I was waiting so long for it to happen, I was going to start fixing me lunch.Good morning everyone!
Well this certainly is a first for me, I'm here before pepperj logged in.

I was waiting so long for it to happen, I was going to start fixing me lunch.Good morning everyone!
Well this certainly is a first for me, I'm here before pepperj logged in.
Lord have mercy.....I fu****g left the lat and long numbers up on one of my sat images on the shipwreck thread !!! Wow what an idiot move !! Oh well I fixed it now but I'm sure someone got that spots numbers !! Hah...what a bone head move !! Old shpillips steve figured out where I was quickly.....that's ok hes an ex pat keys guy.....a conch !! I looked back at my post to see what gave it away....couldn't see anything in the image....oh wait the numbers are printed right across the top info bar !! Geeez !!
Good merning to all ARC, BILL, DAVE, ROOK. Bart, and especially you WD.
Here's a recipe for guanciale.
Good morning, Pepper.
"especially" me? Now I have to figure it out. Is it the sugar or spice? It can't be everything nice. Peyton says I am not.![]()
Good merning to all ARC, BILL, DAVE, ROOK. Bart, and especially you WD.
Lord have mercy.....I fu****g left the lat and long numbers up on one of my sat images on the shipwreck thread !!! Wow what an idiot move !! Oh well I fixed it now but I'm sure someone got that spots numbers !! Hah...what a bone head move !! Old shpillips steve figured out where I was quickly.....that's ok hes an ex pat keys guy.....a conch !! I looked back at my post to see what gave it away....couldn't see anything in the image....oh wait the numbers are printed right across the top info bar !! Geeez !!
"Jolly jolly six pence!"
The county fair we used to crawl under the fence where dogs dug under to sneak in...
We'd study a carny's game to cheat the best odds of the carny winning , run back to the bar (or wherever he was,he worked the bar at one event most years) and hit Dad up for a coin. He'd ask what we'd get for it...Seldom getting the intended result ,but we tried to forecast...
One time a balloon board had just a couple large prize tags behind the many balloons.
Watching till someone popped one and where the carny moved the tag to , it was off to get another coin. We scored a couple large prizes that way off the carny/game.
Then...On a later return (with another mooched/pestered-ly earned coin) , the popped balloon had a small prize tag behind it. Oh no! The carny had caught on to us! L.o.l.. It may be imagined he smiled when handing over the small.
Another place , a friend would show up on horseback to announce the Circus/carnival was unloading at the railroad. It set up in the park next to the giant old house we lived in /stepdad rented.
(Rats , coal stove , lots of fun.)
Sisters talked about the freakshows enough I had to do some snoopin. Strange things in jars was one area of focus...
Between a sisters decription of the "rip-off" as presented , and what was real was agreed with. I'll spare the readers though!!!
The rodeo part of it would be nearest the house. I can recall running back and forth from the section of portable corral my stepdad was leaning on to the house to grab a single small chocolate each trip. 3 years old maybe and it was quite a run. But , must have got me out of his hair briefly each time enough to allow or encourage it.
Many years later revisiting the site is was one of those cases where such an awful long distance (house to corral) was really just a short distance... I detected around where that temporary corral had been , and other areas of that historic (and therefore pounded ) park. No silver.. I still have a decorative object recovered though. Not likely related to the carnival/circus. Which was it , carnival or circus? Seemed both as animals were paraded from the railroad. But alas , time shuffles memory sometimes too.
Corn roasts. Fish fries. Ox roasts. Hog roasts. Poker parties. Always a social doins somewhere on the weekends.
Us kids were left to roam after arrival usually. And roam we did!
I will keep you posted...
Don't worry... its nice here at that spot today... and in a few minutes I will know if anything is at this spot.
Just came up for lunch and check Tnet.
I joined a carnie outfit in AZ, they put me on the shoot the star out booth. The BB gun held 50 shots if I remember right.
Used to take the targets that were near complete and practice for hours while it was slow/or just to show folks it could be done.
Secret was to shoot the points out first then didn't hang to the target.(even a little colour a person lost)
The one memory was after the nightly get high/drunk we opened up the booth, cranked the air pressure up, took some safety off the guns to make them full automatics, unhooked the safety chains. Nothing finer than blasting the empty cans down the midway.
So the next day everything back to normal, we had good crowds, made some money, as we had to buy the targets, then got paid on commission. (The house made the $$$)
So I was calculating my take for the day/night 12+hrs. Went to cash out the owner placed the money on the payout counter and I reached for it.
Down came the big mitt on top top the cash/he pulled it back, took 50%.
Replied: "That's for the use/abuse/rental/cost of shot/power/ because for your horse sh** last night-NOW GET THE **** OUT!"
Lesson learnt-hit the morons where it hurts-in the pocket cash account.
Rough life to be a traveling carnie.........(Lots of party hardy)![]()
"Jolly jolly six pence!"
The county fair we used to crawl under the fence where dogs dug under to sneak in...
< snippity, snip snip! >