Pirate Chest: When to give up

Arrrggg ... this thread...
ECS might awaken...
Then I will have to debate him...

Ehhh maybe he is busy with BigDog digging up his front yard. :P

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Yep, same old negativity. I have found that I am wasting too much thought and energy posting on TNET. It is a waste of my time. I am getting ready to take on a huge project and need to focus myself in that direction. I am sick of the same people ignoring the facts and trying to convince everyone that they are right. For example, I continue to read on here that dowsing does not work and is pretty much a scam. Dowsers can't pass tests. Dowsers never find anything. LRL's don't work. So I post about doing extensive testing first-hand and having both pass tests. Other members tell of their success using it to find things buried in the ground, even Treasure_Hunter, a moderator tells them he knows it works. None of this is good enough. We are made fun of, ridiculed and mocked. I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out if certain detectors work only to have vor make fun of them although he has no real experience of his own and can't even suggest what to use. I could go on and on about this type of stuff but why waste my time. I know what I know. I have seen plenty. I do not need anyone to tell me what to believe.

I am working with a serious treasure hunter that will keep me as busy as I need to be with a couple of sites. We will do our thing and probably keep the results to ourselves. You all have fun. If any SERIOUS treasure hunters wish to contact me for any reason, just PM me and it will show up in my e-mail. Good bye.

This post was almost 2 years ago and Im sure you have been busy. Any luck with the dowsing and/or LRL testing? I havent done any metal detecting myself lately.

Randy is a fool. He tested water dowsers by having them dowsing barrels of water, which is a waste of time, when any damn fool knows the water runs under the grounds. There are been dowsers for hundreds of years. Dowsers find all type of items including water and buried treasures. Good hunting and good luck.

Randy is a fool. He tested water dowsers by having them dowsing barrels of water, which is a waste of time, when any damn fool knows the water runs under the grounds. There are been dowsers for hundreds of years. Dowsers find all type of items including water and buried treasures. Good hunting and good luck.

Who is Randy?

Randy is an old fool who earns his money by appearing on TV claiming that there is no way people dowse for anything.

Oh I forgot about that guy. Is that the Randi guy thats trying to give away a million dollars?

Randy is full of it.... says he will pay 25k but will not put it up with independent body found out he doesn't have it ..and is a White's stooge.

Hidden Treasure
Matthew 13:44 “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

Hope this helps.


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Have permission, find treasures, share with land owner, fill holes, dispose of trash, pay your federal and state income taxes. Good hunting and good luck.

I asked to have the other thread deleted. I am tired of all the negativity labeled as "advice". I don't want any of it. I just wanted to share my story. I no longer care about posting on TNET. It is a waste of my time. I am sure that ECS, vor, limitool and others can do this one in too.
What/?..Your book not selling?

What/?..Your book not selling?

The man died of cancer in 2018.

I believed in Tim's quest and was sad at all the bickering that took place before he passed. RIP

I thought Tim passed away, now it is confirmed. I still had some of his old emails, but he didn't seem to be around anymore.

Bigdogdad said:
Thanks for the input. I am not sure if your answers are going to affect other dowsers. When it appears to me that anybody that is going to dowse this picture is done, I will post the findings on this site.
One of the other dowsers gave me a Pm, didn't really have much time to check. So far, I don't find the chest(s) supposed to be there. I picked up a little bit of something in 2 of the photos, I would sift your dirt to check for small stuff.

I went back to find my first post, think this is it 2nd page. My very impression from the start was "NOT THERE". I believe in what Tim was doing also, but I think he got too many peole involved in it. As the saying goes, "Too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the meal" and so true of hunting for treasure chests.

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