celtic fox
Full Member
its a good show even if the drag the s@$t out of it , 10 mins tv in an hour
I'll give 50 to 1 odds on fake money they don't see a "Chest" or a "Body" with the ROV tonight. Any takers on fake money bets? $5000 fake money minimum bet. Which would pay $250,000 of fake money.
Alright, HWJ Jr, I'm in. I'll take that bet ... on the condition that Dan Blankenship is the judge. Why Dan, you ask? Because he's been saying there's a body down there for 40 years, and it doesn't matter what the ROV sees, that ol' dude aint changing his story!!
If the show entertains me, I'll be happy.
By the way, Jeff; we get it. You don't believe the show.
I believe the story and will be watching the show until it put me to sleep.
One thing I can't stand is someone that complains about something yet continues to choose to do it. If you don't like the show, don't agree with the theories presented here, watch something else and talk about it on another forum.
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yeah, if they are members Jeff is in trouble! ( been there done that)
The fatassed wrastler isn't a member is he? Half the forum would be put on time out!![]()
I come to this forum because I'm interested in the topic. You come here to argue, you know what they say about people that argue on the Internet right? :lol:
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