Cubber, you posted -->but heck, what do I know - I haven't found anything either
How can you say such a thing, snifff, you found ME !
Side thingie, you posted somewhere in the Tayopa series -->
He said, "Well, maybe I oughtn't to tell you this, but I think I will. If you're going up into that country, there's a lost mine up there called
la Mina Tayopa which is famous for its rich ore." He said nobody else knew where it was, but that he'd give me the description of how to find it. Schmidt said to go to San Luis Barbarocas, climb the mountain north of the river, that the mine was a short distance below on the Rio Mayo. The miners used to come down to San Luis Barbarocas to get milk in the morning, so it couldn't have been more than a few miles away. There was supposed to be a cache up there mined by the Jesuits and abandoned when they left.
On your way up, you would see these three peaks and on the back side of the third peak you would find an iron door. If you could go through that iron door, you'd find the cache of gold and silver. "Well," Schmidt said, "don't try to bring it out by yourself. You'll get killed on the way. The people would all know you had it and you'd be robbed. Come back and notify us and we'll get it out." So Schmidt told me all about the Tayopa Mine. I finally got up to San Luis, and sure enough, there were three peaks up there. Maybe there's an iron door there too, but probably a tree has grown up since the Jesuits left in 1767.
I really didn't pay much attention at first, but yesterday, while I was checking some photographs, I found that indeed there is a mt with three peaks on top, and it lies just south of the entrance of the Tayopa /San Luis Barbarocos Barranca. Go north form there, and you are in Tayopa, in the vicinity of the metal door. So the instructions were correct, but you can spend a lifetime in there and never find the metal door. See sttachments.
I don't remember in which thread ion Tayopa that you posted this (#13, Jul., 08, 2010), but let me know and I will remove it from here and put in it's proper place.
Don Jose de La Mancha
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