Pirate Chest: When to give up

Ehhh heh... :)

Welp I just did a quick search/link to "speed the search" so to speak...
I did not read or pursue the company ... its history or in particular its products... YET. :P


Well, as for plumbers and electricians dowsing, I think it's simpler than all that.

I just go to the back of my house, look at where the main shutoff is, and guess what?

The pipe enters there straight out from the house so I can easily assume where it is.

Then, I stand in the back yard right in front of where the main bathroom is and face the alley way where the manhole covers are. Thats where the sewage line goes.

I walk to the other side of the house, where the gas regulator is, face the alley way and thats where the gas line runs.

No bent coat hangers needed, although I could spin some around to look official :D

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I challenge ECS, vor, lastleg, ARRC, BCH, or anybody else to try a simple test. You can do this in the comfort of your chair while sitting in the A/C...
If you don't like my replies, why do you keep calling me out?
For the record, my stepfather was a plumber, and sighted the vent stack on the roof then probed with a rod to find those lines-NO dowsing required... and guess who got to do the digging.

Well, as for plumbers and electricians dowsing, I think it's simpler than all that.

I just go to the back of my house, look at where the main shutoff is, and guess what?

The pipe enters there straight out from the house so I can easily assume where it is.

Then, I stand in the back yard right in front of where the main bathroom is and face the alley way where the manhole covers are. Thats where the sewage line goes.

I walk to the other side of the house, where the gas regulator is, face the alley way and thats where the gas line runs.

No bent coat hangers needed, although I could spin some around to look official :D
And how do you explain locating cables in country when there are no visible houses and the utility easements are 150' off the highway in fields full of weeds and brush....

Well, as for plumbers and electricians dowsing, I think it's simpler than all that.

I just go to the back of my house, look at where the main shutoff is, and guess what?

The pipe enters there straight out from the house so I can easily assume where it is.

Then, I stand in the back yard right in front of where the main bathroom is and face the alley way where the manhole covers are. Thats where the sewage line goes.

I walk to the other side of the house, where the gas regulator is, face the alley way and thats where the gas line runs.

No bent coat hangers needed, although I could spin some around to look official :D

Why don't you try contacting some plumbing outfits if you really want to find out the truth like I suggested. My guess is it is a waste of time trying to convince you of anything as your mind is already made up. Try doing what you suggested only have a blindfold on. You don't need to see the rods to feel them cross.

If you don't like my replies, why do you keep calling me out?
For the record, my stepfather was a plumber, and sighted the vent stack on the roof then probed with a rod to find those lines-NO dowsing required... and guess who got to do the digging.

It is not so much about not liking your replies, I just don't like you. The plumbing stack may possibly line up with the main septic line but you will only have one septic line and may have multiple stacks as there will be one for each bathroom and the kitchen. As far as using the rods we are also talking about the waterline into the house which has nothing to do with the plumbing stacks. You all can deny that dowsing works all you want to but you don't know what you are talking about.

BDD.... First off before I go any further PLEASE do not think I am "attacking" YOU and/or your beliefs, or your postings at all. This IS NOT my intent what-so-ever guy. I seek to understand your thinking, thought process and experience on what I am inquiring. And/or I am asking for examples of support of them.

Obviously from your postings Tim you rely some upon "remote sensors" & "dowsers". Again... I'm NOT attacking but seeking to understand guy as I admit I am native upon the "remote sensor" route. I did watch my grandfather dowse as a child and again a guy from the power company (last year) trying to help me locate something for me. Last year I wanted to know which side of a power pole my water and power line laid. Both were in the same ditch as I did it myself but couldn't remember. He followed the "lines" but couldn't tell me which side of the pole they laid.

1. In laymen's terms (short version) what is a "remote sensor"? 2. Why do you use/rely/trust them? 3. Do YOU have any evidence that ANYONE has found ANYTHING solely from their (remote sensor's) knowledge alone? 4. Have you any first hand knowledge of anyone finding anything of wealth from dowsing? If you do decide to address 1-4 separately I would be highly interested and intrigued to hear.

I guess I'm just curious in your learned/trained though of exploring and what example's you draw from Tim. Believe me guy.... I WISH YOU AND ALL the best in any means you use to find a cache no matter where it's at or how you find it. With that said we need not (none of us) to say anything remotely that diminishes somebody's found cache unless it's obvious that it is ill gotten.

Later, Brad

1. I use the term remote sensor for lack of a better term. Some people can use psychic powers to come up with information that exists within mental world of thought. I have worked with and tested map dowsers and what I saw convinced me of their ability. This did not happen overnight. I am presently working with an individual that is using a method that I do not know the details about and am not going to ask. The point is that so far I still believe in him and that is all that matters to me. I really don't feel like I need to convince anybody else as I have learned that this is usually a futile effort.

I am posting about all this on the World Wide Web as I am willing to put myself out on a limb to eventually perhaps be in front of the whole world so that there will be no doubt what the truth is. I was under contract to star in a treasure hunting reality show and I had plans to prove dowsing, remote sensing and other things actually work. The production company was going to require me to fake things which I am not interested in.

In 1987 at the age of 32 I became involved in the quest to recover the buried treasure from the German U-Boat U-853. A childhood friends father had acquired the treasure from the sub. It was buried next to the parking lot by the Montauk Point Lighthouse. It is a very long story and I wrote a book about it. At the time I was at the lighthouse in 1987 I knew nothing about dowsing other than I had heard you could find water with a forked stick. While doing some research at the Montauk library I found out about someone else trying to dig up the sub treasure at the parking lot and it turned out to be Ovid Arnold. Someone he knew had talked to one of the survivors in Germany that had actually buried the treasure. I ended up spending a lot of time with Ovid and went on many trips with him over a five year period.

I had been a Combat Engineer in the Army, became a paratrooper and went to Jungle Warfare School in Panama. We spent a lot of time with maps and compasses. This was in 1975-79 and was long before GPS and computers. I had an open mind when I first ventured out with Ovid and when he told me he would lead us to locations using only a pendulum I was very skeptical but kept an open mind. There was (and still is) a part of my mind that thinks the whole concept is somewhat crazy but when you see enough things you can become a believer. That is part of the problem here on TNET because there is no way to convince anybody of anything by just talking about it. It has taken me 28 years to get to this point.

Ovid was put to the test by some skeptics back around 1990. I was right in the middle of this testing and he passed with flying colors. The skeptics became believers. In fact one of them is now building an electronic gold finding device that we are waiting to test.

2. I trust them because of what I have seen with my own eyes.

3. Remote sensing will only get you close. GPR and other methods all seem to agree with the remote sensors info. It is a work in progress. Ovid's testing seemed to confirm his ability. I would be lying if I said I had found treasure. There are other people involved in all this that claim the remote sensors has been right on target. There is only just so much information that I am going to put on this public forum. There is no reason for me to say too much. We gain nothing.

4. I honestly believe that Ovid found many things. He told me about them in great detail. It was first-hand knowledge from him to me. I did not see him do it. I don't expect you or anyone to believe this. He found gold, wallets, silver, dead bodies, and more. Talking about this on this forum in no way compares to spending hundreds of hours with him over a period of five years.

The fact that I have not dug up any treasure that Ovid may have led me to or treasure that the current guy I am working with, is entirely my fault, not theirs. I am not a stupid person. I have a college degree and have spent almost 35 years in the construction business. The fact that I still believe in all this after 28 years ought to tell you something. Either I am just crazy or I may be on to something fantastic. I am not on drugs, I don't drink and I have a kind of "show me" attitude when it comes to everything. I do not rely on anybody to tell me what to think.

For reasons of my own I have been holding back from going full-force to dig up treasure. If it is meant to be and the time is right, the truth will come out.

Before I joined TNET I was working on a book so that I could have everything in writing. It was thru research that I ended up joining this site. I have had over a dozen TNET members come to my house and have met a couple dozen more thru the treasure hunter's yearly barbecue. Ask ANYONE that has met me in person if I seem to be someone that is full of baloney. I have invited vor and ECS to my home to meet me in person and be taken to some of the sites. They have continued to decline my offers. I invited ECS to ride along with me to the yearly barbecue but he has declined my offers.

Everything is still a work in progress. If I succeed at what I am trying to do, you all may be the first to know.

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Bigdogdad, I have used my F75 to help property owners find old water lines. I can also find dirt that has been dug or had a fire on it. Now if your talking the old brick sewer lines. You may want to get a metal probe like they use in the cemetery to locate coffins and probe the line to map it out. Some sewer lines were made of hollowed out trees though and those may prove hard to track. I did not read through all 37 pages of replys so please excuse me if I have repeated some information. As for dowsing, it seems it hasnt worked for you so far. I think no matter what a person uses, they have to have confidence in it. Dowsing is very old, and not understood by a modern man. There is other ways to map out the property, some expensive and some not. I really want to see you find something here. But if you believe the hole has already been dug and the treasure gone, why pursue it?

Bigdogdad, I have used my F75 to help property owners find old water lines. I can also find dirt that has been dug or had a fire on it. Now if your talking the old brick sewer lines. You may want to get a metal probe like they use in the cemetery to locate coffins and probe the line to map it out. Some sewer lines were made of hollowed out trees though and those may prove hard to track. I did not read through all 37 pages of replys so please excuse me if I have repeated some information. As for dowsing, it seems it hasnt worked for you so far. I think no matter what a person uses, they have to have confidence in it. Dowsing is very old, and not understood by a modern man. There is other ways to map out the property, some expensive and some not. I really want to see you find something here. But if you believe the hole has already been dug and the treasure gone, why pursue it?

Thanks for the advice. I am involved with many different sites. As far as a hole already being dug, I think it is a great sign. That may mean somebody else was drawn to the same spot. Just because they dug does not mean it was the exact right spot or that they dug deep enough. If you are referring to the church site I mentioned, I think it is still there.

End the innuendo and insults...

What a cruel and thoughtless statement. I've never heard any poster on TNet ever make
such a hateful comment. ECS contributes more knowledge through research than 95% of
the rest of the TNet family and I hope you, Salvor, retract that crude remark.


"Someone he knew had talked to one of the survivors in Germany that had actually buried the treasure."

As far as I can tell there were no survivors of U-853. Not sure how a survivor from a sub ruptured underwater by depth charges could have made it to the beach with treasure, bury it with no tools, and then make it back to Germany to tell the tale.

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"Someone he knew had talked to one of the survivors in Germany that had actually buried the treasure."

As far as I can tell there were no survivors of U-853. Not sure how a survivor from a sub ruptured underwater by depth charges could have made it to the beach with treasure, bury it with no tools, and then make it back to Germany to tell the tale.

Four guys came ashore from the sub in a rubber raft and buried 12-14 88mm shells filled with diamonds, gold and currency. Before they could make it back to the sub, it was destroyed. My friends dad found the 88mm shells. He reburied some near the lighthouse and took the rest back to New Jersey. This is not in any books except mine.

Montauk.webpThe Montauk Lighthouse. 100_2462.webpThis is what an 88mm shell looks like.

What a cruel and thoughtless statement. I've never heard any poster on TNet ever make
such a hateful comment. ECS contributes more knowledge through research than 95% of
the rest of the TNet family and I hope you, Salvor, retract that crude remark.


There was nothing cruel, thoughtless, hateful, or crude in Salvor6's post. There are a lot of people that are tired of ECS's constant negativity on threads that I start. This has been going on for over 3 years. If he never posted on this thread I would not miss him. I know that you and ECS really "like" each other a lot. Maybe you should start a mutual admiration thread for you and ECS to share all of your knowledge.

I think it's time to ban ECS or at least give him a two week time out.

I think it would be interesting to see if ECS can make a post on here that is positive and helpful.

Four guys came ashore from the sub in a rubber raft and buried 12-14 88mm shells filled with diamonds, gold and currency. Before they could make it back to the sub, it was destroyed. My friends dad found the 88mm shells. He reburied some near the lighthouse and took the rest back to New Jersey. This is not in any books except mine.

View attachment 1177903The Montauk Lighthouse. View attachment 1177906This is what an 88mm shell looks like.

The U-853 didn't have 88mm guns. Also, the 88mm rounds weighed between 30 and 50 pounds each, so 14 of them would have been between 500 and 700 pounds... in a rubber raft with 4 guys? To bury treasure on enemy soil? Were they planning to defect? If so why where they still sinking ships? Not saying it didn't happen but it's not making any sense. I think your friend or his dad perhaps was spinning yarn haha.


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The U-853 didn't have 88mm guns. Also, the 88mm rounds weighed between 30 and 50 pounds each, so 14 of them would have been between 500 and 700 pounds... in a rubber raft with 4 guys? To bury treasure on enemy soil? Were they planning to defect? If so why where they still sinking ships? Not saying it didn't happen but it's not making any sense.


Who said the U-853 had 88mm guns. The shells were already packed with the treasure and sealed with wax when they were loaded on the sub in Germany. This is a fact. A raft could handle it. Burying the treasure was part of their mission. The treasure was for high-ranking Germans to retrieve. The four guys were supposed to get back to the sub, but the sub was detected and destroyed. They sank one ship as a distraction, big mistake. You are implying it didn't happen. It makes sense if you know all the FACTS. My friends dad found the treasure and would take him to the lighthouse to show him where he buried part of it. This was in the 60's. I know the story. It happened. This is what got me involved with treasure. If you ask me in a manner that does not come across like you are the prosecutor and I am on the witness stand, I may continue to discuss this and other things. You live in Tampa. I live 40 minutes or so from you. You are welcome to come visit me to discuss this and other stories, man to man. Bring ARRC.

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There is a company called Blisstool that produces pulse induction detectors that are blowing people's minds with the depth it is accurate at depicting. I believe it is manufactured in Bolivia and has an outrageous positive review in mineralized soil and sand.
One of the Partners runs a talk radio show on mixlr called Hard Core Metal Detecting. It's a great show that talks about all types of recoveries along with the Blisstool. Check it out at your leisure.

I did some checking about the Blisstool. Sounds like a good unit. Did you check out the Jeohunter. I have heard it works pretty good. I need something that can tell the depth the target is at, what it may be, and a 3D image of it. I know I am asking for a lot but the Jeohunter supposedly does this. My friend that is going to buy one is out-of-state on a hunt. He says he is going to get one when he gets back. Thanks for your post.

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