flgliderpilot, like I was saying, have you ever wondered why the LRL/Dowsing community
cannot demonstrate their uncanny ability to sniff out precious metals in a city with Pawn
shops, jewelry stores and coin stores around but can tell you within a league or two where
the king's ransom lies awaiting your efforts to dislodge it from the earth?
A reasonable person might speculate why the pendulum toters don't just drag a shovel out
and prove their claims. But usually they say "I aint got time to dig it today but c'mon I'll
show you another place where aliens left their diamonds and rubies before they went back
to Pluto. After that I'll show you where the British army buried the King's royal treasury
before they went back to ole England."
After all these sure fire "hidden" treasure spots were bequeathed to him the excited gyro
has to decide which one to get first. Its like Christmas in July before one by one the
roman candles sputter out to a fizzle. Y'see after wearing out body and soul digging,
digging and more digging nothing but dirt and clay the tuckered pilgrim says to himself
"I didn't go deep enough" even though the deep dark chasm he dug grins back at him
and replies "No more, no more, let me be".
Anyway flgliderpilot, I hope you get my drift.
A real cutesy wutesy story. Thanks for sharing. It is funny how 99% of you all will tell people the same thing. Out of one side of your mouth you say "if you ever find anything don't tell a soul", and then out of the other side of your mouth you say none of the dowsers ever show proof or pictures of their finds. Don't you see the irony of this?
I challenge ECS, vor, lastleg, ARRC, BCH, or anybody else to try a simple test. You can do this in the comfort of your chair while sitting in the A/C.
Go to the yellow pages of the phone book or on the computer and look up the phone numbers of at least five plumbing contractors.
Call each of them up and ask to speak to the owner or manager.
Then without using the words dowsing, divining, remote sensing/viewing, etc ask them if there is anyone that works there that uses bent clothes hangars or welding rods to consistently find the exact location of hidden pipes or wires as part of their job.
Do this in a non-confrontational way and try not to be offensive or irritating.
Ask them if they believe this works.
Report back here as to EXACTLY what they told you.
If you are not willing to do this simple exercise do not come onto this thread telling us how you cannot find objects buried in the ground using something as simple as a bent wire or forked stick. I dare you all. I will bet that NONE of you will take this challenge because you would hate to have to admit how wrong you are. This goes double for you lastleg, I hope you get my drift.