Season "3" of Curse of Oak Island

I was going to log on right after the show, and the internet stop working, until right now. The brothers are totals confused. There were many pirates buried their treasures there. Now the brothers know it now. Now they have to dig them up. The only location to dig is the money pit. Good hunting and good luck.

The show last night put Tippy my cat to sleep. She rather watch Rebel Gold.

The show last night put Tippy my cat to sleep. She rather watch Rebel Gold.
I do not find it boring. A bit slow at times but actually very interesting.

I am astounded at how hard it is to do anything and now have a better understanding of why this mystery has remained unresolved for so long.

Last night I really felt for Dan. His belief in 10X has now been shown to be false. All that effort and money to dig that bl**dy big hole in the ground to have it be for no reason. He must be extremely disappointed.

I do not really understand why they picked that one lot to investigate even if it was owned by the ex slave. It seems so unlikely that he left treasure there...

I think the team must be quite deflated after 10X result. I imagine we will now get to see the swamp investigation.

I love the adventure of what these brothers are doing. I am so glad this mystery is being investigated on the TV. I was another kid that read the readers digest story and really wondered why the puzzle was not solved. I can now see why.

Maybe they should search for the money that the ex-slave buried.

Maybe the ex-slave got rich by.... Putting an ad in the 17th century version of Reader's Digest for a treasure map and a shovel ?

I wish I owned land on the Island.
I would sell it on Ebay as the spot I dreamt the Treasure is really Buried at 200 Feet below the surface.
I'd just add a Knights Templer came to me in a dream & told me they hopped on
the Arc & it flew them to the island and melted a hole in the ground.
and once it was down there it melted the hole back shut.
but for a Small fee of one million Dollars You too can drill a hole on the island
and look at cloudy Water at History Channels Expense :laughing7:

Sure was allot of filler this week again.
with the hunt of the former property owners land.
there are actually several ways I can think of that he could have become wealthy,
including thievery. but personally if they didn't make up the stories on him
for the show. I would spend my time detecting his former property.
there is certainly better odds of finding something cool there.
lol on the pointy rock. these people sure like rocks :laughing7:

boring ? naaa! When I get Bored I fast forward through the actual shows content.
not just the commercials. so far I only Fast forward through Commercials.

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The best parts of the show ARE the commercials :P

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Yea,,, too many recaps for sure.
The drone operator did NOT show the floor.
And who really knows if indeed he did go to all the supposed "tunnels"
The way I saw the drone move did not indicate to me that he did do that good of a search.
UNLESS,,(as usual) something was seen on the floor of the void and that will be released in another show.
After all,,, it IS TV and they DO need material for upcoming episodes.

My bet is that next week we will see images of the floor and more recaps.
I like this show but the suspense IS dragging out.

Yea,,, too many recaps for sure.
The drone operator did NOT show the floor.
And who really knows if indeed he did go to all the supposed "tunnels"
The way I saw the drone move did not indicate to me that he did do that good of a search.
UNLESS,,(as usual) something was seen on the floor of the void and that will be released in another show.
After all,,, it IS TV and they DO need material for upcoming episodes.

My bet is that next week we will see images of the floor and more recaps.
I like this show but the suspense IS dragging out.

Yes I'm sure they Filmed the entire place, Before things Clouded.
you don't pay big money for a half assed job.
You don't get paid the Big bucks for wasting someones time either.
But because it could rule 10X out completely. And maybe even Prove Dan has a big Imagination
and possibly ulterior Motives involved ($$$$)
I say they just showed the Bare minimum,
so they can move on for awhile.

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I like the show but I thought this weeks episode was maybe the worst one yet. I think they are dragging it out way too long. I know they have to make a certain number of shows but they have way too much recap stuff and bounce around a lot. Sad to say I don't think they will ever find anything, hope they do but just don't think they will.

I like the show but I thought this weeks episode was maybe the worst one yet. I think they are dragging it out way too long. I know they have to make a certain number of shows but they have way too much recap stuff and bounce around a lot. Sad to say I don't think they will ever find anything, hope they do but just don't think they will.

I believe If they find anything, It will be aired in the Last 60 seconds of the Season,
then replayed when season 3 is almost ready to start.
at which point they will drag it out for a few weeks, Prove it was a dead end & work on the next Cliff Hanger
to end season 3.

Again if they Find the treasure they will not hold it back from the news.
the ratings would quadruple If they could say
"You saw the News reports, Now watch the Discovery & Recovery !"

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It may be impossible to drain. It's easy to push water up a hose, you can't suck water up very far. Even if the pump issue is resolved, it may be impossible to remove water fast enough. Ground water moves through millions of cracks and holes in the bedrock, it can flow more than you would think possible. Looking at the rock formation from the ROV, the bedrock looked highly fractured.

Exactly. Seriously, has anyone tried to explain how these tunnels were possibly built below sea level in such porous ground, given the technology of the day? Or, if this was at all possible, how the "treasure" was going to be recovered later? Did the Knights Templar possess high-capacity dewatering equipment, such as those used in underground or open-cut mines to remove ground water from the workings? How many thousands of gallons per minute to dewater the ocean? I guess Readers Digest didn't discuss that part of the story.


Exactly. Seriously, has anyone tried to explain how these tunnels were possibly built below sea level in such porous ground, given the technology of the day? Or, if this was at all possible, how the "treasure" was going to be recovered later? Did the Knights Templar possess high-capacity dewatering equipment, such as those used in underground or open-cut mines to remove ground water from the workings? How many thousands of gallons per minute to dewater the ocean? I guess Readers Digest didn't discuss that part of the story.

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knights templars were apparently able to hold the ocean back,
or make water flow the opposite direction at will.
was Merlin a templar ?

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The Laginas have been gracious enough to let television viewers into the Oak Island lobby, but they have no obligation to let everyone into the manufacturing area. As I try to reconcile what was shown on the sonar scan with the (limited) ROV footage, I'm left to either believe one of those professionally-run pieces of tech is really bad at its job or we were not shown some important video from the ROV. Would the folks there do a little acting for the camera to delay the revelation of an amazing discovery, or is the sonar so bad it sees voids where there are walls? Why were we not shown any attempt to look for the body and the box targets? Something doesn't compute. If the Laginas feel the right play is to NOT reveal a finding...I don't blame them one bit. I'm grateful we've gotten this much of a look. While I have doubts about anyone historically digging that deep underground, the ROV footage we were shown did not completely blow up the sonar scan. For me, 10-X is still a mystery.

Love that they are going back to Nolan's Cross. That is a tangible, probably crucial piece of the puzzle.

From what I understand, Fred Nolan had taken a rock with carvings in it and embedded it in concrete as part of the floor of his museum. /shudder The jack-hammering we saw in the teaser for next week is the team recovering the pieces to that rock. Hat tip to Nolan for letting them recover it.

The Laginas have been gracious enough to let television viewers into the Oak Island lobby, but they have no obligation to let everyone into the manufacturing area.

HAHAHA! I stopped reading right there! Gracious enough?! THATS FUNNY! They are being paid huge $$$ for this show and they are getting free equipment leases in exchange for advertising. The only treasure being hunted is the gold in the TV industry. Gracious to let views in..... You are funny!

Assuming a cofferdam was built a few hundred years ago to keep the ocean off the beach, would that have allowed a dry dig 150-200 feet down at the Money Pit or 10-X locations? The theory seems to be a cofferdam was used to build the proverbial flood tunnels, but after 100 feet down on a small island one would think a pit would naturally hit an underground water channel.

wouldn't a coffer dam only help from one direction unless it was a moat
so deep (100 Miles deep maybe ? so) no matter how much water seeped/rushed in, you still have time to Dig a 100 foot or more into the Ground and build tunnels ?

Just asking

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Gracious to let views in..... You are funny!

Perhaps. :) The Laginas have been kicking rocks over on Oak Island for ten years, so the first seven summers were not filmed and television was not on their radar. According to an interview with them, they were approached to do the show...turned it down...were convinced to let them be filmed so a mock-up trailer could be shown so they could see what the producers had in mind...decided it was okay. Are they getting benefits from the show? One would hope so, but that's gravy. They (and the rest of the investors) are not poor. This is the way they spend their summers, show or no show.

wouldn't a coffer dam only help from one direction unless it was a moat ?

Yeah, the whole thing sounds too complicated. I'd scoff at this whole notion of the Money Pit save for the weird core samples and the sonar scan of 10-X. Burying something 10 feet down and then covering it with a swamp makes a lot more sense than digging 150 feet strait down on a small island.

Yeah, the whole thing sounds too complicated. I'd scoff at this whole notion of the Money Pit save for the weird core samples and the sonar scan of 10-X. Burying something 10 feet down and then covering it with a swamp makes a lot more sense than digging 150 feet strait down on a small island.

with one Exception. Recovery potential.

I don't know for sure, these days. But I think Removal of a Swamp would be very complicated these days.
and that's only after the environMENTALists say OK.

Back then there were no Save the world & bugs Nuts, But removal of a swamp
would most likely have been harder. so in my opinion IF the swamp was a Cover.
it was meant to be a permanent cover for something that Frightened them.

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