The Peralta Stone Maps, Real Maps to Lost Gold Mines or Cruel Hoax?

Do you think the Peralta stone maps are genuine, or fake?

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Frank created this hoax picture, and SMM board members blew a gasket when they learned that Frank had been allowed to lift the glass cover and place his own stones in the display.
Entry of this event is in the minutes of the board meetings.
View attachment 1505301

The broken heart looks a lot like the one I have at home:

Where did your picture come from Frank?

Take care,


Howdy Lynda,

The PSM's speak for themselves, in my opinion the stone maps in the museum are the originals found by Travis. I have yet to see any evidence otherwise. It was just the Tumlinson's belief that they led to Church Treasure. In a letter from Love to Peck 4-12-65 Bob Tumlinson points that out to Love. A cross, or several crosses don't scream Jesuit symbols in any way.


That the IGLESIA on the cross later became the "incorrect" EGLESIA on the CP (with the important letter cleverly elevated ever so slightly) which references something clearly seen in the field, suggests, as you presumed, that the Stone Crosses predates all other artifacts, and this also suggests an evolution in design over time- something unlikely with the "Peralta treasure" which would have just been an one-time, or seasonal caching, rather than a hoard continually added to over a long period of time.

I cannot at this time, say much about all of that, except to suggest that the other multiple-view (3D) map that we discussed last spring, is the oldest of all.
And what it represents, would be the reason for all of the others.

For anyone not familiar with the Latin Heart, this is a fairly accurate copy (front and back) of that artifact which was created by Jim Hatt. It was given to me by a close friend:

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

The broken heart looks a lot like the one I have at home:

Where did your picture come from Frank?

Take care,

Actually the glass case was removed during the filming of the Legend show. George supervised. Someone placed the Garman stone in that position. Not I. Though when I observed that it was there I snapped a photo and removed it under George's supervision. He showed great interest in the stone and wanted it for the display.
Later a comment was made on TNet by a board member who stated I disgraced the the stones. After the show aired business at the Museum went through the roof along with other attractions. I know Bob told me his business went 10x normal. On a visit other board members asked me about the comment made on line and a apology was issued. I heard that board member was later removed.
I thought it was cool all 4 stones were reunited for that brief moment.
Joe the stone was on loan for the Legend show by our friend. It was used during filming but the scene was cut and not aired. The stone was returned to the owner.
So ends the great stone drama.

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Howdy Lynda,

The PSM's speak for themselves, in my opinion the stone maps in the museum are the originals found by Travis. I have yet to see any evidence otherwise. It was just the Tumlinson's belief that they led to Church Treasure. In a letter from Love to Peck 4-12-65 Bob Tumlinson points that out to Love. A cross, or several crosses don't scream Jesuit symbols in any way.


Homar: Although he does say that the one symbol represents two chests of church treasure. Strange....that is exactly what RG is saying he found.....a "box" (or "cajon" as per a note on the upper right corner of Pat Hainer's drawings of the Priest Stone) of "church vestments"....he mainly talks about the multiple Peralta mines both north and south of the Salt River. He believed they are what the maps point the way to, and seems to regard the chests as incidental.

I cannot at this time, say much about all of that, except to suggest that the other multiple-view (3D) map that we discussed last spring, is the oldest of all.
And what it represents, would be the reason for all of the others.

Object, If your talking about the paper peg leg map, Your PegLeg map is missing a lot of information that is on the Stone Maps, There for peglegs map came after. And What about the other Stone Maps. You all best be producing a paper Horse and a paper Priest to.

Silver Chair

Howdy Lynda,

The PSM's speak for themselves, in my opinion the stone maps in the museum are the originals found by Travis. I have yet to see any evidence otherwise. It was just the Tumlinson's belief that they led to Church Treasure. In a letter from Love to Peck 4-12-65 Bob Tumlinson points that out to Love. A cross, or several crosses don't scream Jesuit symbols in any way.


The Cross is pretty much unified now days, but all the other symbols do Scream Jesuits. Now take that and the native Tribes Ledgen's and it puts a face to the story, No Jesuits north of the Gila is a farce. Native Ledgen's tell a different story.

Silver Chair

Object, If your talking about the paper peg leg map, Your PegLeg map is missing a lot of information that is on the Stone Maps, There for peglegs map came after. And What about the other Stone Maps. You all best be producing a paper Horse and a paper Priest to.

Silver Chair

Not the "PegLeg Map" aka "Ground Map" SC. And not one which any of the "Tumlinson/Leasman family" had anything to do with.
Older and far different than most of the other known maps.
I've never even seen the "PegLeg Map".

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Homar, Somehiker and Silver,

Thank you for your reply. This is a good start.

If we can agree that there is even a slight possibility that the PSM as viewed today are not "the original" stones, then we have made progress. From that we may can find common ground.

What that means, at least to me, is that it is not really important what the stones are made from. Its the message that they convey that offers the challenge.

I'm going to bask in the small hope we can set aside disagreements on the medium and hope we can discuss the message. Who knew that message, what does it mean, what does it tell us and why?

Homar, I'm limited in what I can show. I know that's unfair. All I can tell you is such things exist. That they have been authenticated as to the "message" (not by electron magnification technique, that will come later) by high officials of the Church. Please don't beat me up on things I can't control.

For those of us who HAVE taken up the challenge presented by the stones and the controversy which shrouds them in so many ways, it's always been mainly about what we have all been able to see and share publicly along the way. I'm not sure what you mean by "message" as I've never considered the "trail" stones as having anything more to them than what is common to other "picture" or "illustrated" maps.

I believe the stone Crosses don't predate the other stone maps , but have a closer relation with the CP map .
IMO , the symbol that appears in both CP and stone Cross map as a triangle with a line is the symbol used for the " CACUMEN " from the Latin stone heart map .

Maybe in the CP map , the " E " from " EGLESIA " to means ESTE ( east ) , and the riddle to be " NOTO ESTE TRIANGULUM " ( which is not the same with the landmark from the Latin heart ) , and means to look/observe to the east the peak with the crevace that runs in it .
Also the words " TRANSEO ECCLESIA " from the Latin stone heart , are between the " MEUS " and the " CACUMEN " , and the word ' " transeo " is an advice to pass or to move from the church to the " CACUMEN " .

It is at any rate, a fascinating puzzle. There's no dearth of things to discuss or analysis, and I think that's one of my favorite parts about those Stone Maps, other than the objective, of course.

For anyone not familiar with the Latin Heart, this is a fairly accurate copy (front and back) of that artifact which was created by Jim Hatt. It was given to me by a close friend:

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

Jim Hatt manufactured the LH based on notes and measurements taken by Al Reser who also took perhaps the only photo of the LH (the photo later disappeared from the collection bequeathed to Greg Davis, I believe). Al was fortunate to have visited Bill Hidden just right when Hidden was about to destroy the LH out of pure frustration. He said that the LH was found by Bill Alexander in the area where Tumlinson was said to have searched extensively.

I have always wondered why Al Reser chose to share his notes and measurements rather than his photo- perhaps Thomas Glover knows the answer to that?

They are puzzles put out by what some people call the Black Legion to help them find the second coming. Its said a man will come forward that can put the clues together in the right order. Like the heart stone it has to do with the real Dutchman Davy Jones. What did Jones do he cut out his heart and it means 1 heart in a million will free itself so it can find heaven . The horse how many HANDS tall would it be if its was a real horse. Look up the Legend of the Mojave Desert's Lost Ships.

Not the "PegLeg Map" aka "Ground Map" SC. And not one which any of the "Tumlinson/Leasman family" had anything to do with.
Older and far different than most of the other known maps.
I've never even seen the "PegLeg Map".

Howdy Wayne,

I don't believe PegLeg had any treasure maps from the Superstitions. J. Frank Dobie would have written about it. What treasures PegLeg did search were here in Texas. One was in the Espantosa Lake, and an other was in the Olmos Ranch on Estambel Hill. The one on the Olmos Ranch was just one of at least three different versions of the Rock Pens treasure that consists of Church items along with 61 jackloads of silver bars. I believe this is where Bob and Travis got the idea that the PSM's lead to Church treasure.
Travis's ignorance of the Spanish language led him to believe that the misspelled word of "coazon", may have meant "cajon", or box.
The so called ground map can only be Travis's interpretation of the PSM's.


Jim Hatt manufactured the LH based on notes and measurements taken by Al Reser who also took perhaps the only photo of the LH (the photo later disappeared from the collection bequeathed to Greg Davis, I believe). Al was fortunate to have visited Bill Hidden just right when Hidden was about to destroy the LH out of pure frustration. He said that the LH was found by Bill Alexander in the area where Tumlinson was said to have searched extensively.

I have always wondered why Al Reser chose to share his notes and measurements rather than his photo- perhaps Thomas Glover knows the answer to that?

Howdy deducer,

In an other fourm concerning Rojas Silver Bell, (pg. 8) Jim Hatt tells Mike that it was Charlie Miller who found the LH.

I am with Somehiker, and believe that it may have been Bob Tumlinsons creation. I believe Garman mentioned Bob T. going back and finding a fifth stone. I could be wrong, but it was Bob T. who was trying to profit from Garman, and when Elgin Kriewald said there may be a fifth stone, and that it may be heart shaped, Bob may have obliged. Peck is said to have recieved a sketch of a fifth stone that was in Portland, Oregon.

In a 4-12-65 letter from Love to Peck, Bob Tumlinson claimed to have the fifth stone. He later denied that there was one.


For those of us who HAVE taken up the challenge presented by the stones and the controversy which shrouds them in so many ways, it's always been mainly about what we have all been able to see and share publicly along the way. I'm not sure what you mean by "message" as I've never considered the "trail" stones as having anything more to them than what is common to other "picture" or "illustrated" maps.

That "message" is just an assumption with no facts to back it up. Might those "high" officials of the Church be from Colorado? :icon_scratch:

Howdy deducer,

In an other fourm concerning Rojas Silver Bell, (pg. 8) Jim Hatt tells Mike that it was Charlie Miller who found the LH.

I am with Somehiker, and believe that it may have been Bob Tumlinsons creation. I believe Garman mentioned Bob T. going back and finding a fifth stone. I could be wrong, but it was Bob T. who was trying to profit from Garman, and when Elgin Kriewald said there may be a fifth stone, and that it may be heart shaped, Bob may have obliged. Peck is said to have recieved a sketch of a fifth stone that was in Portland, Oregon.

In a 4-12-65 letter from Love to Peck, Bob Tumlinson claimed to have the fifth stone. He later denied that there was one.


I don't recal ever suspecting or suggesting that it was Robert T. who created the fifth stone. And , although I'm fast running out of time this morning, it was actually Love saying he was convinced that old Bob had the fifth stone, due to his insistence that the treasure was out in the desert somewhere. Don't forget, the fifth stone was initially the Peck have featured the face or head of an indian with two lines across it's mouth. Later, after one of TT's friends said the Iindian head stone was found north of the Columbia River, that description was dropped. Personally, I think the fifth stone quest might have been for the Latin Heart, of which rumors had begun to spread. If Peck had a sketch...Greg probably has at least a copy of it.

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