Season "3" of Curse of Oak Island

Yes unfortunately you seem to be the first one in this thread to actually attack Members for sharing their Opinions of the show.

From what I've seen so Far, even though we Disagree with each other on certain points,
We allow them to state theirs

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Aumouth, as you are new, allow me to make a point. This is the internet.
Don't believe what you read, pics you see, or feelings you feel.
It is all here for fun.

It's not arms and legs.

I come to this forum because I'm interested in the topic. You come here to argue, you know what they say about people that argue on the Internet right? :lol:

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Just so You know. You are Welcome to state your Views on the show, The island & it's actors
in as much detail as you wish also.

is that a crap camera on the rov, or i just cant see

My Guess While Lowering the rover they Scrape the sides and make it so Thick with mud in the water
they don't see anything .
Then decide it would be too dangerous for divers also.

Last thing in this world they want is to get down there & prove
there is no reason for the show to go on.

You called it! "Oh look at the post, oops we stirred up the sediment so we can't see anything now."

I almost think if there is a treasure that it was smuggled out years ago. I doubt any group could realistically dig tunnels by ha nd so deep that we cant get into them today.

I almost think if there is a treasure that it was smuggled out years ago. I doubt any group could realistically dig tunnels by ha nd so deep that we cant get into them today.

Correct ! People haven't dumbed down over the last 500 years.
If anything technology has advanced.

in my opinion these unproven tunnels would have to be at least as old as the pyramids
to have been built by an advanced race.
so far it appears there are no tunnels in the bottom of 10x

and at this point it appears only Rick Lagina is still in denial.
my opinion , time to seal 10x and move on to other parts of the island.

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So it seems there is something with the rocks in the cavern that mess with sonar.

Its an ROV, can't it just hang out for an hour while the sediment...settles? Would have been nice to see the bottom and look for the square object.

I'm amazed they got the ROV in that opening at all or actually retrieved it back. I'm impressed with the piloting job.

/cue The Price Is Right sad trombone sound

Based on the limited footage we saw on TV, I'm with Rick that 10-X cannot be ruled out yet. Maybe they did a more comprehensive look around than we were shown, but there was no mention of looking for the box or the body formations. That being said, the clips we saw were not encouraging. Nothing was found to warrant sending a diver down there. The apparent lack of exit tunnels was not good news either. The ROV is a great idea, but (1) did they use it enough and (2) do they need one that can dig or take samples?

Anyone else a bit bummed that two types of modern tech (the scanning sonar and the nuclear magnetic resonance imaging) have been rather misleading? The Laginas can (and should) send a sonar probe down the core above the alleged vault, but how much can those new readings be trusted to accurately identify man-made objects?

I thought they did the sonar thing

"I Can See Clearly Now"

I can see clearly now.webp

Just an old song going round in my head!

It makes me wonder with Marty having his own vineyard, that he may be aware of wine fining agents or clarifyer chemicals such as "Bentonites" which if put down Bore Hole X may clarify the water enough for us to see.

"Bentonites are used for decolorizing various mineral, vegetable, and animal oils. They are also used for clarifying wine, liquor, cider, beer, and vinegar.

Bentonite has the property of adsorbing relatively large amounts of protein molecules from aqueous solutions. Consequently, bentonite is uniquely useful in the process of winemaking, where it is used to remove excessive amounts of protein from white wines. Were it not for this use of bentonite, many or most white wines would precipitate undesirable flocculent clouds or hazes upon exposure to warm temperatures, as these proteins denature. It also has the incidental use of inducing more rapid clarification of both red and white wines."

I was asked by friends to watch this seasons shows. They wanted me to look at the technologies being used. I am familiar with most of them. It is a typical "dragging feet" TV show. I am sure they have way more footage of that cavern than they actually shown. What I have seen thus far is to say at the least, underwhelming. I am a cave explorer of nearly 50 years. The "pillars" are just pipes which are corroded from the chemical make up of the water enviorment. I have seen things in caves that you could swear were man made, but they actually naturally formed. Only things in the bottom of that hole man made are the pipes. I had done a Google Earth look of the island a few weeks ago. If anything is there, I would look higher.

I also would think that they had a much longer look then what we were shown on TV. Unless there was a tunnel/trap door in the floor nothing in that hole looked man made just a natural water filled cavern. I reckon they should try draining it now. Nothing to loose.

I wish they would just focus on the actual money pit. If there is anything there that is where it will be.

I thought the stuff about the ex slave was interesting. If he went from slave to rich maybe he discovered the treasure. If so it will be long gone by now...

I always felt that 10X was likely to be a red herring. Dan decided to dig there by using dowsing rods.. The idea that there is a massive man made tunnel system under that island just does not seem to have any support at all. Anyone trying to dig those tunnels would of ended up underwater given that every hole they dig they hit water. I do not see why anyone actually thinks that tunnels exist I have seen no one present any evidence of man made tunnels ie tailings, old tools etc.

They need to drill some more holes and see if they have actually located the pit. I agree with the brother who says unless they can find some evidence of something in the pit I would not be spending the money needed to dig it up.

It may be impossible to drain. It's easy to push water up a hose, you can't suck water up very far. Even if the pump issue is resolved, it may be impossible to remove water fast enough. Ground water moves through millions of cracks and holes in the bedrock, it can flow more than you would think possible. Looking at the rock formation from the ROV, the bedrock looked highly fractured.

I'm new to this forum so I haven't read everything yet but want to jump on with the latest episode of Oak Island...

item; samuel ball, the freed slave who ends up a wealthy resident of oak island - doesn't it seem like HE FOUND stuff? Maybe any treasure that was there?

item; even if they don't find treasure in that water filled cave doesn't it seem like this is BIGGER than just basic treasure, something really BIG? Who could do this?

item; I don't think they will be able to get into the bottom of "the pit" - ever given the last episode, it is a hopeless labor & just won't happen

I had more enjoyment & believing in hidden treasure while watching the movie "The GOONIES", about pirate treasures and the like, hidden, maps, boobie-traps, and everything else that goes with treasure hunting.

Just as expected....nothing in 10x despite all of the hype. There was never any empirical evidence of anything ever being in the hole other than junk that was dropped in over the years. Since supposedly they now know the location of the original money pit due to finding the adjacent exploration tunnel, the only logical thing do do is bring in large equipment and dig up the money pit down to the levels originally excavated and beyond. Anything else is just a waste of time, especially exploring lot #6. I still believe that any treasure once on the island was quietly found long ago....

The Curse of Oak Island...Now in the Top 5 List!

Top ten list.webp

The Curse of Oak Island” and “Moonshiners” (both 0.8) led all original shows for the day. “Fixer Upper” and “Chrisley Knows Best” each posted a 0.6, while “Being Mary Jane” came in at 0.5.

Top 100 cable shows among adults 18-49 for Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2015

Show Net Time Viewers (000s) 18-49 rating
FAMILY GUY ADSM 11:00 PM 2076 1.1
FAMILY GUY ADSM 11:30 PM 1995 1.0

Tuesday cable ratings: ?Family Guy? leads day, ?Curse of Oak Island? and ?Moonshiners? top originals | TV By The Numbers by

I also think that you have to be realistic about the tunnels thing. First of all, it would probably take years to build tunnels under this island. Secondly, for the lack of technology in the time period, an army would be needed to work such tunnels along with bucket guys to empty dirt as well as running water. Also you would have to consider that if it were the knights templar that many of these guys were rockin bare foot sandals and primitive boots which would have made it very difficult. History would tell us of the knights templar society and if they even featured enough man power to incorporate such a mission. If not this would take slaves with the work ethic of Egyptian builders. A group like this most likely would have benefitted from a union to protect them. So maybe the body in the pit was Hoffa. Found at long last when everyone though he was buried under 2nd base at Yankee stadium.

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