Yep, same old negativity. I have found that I am wasting too much thought and energy posting on TNET. It is a waste of my time. I am getting ready to take on a huge project and need to focus myself in that direction. I am sick of the same people ignoring the facts and trying to convince everyone that they are right. For example, I continue to read on here that dowsing does not work and is pretty much a scam. Dowsers can't pass tests. Dowsers never find anything. LRL's don't work. So I post about doing extensive testing first-hand and having both pass tests. Other members tell of their success using it to find things buried in the ground, even Treasure_Hunter, a moderator tells them he knows it works. None of this is good enough. We are made fun of, ridiculed and mocked. I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out if certain detectors work only to have vor make fun of them although he has no real experience of his own and can't even suggest what to use. I could go on and on about this type of stuff but why waste my time. I know what I know. I have seen plenty. I do not need anyone to tell me what to believe.
I am working with a serious treasure hunter that will keep me as busy as I need to be with a couple of sites. We will do our thing and probably keep the results to ourselves. You all have fun. If any SERIOUS treasure hunters wish to contact me for any reason, just PM me and it will show up in my e-mail. Good bye.