish artifacts!

We've received a bunch of rain here in Muskoka Jim, good thing the open fire ban has been lifted in this area too.
My daughter wants to burn a couple of her ex-friends clothes in the fire pit.

Hope you all have a great Sunday! :thumbsup:


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