THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Lord have mercy.....I fu****g left the lat and long numbers up on one of my sat images on the shipwreck thread !!! Wow what an idiot move !! Oh well I fixed it now but I'm sure someone got that spots numbers !! Hah...what a bone head move !! Old shpillips steve figured out where I was quickly.....that's ok hes an ex pat keys guy.....a conch !! I looked back at my post to see what gave it away....couldn't see anything in the image....oh wait the numbers are printed right across the top info bar !! Geeez !!

Welp, you can't blame it on being a blonde. Let's see, what's a guys excuse? :icon_scratch: :dontknow:

Good merning to all ARC, BILL, DAVE, ROOK. Bart, and especially you WD.

Good morning, Pepper.

"especially" me? Now I have to figure it out. Is it the sugar or spice? It can't be everything nice. Peyton says I am not. :evil6:

Good morning, Pepper.

"especially" me? Now I have to figure it out. Is it the sugar or spice? It can't be everything nice. Peyton says I am not. :evil6:

Could be the sweet and sour.:dontknow:



Did you see my feud with the Cap'n over the rum key? Was that it? :laughing9:

Morning Bill
We got a good rain over night and into the am it's still around. No watering needed today! :hello2:

Question: wild to domestication of berry bushes.
Having foraging the wild, nothing planned/planted in a certain spot.

There's a plan for a patch(s) going forward.

In the new plant we want a berry patch in the field/behind fencing.

Can I take clipping/transplant wild and domesticate them.

I hope you know what I mean.


Yes and no.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

The simple answer is no problem, that said, just make sure they're a good distance from any domestic varieties you may have planted.

I had read that the wild ones have a greater risk of having fungus issues than the domestic ones which tend to be bred for tolerance against fungus. Not sure if that's 100% true or just a marketing gimic by the nurseries.

Went for another picking of wild black raspberries last night and as 2nd picking this morning before the rain came.

Right now we have a batch of red currant jelly in progress as well as one of domestic black raspberrries. Also picked a couple of pickling cucumbers from the garden.


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Ahh Summer!

Reviewing some family stuff yesterday brought up yesteryears.

Barefoot all summer. Pre no shirt no shoes no service . L.o.l..
A trailer and screenhouse near a lake. A path to carry the little boat to the water and a culture where if you didn't bother folks , they didn't bother you.

Grandfolks on Dads side would be up from Florida around the Fourth. With a backseat covered with fireworks.
We had tennisball cannons. And burned up any can of lighter fluid or paint thinner or hairspray or about anything we could get our hands on that would burn rapidly. Beer cans were of good quality for such then. Tape options to hold cans together , not so much. Worsened under rapid fire/heated conditions.

"Uncle Worm" (Vern?) would turn up around then too. Like many relatives , who's Uncle he was didn't matter , he was Uncle to all. A jolly fellow that delighted in lighting off cherry bombs randomly throughout his visit. Preferably when someone was close , but unaware one was about to go off.
Always peeling a mango. He must have had a bushel or two hid away somewhere. Did get out in the boat fishing with him once. But hanging out in the shade seemed to suit him most.

Summer also meant occasional stops at "Jule's". A friend of Dads on another lake our family had ties to. The lake that is.
Jule had the biggest long dining table I'd ever seen. Kinda odd for a guy living alone.
He was a "snapper" guy. The wall of his garage covered with snapping turtle shells from one big enough to hide a man (that's big!) and the line graduated into smaller size the length of the garage wall.
A cement tank in the yard with water running through it usually had a snapper in it , and the yard always smelled of his smokers. Refrigerators converted into smokers... Fish , venison , probably anything that could be smoked got smoked.
Not sure why we visited in summer. Staying in touch I suppose.

Somewhere is a pic of three snappers one morning some guys dropped off at Dads.
One about the size of a V.W. Bugs roof. The others smaller but the smallest I'm holding by the tail has it's front feet on the ground due to my not being able to lift it higher.
Granted , I was no brute at the time...

At the lake with a trailer us kids had a contact that bought snappers from us.
A gal we crossed paths with at the right times , not sure how though.
Snapper catchin. Interesting when they're in the muck and weeds and your trying to figure out which end is which by feel...

Other turtles other areas when I had access to a bigger boat and some horse[power I'd put guys on the bow , approach sighted turtles at ramming speed and reverse at the last second while catchers launched off the bow.
Those were "huge'' for the (specie) senior non snappers that were turned loose after the catch.

Only a sampler. But part of summers past. Water sure mattered , be it lakes,rivers,cricks,sprinklers to run through in our underwear.
Mornings were often fishing for supper. Play came later. Nevermind the fun of fishing...And work/free (?) labor was seldom far away , but only hours of duration when it was urgently demanded. Usually.
Pre-teen(?) we put a drywell in by hand for a septic system. I received a quart of beer for my efforts. I'd probably rather have had fifty cents.

On the hottest days a stop at a certain farm market an old couple ran was a delight.
I've tried to describe the scents of melons and produce that leaked out front with cool air from the night before seeping off masonry/block inside.
Friendly folks. Which mattered then with low budgets.
Years later their ancient home was torn down after they passed.
A false wall in the attic hid surprising relics of the K.K.K.. Who knew?
Local legend had the clan as a social deal. You do business with us ,we'll do business with you.
Blacks were alleged to have been named as associates on records found there , but I've found no copies available to confirm. A distant from other regions philosophy? Or just scuttlebutt? One of multiple unresolved questions of the region. Like "Boomer". A guy with another story , for another day.

Brings back memories, rchair.

Going to each and every festival/fair that came around. Elephant ears, waffle cakes, corn dogs, candy apples, and cotton candy. Always, always getting stuck on top of the Ferris wheel. Tilt-a-whirl and scrambler the favorites.
Hanging with the neighbor boys, riding mini bikes and sneaking smokes in the field which later whacky tobaky was enjoyed there also. Their uncle Kenny and family coming over working on car or truck restoration. There was a run on El Caminos one year. They taught us kids how to wet sand. Uncle Kenny loved me. I was the little girl he never had. He had 3 rotten boys.
Swimming, camping, mammoth cave, Ohio caverns, serpent mounds, lake hope where the blue gill tried to eat any moles you have.
Jumping through sprinklers, throwing water balloons, sitting on the front porch with my dad learning songs like “I ‘be got six pence” and “It Ain’t Gonna Rain No More.”

Eating mulberries off the tree and cherry tomatoes from the garden (used to sit in the middle with a salt shaker).
Popping tar bubbles.

Yes summer!

"Jolly jolly six pence!"

The county fair we used to crawl under the fence where dogs dug under to sneak in...
We'd study a carny's game to cheat the best odds of the carny winning , run back to the bar (or wherever he was,he worked the bar at one event most years) and hit Dad up for a coin. He'd ask what we'd get for it...Seldom getting the intended result ,but we tried to forecast...
One time a balloon board had just a couple large prize tags behind the many balloons.
Watching till someone popped one and where the carny moved the tag to , it was off to get another coin. We scored a couple large prizes that way off the carny/game.
Then...On a later return (with another mooched/pestered-ly earned coin) , the popped balloon had a small prize tag behind it. Oh no! The carny had caught on to us! L.o.l.. It may be imagined he smiled when handing over the small.

Another place , a friend would show up on horseback to announce the Circus/carnival was unloading at the railroad. It set up in the park next to the giant old house we lived in /stepdad rented.
(Rats , coal stove , lots of fun.)
Sisters talked about the freakshows enough I had to do some snoopin. Strange things in jars was one area of focus...
Between a sisters decription of the "rip-off" as presented , and what was real was agreed with. I'll spare the readers though!!!

The rodeo part of it would be nearest the house. I can recall running back and forth from the section of portable corral my stepdad was leaning on to the house to grab a single small chocolate each trip. 3 years old maybe and it was quite a run. But , must have got me out of his hair briefly each time enough to allow or encourage it.
Many years later revisiting the site is was one of those cases where such an awful long distance (house to corral) was really just a short distance... I detected around where that temporary corral had been , and other areas of that historic (and therefore pounded ) park. No silver.. I still have a decorative object recovered though. Not likely related to the carnival/circus. Which was it , carnival or circus? Seemed both as animals were paraded from the railroad. But alas , time shuffles memory sometimes too.

Corn roasts. Fish fries. Ox roasts. Hog roasts. Poker parties. Always a social doins somewhere on the weekends.
Us kids were left to roam after arrival usually. And roam we did!

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Lord have mercy.....I fu****g left the lat and long numbers up on one of my sat images on the shipwreck thread !!! Wow what an idiot move !! Oh well I fixed it now but I'm sure someone got that spots numbers !! Hah...what a bone head move !! Old shpillips steve figured out where I was quickly.....that's ok hes an ex pat keys guy.....a conch !! I looked back at my post to see what gave it away....couldn't see anything in the image....oh wait the numbers are printed right across the top info bar !! Geeez !!

***ARC evil laugh***

Moo Wah hah hah... ***COUGH HACK SPIT HACK COUGH***

moowhahahahahahahaha ***DEEP BREATH*** who wha ha ha ***BURP*** heh heh heh heh heh.

***ARC checks numbers again ***

Oh that's my lotto ticket...


Moooo wahhhhhh hahhhhhh hahhhhh


I will keep you posted...

Don't worry... its nice here at that spot today... and in a few minutes I will know if anything is at this spot.

Just came up for lunch and check Tnet.




"Jolly jolly six pence!"

The county fair we used to crawl under the fence where dogs dug under to sneak in...
We'd study a carny's game to cheat the best odds of the carny winning , run back to the bar (or wherever he was,he worked the bar at one event most years) and hit Dad up for a coin. He'd ask what we'd get for it...Seldom getting the intended result ,but we tried to forecast...
One time a balloon board had just a couple large prize tags behind the many balloons.
Watching till someone popped one and where the carny moved the tag to , it was off to get another coin. We scored a couple large prizes that way off the carny/game.
Then...On a later return (with another mooched/pestered-ly earned coin) , the popped balloon had a small prize tag behind it. Oh no! The carny had caught on to us! L.o.l.. It may be imagined he smiled when handing over the small.

Another place , a friend would show up on horseback to announce the Circus/carnival was unloading at the railroad. It set up in the park next to the giant old house we lived in /stepdad rented.
(Rats , coal stove , lots of fun.)
Sisters talked about the freakshows enough I had to do some snoopin. Strange things in jars was one area of focus...
Between a sisters decription of the "rip-off" as presented , and what was real was agreed with. I'll spare the readers though!!!

The rodeo part of it would be nearest the house. I can recall running back and forth from the section of portable corral my stepdad was leaning on to the house to grab a single small chocolate each trip. 3 years old maybe and it was quite a run. But , must have got me out of his hair briefly each time enough to allow or encourage it.
Many years later revisiting the site is was one of those cases where such an awful long distance (house to corral) was really just a short distance... I detected around where that temporary corral had been , and other areas of that historic (and therefore pounded ) park. No silver.. I still have a decorative object recovered though. Not likely related to the carnival/circus. Which was it , carnival or circus? Seemed both as animals were paraded from the railroad. But alas , time shuffles memory sometimes too.

Corn roasts. Fish fries. Ox roasts. Hog roasts. Poker parties. Always a social doins somewhere on the weekends.
Us kids were left to roam after arrival usually. And roam we did!

I joined a carnie outfit in AZ, they put me on the shoot the star out booth. The BB gun held 50 shots if I remember right.
Used to take the targets that were near complete and practice for hours while it was slow/or just to show folks it could be done.
Secret was to shoot the points out first then didn't hang to the target.(even a little colour a person lost)

The one memory was after the nightly get high/drunk we opened up the booth, cranked the air pressure up, took some safety off the guns to make them full automatics, unhooked the safety chains. Nothing finer than blasting the empty cans down the midway. :laughing7:

So the next day everything back to normal, we had good crowds, made some money, as we had to buy the targets, then got paid on commission. (The house made the $$$)
So I was calculating my take for the day/night 12+hrs. Went to cash out the owner placed the money on the payout counter and I reached for it.

Down came the big mitt on top top the cash/he pulled it back, took 50%.
Replied: "That's for the use/abuse/rental/cost of shot/power/ because for your horse sh** last night-NOW GET THE **** OUT!"

Lesson learnt-hit the morons where it hurts-in the pocket cash account.

Rough life to be a traveling carnie.........(Lots of party hardy):headbang:

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For supper stuffed pork filet(probably feta cheese and some chopped up kale) marinated in cider.

Sauteed mushrooms with garlic and some garden fresh yellow beans steamed and then sauteed in butter to finish them off.

Life is good!

ARC, Bart plays this tune in case you're not kidding.


I will keep you posted...

Don't worry... its nice here at that spot today... and in a few minutes I will know if anything is at this spot.

Just came up for lunch and check Tnet.




I joined a carnie outfit in AZ, they put me on the shoot the star out booth. The BB gun held 50 shots if I remember right.
Used to take the targets that were near complete and practice for hours while it was slow/or just to show folks it could be done.
Secret was to shoot the points out first then didn't hang to the target.(even a little colour a person lost)

The one memory was after the nightly get high/drunk we opened up the booth, cranked the air pressure up, took some safety off the guns to make them full automatics, unhooked the safety chains. Nothing finer than blasting the empty cans down the midway. :laughing7:

So the next day everything back to normal, we had good crowds, made some money, as we had to buy the targets, then got paid on commission. (The house made the $$$)
So I was calculating my take for the day/night 12+hrs. Went to cash out the owner placed the money on the payout counter and I reached for it.

Down came the big mitt on top top the cash/he pulled it back, took 50%.
Replied: "That's for the use/abuse/rental/cost of shot/power/ because for your horse sh** last night-NOW GET THE **** OUT!"

Lesson learnt-hit the morons where it hurts-in the pocket cash account.

Rough life to be a traveling carnie.........(Lots of party hardy):headbang:

We were convinced the shot/ammo was flat in that booth. Combined with smooth bore barrels and a very scattered effect. Foggy memory has a hundred or more shots and they did fire auto if you held the trigger.
Thus a burst type technique worked best.
You'd hear the "blatt. Blatttt. Blatttt of someone trying when you were near. Or,multiple folks trying it.

Of course seeing successfully cleaned out stars displayed around the booth were not sufficient evidence of anyone's odds. Seeing it done was believing. Almost. Yes , corners first.If ya couldn't cut them out , you lost anyways. Which brought up the paper debate. Does it compliment itself rolling rearward thus protecting a stars tip? You know , kids trying to figure it out...

So you were a Carny ehh?
Good on your resume , in my opinion.
Not sure elsewhere...L.o.l..

"Jolly jolly six pence!"

The county fair we used to crawl under the fence where dogs dug under to sneak in...
< snippity, snip snip! >

Hmmmmmmmmm note to self;

Must remember to check those dog holes under fences on my next walk. :tongue3:

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