Season "3" of Curse of Oak Island

The comments on the original article are interesting. Once again many pointing out that Pulizter offers no evidence for his claims other then saying 'experts' No specific expert is quoted. The person in the comments Leah23 offers evidence that many of Pulizter claims are 'bogus' and not supported by evidence.

The ideas he was putting forward in earlier seasons of oak island were pretty far fetched as well. I just get 'the feeling' that he is an attention grabber cashing in on the series popularity. The claim that he knows where the shipwreck is in shallow water and he has not investigated it because of
“The shipwreck is still there and has not been worked,” said Pulitzer. “We have scanned it, we know exactly where it lays, but it will be a touchy thing for the Nova Scotia government to allow an archaeological team to survey it.
The laws are about taking things not going and looking, taking photos etc. As far as I can see he is offering no real proof of his theory's at all other then the sword itself.....

Maybe this guy is correct after all....
This has to be the silliest theory I have seen so far. A Viking ship that is buried nose first 200 feet down in ancient soil where the only bits to survive are the back rests with all the rest of the ship just disappearing. This guy is another Looney in my view. His 'theory' just is so blatantly rubbish and not supported by the tiniest piece of evidence. He may as well said the Klingons planted it there....

This has to be the silliest theory I have seen so far. A Viking ship that is buried nose first 200 feet down in ancient soil where the only bits to survive are the back rests with all the rest of the ship just disappearing. This guy is another Looney in my view. His 'theory' just is so blatantly rubbish and not supported by the tiniest piece of evidence. He may as well said the Klingons planted it there....

Who is "this guy"? (it wasn't Hutton)

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Wrong guy - not Hutton Pulitzer. The shp wreck Pulitzer is talking about is in 25 feet of water off shore, and not a viking ship.
yes.. Nothing to do with the sword just reading back over some of the earlier posts I missed since the previous episode and saw this one. Could not believe how silly it was.

In relation to the other 'theories' I do not know why so many seem to think that the mystery is something massive like knights Templar or Aztecs etc when the original reason to investigate the hole was lights on the island and a tree with evidence of a block and tackle over a depression in the ground.

The idea that there has been some massive excavation and tunnel system on the island just seems to lack any significant physical evidence. Even to alleged flood tunnels have never been found. It also seems every hole they dig they run across water so cannot see the need for flood tunnels.

They just need to dig the pit and see if there is any treasure still there...

The challenge is finding where the pit actually is...

I think a gangsta rap group Buried the treasure

H+O spells Ho !


One aspect from this past episode that was interesting was that Oak Island always appeared to me to be Oak Islands. Of all the "guessing" by this episodes theorist... that one aspect made sense. I imagine then the next quest would be determing how the two halves were joined; naturally, or was it intentional?

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"One aspect from this past episode that was interesting was that Oak Island always appeared to me to be Oak Islands. Of all the "guessing" by this episodes theorist... that one aspect made sense. I imagine then the next quest would be determing how the two halves were joined; naturally, or was it intentional?[/QUOTE]

Oak Island used to be part of the mainland and not an island at all. Continuing Rising Waters (world wide event) has made that piece of land into One island. I also live on a "new" island that was part of the mainland until a couple thousand years ago until rising waters cut it off from the mainland. If waters continue to rise, then oak island will become 2 islands.

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oops I did it again!!
forgot to watch it, anyways what did they bring up last night? Gold, silver?

No, just wasting the time of people watching the show. The only thing that they are going to bring up is water, and more wasting History Channel money.

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i like this article about the sword better LOL
J. Hutton Pulitzer Alleges a Roman Sword Was Found Off Oak Island Several Decades Ago - Jason Colavito
click the look alike imgs will take you to the pgs where located
scroll down for more imgs on the ebay link
more detail for the David Xavier Kenney img pg
Roman Officer Permanent Collection Gladiator Artifacts

google translation from the Italian ebay.........
Article description:
Vintage reproduction of the sword / sword ancient historian , good manufacture , handle with classical statue , bronze cast with greenish patina , size 46x8cm .Art object very special and rare .For any additional photos please contact us via telephone or email

The remains of the ship wreck Pulitzer is now talking about is lying in 25 feet of water off shore, and and a roman ship. He has already vetted the ceremonial sword as being authenic and only 1 of 3 known in the world.
Here is an interesting article that raises a variety of good points as to why Pulitzer claims are highly questionable.

J. Hutton Pulitzer Alleges a Roman Sword Was Found Off Oak Island Several Decades Ago - Jason Colavito

To me the biggest thing that makes his claims questionable is that he claims to know where the ship is (even though the sword was dragged up by some guys fishing 'decades ago' passed on to another person (who was not there)) and Pulitzer has been able to find the exact location of the wreck and knows for sure the sword came from that wreck..... BUT is totally incapable of getting a dive done in 25ft of water because he thinks 'it may be a touchy thing' to go take a look... There are no laws against "looking" at old sunken wrecks.

Jeffry Jovan Philyaw of Fort Worth, Texas. Or Hutton, or Pulizer. The guy is nutty as a Snicker's Bar and changes names to gloss over past failures.


Sorry couldn't help myself. Lol

Fred Nolan is my great uncle and I am thrilled that he has decided to become involved and share his knowledge. He has given his life to that Island and he is a true believer, time to put the war to rest!!

Fred Nolan is my great uncle and I am thrilled that he has decided to become involved and share his knowledge. He has given his life to that Island and he is a true believer, time to put the war to rest!!

Just saying, this is not breaking news.

Filming Season 3 wrapped up six months ago?

They're getting ready to start filming season 4, in March.

Respectfully, tim.

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