Homar, Somehiker and Silver,
Thank you for your reply. This is a good start.
If we can agree that there is even a slight possibility that the PSM as viewed today are not "the original" stones, then we have made progress. From that we may can find common ground.
What that means, at least to me, is that it is not really important what the stones are made from. Its the message that they convey that offers the challenge.
I'm going to bask in the small hope we can set aside disagreements on the medium and hope we can discuss the message. Who knew that message, what does it mean, what does it tell us and why?
Homar, I'm limited in what I can show. I know that's unfair. All I can tell you is such things exist. That they have been authenticated as to the "message" (not by electron magnification technique, that will come later) by high officials of the Church. Please don't beat me up on things I can't control.