The Peralta Stone Maps, Real Maps to Lost Gold Mines or Cruel Hoax?

Do you think the Peralta stone maps are genuine, or fake?

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Here ya go. Redacted as to personal addresses, phone numbers, etc.

Sure would be nice to see this much scrutiny on the rest of the "stuff" that flows through here.

Any doubt in anybody's mind this is a Special Use-Treasure Trove Permit? Forest Service made a couple attempts to side step this request. I persisted. If there was no Treasure Trove Permit issued, you can be ASSURED they would not have sent the permit and hundreds of pages of supporting documents.

Here's the Permit, and a copy of the sign off letter from the Forest Service that gives you the complete story of my request from start to finish.

Permit speaks for itself.........fully loaded from the Contact ID (HistoricExplorationsTreasure).......... to the header of the permitted activity to determine the existence of a Treasure Trove.......
provisions 18 and 19 specific to artifacts and Treasure Trove.

As additional information, please refer to Mr. Feldman's book "Jacob's Trail"......specifically page 131 quoted below:

"Our main goal in pursuing this Archaeological Dig was to find treasure (Geronimo's Ransom) -- by entering the Main Drift of Rogers Spring seep, via Cox's old filled shaft, to find the collapsed Left Drift, which we believed had not been compromised by Cox's double-crossing partners, and therefore, still held treasure.

My father spearheaded the effort to get he Treasure Trove Permit. we faced and overcame many obstacles before we got the permit. The first thing we had to do was persuade the U.S. Forest Service that a reasonable chance of success exited for treasure to be found at Roger's Spring. That was the easy part, because we really did have a good story."

FOIA - Permit_Page_1.webpFOIA - Permit_Page_2.webpFOIA - Permit_Page_3.webpFOIA - Permit_Page_4.webpFOIA - Permit_Page_5.webpFOIA - Response 8-4-2015_Page_1.webpFOIA - Response 8-4-2015_Page_2.webp

Here ya go. Redacted as to personal addresses, phone numbers, etc.

Sure would be nice to see this much scrutiny on the rest of the "stuff" that flows through here.

Any doubt in anybody's mind this is a Special Use-Treasure Trove Permit? Forest Service made a couple attempts to side step this request. I persisted. If there was no Treasure Trove Permit issued, you can be ASSURED they would not have sent the permit and hundreds of pages of supporting documents.

Here's the Permit, and a copy of the sign off letter from the Forest Service that gives you the complete story of my request from start to finish.

Permit speaks for itself.........fully loaded from the Contact ID (HistoricExplorationsTreasure).......... to the header of the permitted activity to determine the existence of a Treasure Trove.......
provisions 18 and 19 specific to artifacts and Treasure Trove.

As additional information, please refer to Mr. Feldman's book "Jacob's Trail"......specifically page 131 quoted below:

"Our main goal in pursuing this Archaeological Dig was to find treasure (Geronimo's Ransom) -- by entering the Main Drift of Rogers Spring seep, via Cox's old filled shaft, to find the collapsed Left Drift, which we believed had not been compromised by Cox's double-crossing partners, and therefore, still held treasure.

My father spearheaded the effort to get he Treasure Trove Permit. we faced and overcame many obstacles before we got the permit. The first thing we had to do was persuade the U.S. Forest Service that a reasonable chance of success exited for treasure to be found at Roger's Spring. That was the easy part, because we really did have a good story."

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Old, you only got half of the doc's
If he would have found a treasure he had the paper work for that to. Go have Dave the Producer just ask Ron.


Deducer writes>>>>I am very aware that an offer was made to me, and I have respectfully declined it. <<<

I want that to sink in. Everything you asked for has been offered to you. You declined. Enough said.

Well, golly-darn it.. I guess I done missed out on them millions.

Now.. back to the Jesuits. You were saying about the horse and the priest?

Interesting new post on the "other" site. From the RMG Crew story took a twist I guess. no dog in the fight just watching the ship burn to the water line.

matthew...i wouldnt believe anything the forrest service tells you.....i'm not sure but i think jesse might be at the rendezvous....he would know


How bout Scott Woods, his word good enough, He told me Ron was the only person ever to receive a treasure trove permit in the Superstitions. And Ron himself has said it In lectures at the college.



How bout Scott Woods, his word good enough, He told me Ron was the only person ever to receive a treasure trove permit in the Superstitions. And Ron himself has said it In lectures at the college.

mick....why you arguing with me...i'm in agreement with you...ron definitely had a treasure trove permit


Thank you for posting the relevant documentation. I hate legaleeze since it seems like a whole different language that I don’t speak well at all.
That said, I wonder if all this comes down to a matter of semantics? In other words, is there actually something called a “Treasure Trove Permit?” My interpretation of the document you posted is that it’s a special use permit issued to allow the holders to remove fill from a shaft, make approved improvements specified in an Exhibit B document, then to refill the shaft – all done while trying to determine the existence of a treasure trove. If such a treasure trove is located, all work is to cease until a scientific examination can be made after which any further excavation (and I assume removal of the treasure) would require further approval in writing.

So the semantics question is… Is THIS a treasure trove permit, or is a treasure trove permit what would be issued IF a treasure were actually found in order to be removed? I don’t have the slightest idea. Going back to Matthews last post however, it appears to me that this permit (whatever it’s called) was issued to allow work to be done in order to search for an actual treasure trove. Whatever documentation the holders used to convince the FS that there was a high probability of treasure being there must have been persuasive enough for them to issue this special use permit.

mick....why you arguing with me...i'm in agreement with you...ron definitely had a treasure trove permit

Just busting on ya alittle, But you are in the know and could have stopped this whole silly thing.

Cool Bro. SC

Dave and Old

I see RG made his move finally, How lovely is that. Now I shall start the dismantling the hoax of the hoax! And bring back the Honor, Pride and legacy that is owed to Travis and Alice!

It's Time to start the Fire

And burn down this group



They are all Special Use Permits. There are different types but they all take the form of "Special Use" with the defined use specified. That's exactly what this is. A Special Use - Treasure Trove Permit issued for a specific site, for a specific time with specific requirements for that site.

You are reaching to look at it any other way <g>.

The Forest Service can issue Special Use Permits for Skiing, Hunting, dog Field Trials, Boat Docks, Wind power collection, and Treasure Trove hunting and excavation and all sorts of other things. All those uses are prohibited by law but allowable, for just cause, by Special Use Permits.

I can give you chapter and verse from the US Code and the Forest Service Field Manuel, if you prefer. Just ask, I'll post them.

Here just a snippet from their manual as to Metal detecting for Treasure Trove purposes.

1. Searching for treasure trove: Treasure trove is defined as money, gems, or
precious metals in the form of coin, plate, or bullion that has been deliberately
hidden with the intention of recovering it later. This activity requires a Special
Use Permit
under The Act of June 4, 1897 (16 U.S.C. 551). Forest Service
Manual 2724.4 states “allow persons to search for buried treasure on National
Forest System lands, but protect the rights of the public regarding ownership of or
claims on any recovered property.”


They are all Special Use Permits. There are different types but they all take the form of "Special Use" with the defined use specified. That's exactly what this is. A Special Use - Treasure Trove Permit issued for a specific site, for a specific time with specific requirements for that site.

You are reaching to look at it any other way <g>.

The Forest Service can issue Special Use Permits for Skiing, Hunting, dog Field Trials, Boat Docks, Wind power collection, and Treasure Trove hunting and excavation and all sorts of other things. All those uses are prohibited by law but allowable, for just cause, by Special Use Permits.

I can give you chapter and verse from the US Code and the Forest Service Field Manuel, if you prefer. Just ask, I'll post them.

Here just a snippet from their manual as to Metal detecting for Treasure Trove purposes.

1. Searching for treasure trove: Treasure trove is defined as money, gems, or
precious metals in the form of coin, plate, or bullion that has been deliberately
hidden with the intention of recovering it later. This activity requires a Special
Use Permit
under The Act of June 4, 1897 (16 U.S.C. 551). Forest Service
Manual 2724.4 states “allow persons to search for buried treasure on National
Forest System lands, but protect the rights of the public regarding ownership of or
claims on any recovered property.”

Makes sense. Sorry I wasn't trying to "reach" for anything - I just didn't know the specifics of exactly what a "Treasure Trove Permit" was officially.

Let's just grab 12 pack and drive over to the OK Correl and ask Ron,
RG, Old and Dave can drive, since they woun't be celebrating. Show Cancelled!
Reduced to You tubes Voice mail. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
The rest of us will party like rock stars, laughing and hooting in the back seat like hihenas on safari!
Stop by and pick up Alice Cooper on the Way! He can sing dead babies to the three in the front seat.


Let's just grab 12 pack and drive over to the OK Correl and ask Ron,
RG, Old and Dave can drive, since they woun't be celebrating. Show Cancelled!
Reduced to You tubes Voice mail. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
The rest of us will party like rock stars, laughing and hooting in the back seat like hihenas on safari!
Stop by and pick up Alice Cooper on the Way! He can sing dead babies to the three in the front seat.

what am i not supposed to be celebrating? back on the sauce mick?:dontknow:

Let's just grab 12 pack and drive over to the OK Correl and ask Ron,
RG, Old and Dave can drive, since they woun't be celebrating. Show Cancelled!
Reduced to You tubes Voice mail. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
The rest of us will party like rock stars, laughing and hooting in the back seat like hihenas on safari!
Stop by and pick up Alice Cooper on the Way! He can sing dead babies to the three in the front seat.


"CANCELLED"? Well that would explain why RG-Old would want to "Share" info with Deducer then, Most likely to butter him up and ride his coattails to fame and fortune and get a real movie made?!? Kinda of like what we all saw happen when he latched onto Sarge/Frank - used him then tossed that friendship away after he got all he could.

"CANCELLED"? Well that would explain why RG-Old would want to "Share" info with Deducer then, Most likely to butter him up and ride his coattails to fame and fortune and get a real movie made?!? Kinda of like what we all saw happen when he latched onto Sarge/Frank - used him then tossed that friendship away after he got all he could.

I don't think that Old was trying to "butter" him up, just to try and correctly lay out facts as she knows them. I don't know RG right off, so I can't say about him, but his track record doesn't feel good to me. Just my 2 cents.


I believe the only star chart used in the clues for the treasure of Santa Fe , is used in the CP map and is related to the sun and moon .
But if you believe how the CP map is for a different site and has not any relation with the Trail stone map and the H/P tablet , then I don't see another star or planet chart that could has any relation with the stone Trail map or the H/P stone tablet .

What is written on the side of CP map , is a hymn to the church , but is also a final riddle/clue to find the treasure of Santa Fe from the last spot depicted on the stone Cross map .
Nothing ends where the maps point , but only when the riiddle would be solved .

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I would imagine your star theory would be a viable solution, But
It's a church Treasure, Anything out of the church belief was considered Death to you.
There was no Witchcraft, such as astrology, Scientology and such. There for your theory just don't work.
Unless you believe it's not a church Treasure.



Is not witchcraft , nor astrology or scientology . Is only a riddle that shows the way . Also ,the Death was interpreted differently from different civilizations over the centuries .

And , if I don't believe there is a church treasure ; yes I believe there is AND a church treasure , if you consider how at the site were two parties which worked for their own interest separately .

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