I wish I owned land on the Island.
I would sell it on Ebay as the spot I dreamt the Treasure is really Buried at 200 Feet below the surface.
I'd just add a Knights Templer came to me in a dream & told me they hopped on
the Arc & it flew them to the island and melted a hole in the ground.
and once it was down there it melted the hole back shut.
but for a Small fee of one million Dollars You too can drill a hole on the island
and look at cloudy Water at History Channels Expense
Sure was allot of filler this week again.
with the hunt of the former property owners land.
there are actually several ways I can think of that he could have become wealthy,
including thievery. but personally if they didn't make up the stories on him
for the show. I would spend my time detecting his former property.
there is certainly better odds of finding something cool there.
lol on the pointy rock. these people sure like rocks
boring ? naaa! When I get Bored I fast forward through the actual shows content.
not just the commercials. so far I only Fast forward through Commercials.