Pirate Chest: When to give up

Hey BDD how did they read your book? Is it available?

The first thing I want to say is I am not on here promoting a book. Before joining TNET I had made the decision to put everything down in writing as I lead a somewhat dangerous life and if I were to hit my head too hard one too many times I did not want to forget what has happened. During the process of the writing I joined TNET. For a very short period I had my book titled "My Treasure Story" available thru my own website as an E-book. I never marketed it and very few people downloaded it. I decided that I probably put too much information in it and because my treasure story has continued to this day, it is out-of-date. I will probably sit down sometime and bring it up to date. Chances are I will not release it until I find a large treasure.

I have no problem discussing pretty much anything that I wrote. Salvor6 read it and vor read it. There were also about 60 pictures in it. I will post a few.

Image3.webpThis is the 1977 Smokey and the Bandit Trans am that Ovid and I did most of our trips in. We still have it and bought it 36 years ago.

Image15.webpMy first dig at the house in New Jersey for the U-853 diamonds.

Image32.webpOvid Arnold and his collection of pendulums.

treasurebookcover.webpThe cover of my book.

Any offers on a used ebook?

Any offers on a used ebook?

I will give you your $8 back if you promise to go away and not come back. I will double your money back if you take ECS with you.

Not sure sales are allowed but maybe a structured loan.

Hint........Gentlemen, it is getting realllll old.

Yep, same old negativity. I have found that I am wasting too much thought and energy posting on TNET. It is a waste of my time. I am getting ready to take on a huge project and need to focus myself in that direction. I am sick of the same people ignoring the facts and trying to convince everyone that they are right. For example, I continue to read on here that dowsing does not work and is pretty much a scam. Dowsers can't pass tests. Dowsers never find anything. LRL's don't work. So I post about doing extensive testing first-hand and having both pass tests. Other members tell of their success using it to find things buried in the ground, even Treasure_Hunter, a moderator tells them he knows it works. None of this is good enough. We are made fun of, ridiculed and mocked. I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out if certain detectors work only to have vor make fun of them although he has no real experience of his own and can't even suggest what to use. I could go on and on about this type of stuff but why waste my time. I know what I know. I have seen plenty. I do not need anyone to tell me what to believe.

I am working with a serious treasure hunter that will keep me as busy as I need to be with a couple of sites. We will do our thing and probably keep the results to ourselves. You all have fun. If any SERIOUS treasure hunters wish to contact me for any reason, just PM me and it will show up in my e-mail. Good bye.

Bigdogdad every time you post it just gives fodder to the naysayers. I don't know why you bother. Treasurenet was a good thing for you to hook up with some good contacts (like me) but now that you have what you need, dump it!

By the way, I'm taking Cal this weekend with me. We finally got our stuff together (I hope).

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Glad you are still looking! My opinion of these nay sayers is that they are probably hired guns, or something like that, they work for regular metal detector manufacturers or are in the game some way-writing/publishing/advertising. I don't use dowsing(you know what I use) but I can prove that it works, a mutual friend of ours(from a state that beings with O) has put me on top of (I mean with in feet/inches) of gold and silver..it was mineral and small but he did it time after time from over 1,000 miles. That is no coincidence! Keep posting what you are doing, they rest of us want to keep up on what you are doing!

Howdy Curtis, I reckon he'll need more than moral support. I'm rather surprised you didn't
help find the loot he was looking for when the both of you were on site. I know, things don't
happen when you want them to. You were probably too close and now you are back in the
state that begins with "O" it will be much easier to help.

Hmmm... this is interesting. I happen to know 100% that there is a cache in a field near me. I can't say how it got there, but I know it is currency, and I have had no luck finding it so far. Could someone pinpoint it's location if I were to provide a photo?

Hi Lastleg,

We did locate the main thing he wanted to find, but its in a place you cannot dig...most treasure is you know. We debunked several other sites for him, sites that did have small amounts of gold in a unusable mineral quantity-proving several of his dowsed sites were not totally wrong. That's about all I can say unless he would want to tell more. There is a guy in the Baltics that is using similar technology and located buried dwellings and pyramids...Russian guy is now famous so if people are skeptical about my abilities you just have to read to find out its that good.

When are you going to breakout some really unknown and unpublished treasure site for us to show you how good I am? We need to sign an agreement that all we will say here on T-net is we found something but not what.

Curt, believe me when I say I want to know "how good you are." But you LRL fellows never
present evidence of found treasure. Anyway I'm glad you are still on the hunt.

Hmmm... this is interesting. I happen to know 100% that there is a cache in a field near me. I can't say how it got there, but I know it is currency, and I have had no luck finding it so far. Could someone pinpoint it's location if I were to provide a photo?
Flgliderpilot I discovered how very hard it was to find something buried beyond the range of a metal detector....or in your case, maybe no metal at all. It took me several years and many empty holes before I found mine.. Its extremely hard and very frustrating. I almost gave up. My only advice is to probe for a brick. There may be a marker on top of it like a brick or even plywood.. It also may be not far from a large oak tree. Whoever buried it would possibly have needed some kind of marker to step off a distance from it..

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Hint........Gentlemen, it is getting realllll old.

Locking threads because of the same guys following BDD around may not be the answer Marty. We've lost some real entertaining and informative threads because of a few individuals that just can't seem to get a life of their own. You know who they are. Can you block them from individual threads so they don't have to undergo banishment?

John, if only one is insulting or mocking problem is easy to fix, if all are doing it then all will earn timeout if mod issues timeout, there is no "he did it first", if it is tit for tat then both are violating rules.

Op has to follow rules as well..... If one reports and doest respond back it is a quick fix...

Flgliderpilot I discovered how very hard it was to find something buried beyond the range of a metal detector....or in your case, maybe no metal at all. It took me several years and many empty holes before I found mine.. Its extremely hard and very frustrating. I almost gave up. My only advice is to probe for a brick. There may be a marker on top of it like a brick or even plywood.. It also may be not far from a large oak tree. Whoever buried it would possibly have needed some kind of marker to step off a distance from it..

Right, I'm going to have to give it another look.

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