Greetings friends,
I am still ticked off that some jerk had to go and make threats. How did someone get the private phone number? Now that sort of a threat is more serious (in my book) than the empty sort we see in forums, though thankfully even these are relatively rare. I would turn the threatener in to the authorities, not out of fear but to put a stop to it. Heck they can "get" me easily enough, but boy they won't get much for their efforts!
Aurum very good information, however I must conclude that we are still in a paradox; for even if the FBI
DID test the stones for age, (and I see on that other board that the FBI actually NEVER tested the stones, they took affadavits as proof enough) as I have posted before, even the very best experts in the world have been fooled with fake stone inscriptions, and more often than they like to admit. There
is no perfect way to establish a
precise age of any stone inscription, which is why archaeologists look
very hard for ANY other kind of evidence they can find
in situ buried alongside, and neither deeper nor shallower than the stone to help in making a determination of the age of the inscription. Worse yet, they (Tumlinsons) CLEANED the stones before the experts had a chance to examine them, which removed the little clues that the experts would have used to give an educated
estimate, correct? Does that fact fill
you with confidence in the exact age of the inscriptions as being DEFINITELY 100 years-old-plus? I cited several examples of this type of controversy (earlier in this thread) about the age of a stone inscription, (I am working on a book which includes some stone inscriptions) but if you want a real good example just look at the case of the famous or rather
infamous King Solomon's Tablet. The experts did every test they could think of on this stone, which actually didn't name Solomon but Hezekiah, and were ALL fooled until some sharp scientist figured out how it had been done. (I am sure there are websites on this terrific fraud) I would point out that the forger NEVER admitted to having made it, though he was in fact convicted of it. The age of the inscriptions can NOT be proven for an absolute certainty with current science. If only some old Spanish or Mexican coins dating to 1846-7 had been found right alongside those stones....
Then I would line up with you friends as a true believer. (Then I would start packing those old panniers and rolling up the sleeping bag!!!
The Superstitions are around three hours drive from here.)
Which brings me to the next point - we can only surmise as to WHY fake stones would be created, and propose possible motives. There certainly are enough motives for a forger to create them, and if they did not exist I would almost expect some jerk would be working on it right now. The flip side of 'why would a forger make fake stones', is why on earth the forger never came forward about it? I covered several possible reasons why a forger would not come forward (like fear of prosecution, my next point below) but had not thought of a very basic one - how about fear of being beaten to a pulp or killed by someone who had believed in them? Seems like a pretty strong reason
NOT to step forward and proudly boast of one's 'artwork' - in order to avoid a
storm(cheap pun intended here) of anger from the person(s) who had been fooled!
Now that Aurum has brought more information to light, and in light of the information you have already been exposed to in the other forum, are you ready to come down off that fence yet, friend Gollum? You are braver than that! After all there seems to be only two possibilities, either they are real or they are frauds, so you stand at least a fifty-fifty chance of being in the right - at worst some jerk could say "I told you so" but don't look for me to do that; heck I would like to see them proven real. We may never know the absolute truth in our lifetimes, which makes taking a stand relatively risk-free.
Tropical Tramp I admit I am surprised that no one threatened you concerning Tayopa when you were getting "too close", and am glad to hear it really. Especially now that it is TOO LATE for any jerk to make threats since you OWN it!
Gosh, Gollum and Aurum, it doesn't bother you a whit that MOEL looks so shady, that it casts a shadow of doubt across those Peralta stones? I was expressing my opinion that it would have been better if MOEL were not involved, and will explain. We already have a Peralta-related fraud, a BIG one, in the land-grant scam; we need only read Barry Storm and Bicknell to find Peralta-embellishing in stories, and now we have to have the Peralta stones involved in an illegal stock scheme. I would have preferred to have seen the stones examined by the best experts in the field of epigraphy, rather than the FBI or even UCLA (not to cast aspersions on UCLA here) and this examination done BEFORE the stones were cleaned. Statements by the finders and helpers who admit having cleaned them as to how rootlets were growing into the stones etc are not as strong evidence as test results and expert opinion from the best experts, with the stones uncleaned. Look at the case of the Kensington stone - it was cleaned and this resulted in the experts having a great deal of trouble in making an estimate of the age, and even today there are experts who support that stone as genuine while others are convinced it is a fraud. When we start into Peralta legends, I instantly get a faint whiff of skunk and have to look very hard before I can accept anything.
Which brings me to my last point in this already too-long message post (for some readers). First let me ask you both (Gollum and Aurum) - IF the stones are genuine, WHY then were the Tumlinsons unable to locate ANY of the lost mines USING the stones as maps, in the years they tried? We can safely assume that others have put the stones to this ultimate test as well, and with equally dismal results; is this not strong enough evidence for you, whether the stones are genuine or not, that they are drawn with some kind of fatal error or flaw, probably deliberate, which makes them virtually as valuable as the state pronounced them - curiosities. This fact alone, even without all those other reasons for doubt (which I have raised earlier and you have dismissed out of hand, coming up with alternate theories for every question that seems illogical to me), is certainly reason enough NOT to expend time and efforts in the stones. You have both exhibited talent and ability in research, it is
my opinion that you would be better served in pursuing other, less controversial, less questionable leads than these stones which even you Gollum are NOT willing to say are NOT frauds.
Gollum I have asked you several times an hypothetical question which you have not answered, which I take as an oversight - the question being whether you would be willing to expend your own time, efforts, gas money etc to go up into the Superstitions and see if they lead to lost mines or not and settle the question once and for all. Randy publicly offered to go along with you as partner, so would be safer than one fellow by himself and seems like he would be good company at the least. If you have not simply avoided answering the question directly due to oversight, I await your reply; if it was no oversight, then I must assume that you are actually more convinced they are frauds than they are genuine, even though you have stated that you lean to believe they are genuine. For IF they ARE genuine, then the stakes are certainly worth the effort, time, and cost to go and find those legendary mines! $$$$ So.....your failure to answer seems to say that you too believe they are actually frauds, not maps to legendary mines. So which is it?
It is aggravating that some jerk is making threats about not bringing more information to light about these stones, but the fact that the jerk is making threats doesn't really make the stones any more genuine, it doesn't even prove that the jerk believes they are genuine - he or she could be just a jerk, having "fun" (on the four-year-old level) or any other reason for making threats. Even if the jerk does believe the stones are real, the fact that a moron like that believes in anything doesn't give it any more credence. I like to encourage treasure hunters and not discourage them, but I don't want to see fellow THers waste time on what I believe are most likely frauds. If you want to see treasure hunters quit the game entirely, send them off on a wild goose chase following up false clues! I would rather that not happen. I remain with Real de Tayopa on this one, these stones are just too good to be true.
Well friends I am off to irritate others, I await your replies.
your friend,
Roy - Oroblanco
"We must find a way, or we will make one." --Hannibal Barca