Pirate Chest: When to give up

If I fell in a septic hole/pit/whateverhellishnameyoucanputhere/ heh...

I think I would be scarred for life.
Not only would anyone within a 10 foot distance be covered in projectile puke...
But I would STILL be in the shower. heh

My god... I cannot fathom.

I am no pansy or wuss...
And have an iron stomach... that can drink whiskey or rum all night if NEED be :P...
But as soon as I...
"Hit Tha Pit"... I would have been sobbing like a child.



Vor, according to your last 2 posts, it seems you have a lot of poop on your mind. Did you happen to fall in to some once upon a time? :confused::confused:
Are your crude comments a poor attempt at humor or do you just feel compelled to blurt out these kind of statements? Or maybe you didn't like me pointing out the ridiculous readings of the Nokta and wanted to throw out some kind of insult? :dontknow: Either way, it is uncalled for.

You obviously don't know much about septic systems or clean out covers.

Just pointing out your finds vs. the find you belittled on this thread.

Ok, time to get back to Ovid, Dale and days of ole. 8-)


Well Vor, it seems that I can't quite figure out why, when someone is trying to do thinks within the law and have fun you keep slinging your septic tank slurs at folks.

Well Vor, it seems that I can't quite figure out why, when someone is trying to do thinks within the law and have fun you keep slinging your septic tank slurs at folks.

No slurs, just facts of the finds. Why does this bother you so much?
Its obvious that you haven't followed the history of these threads.
Good luck to you.

OKAY Vor, sleep well tonite. Happy dreams to you and ecs. keep an eye out for old bloody bones and if you hear him
tonite --- runnnnn:coffee2:

ECS your comment is uncalled for...

I highly recommend the constant jabs and innuendos directed at each other cease.....

Mr. Moderator, I accept and apologize for the ranting. It is now ceased on my part.

maybe you didn't like me pointing out the ridiculous readings of the Nokta

Just pointing out your finds vs. the find you belittled on this thread.

How do you know that the readings of the Nokta are ridiculous? Do you have any first hand experience with this detector or did you just read the reviews and choose to believe what you wanted to?

I never "belittled" BCH's find in any way. The fact is someone put money in a PVC pipe and buried it in the swamp. Whether it was put there by his grandmother or a drug dealer or bigfoot, the point is he found it and it is now his. Because he chose to post it on this thread and then chose not to share any details when asked, I was just making an educated guess and meant absolutely no harm or ill will towards him.

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No slurs, just facts of the finds. Why does this bother you so much?
Its obvious that you haven't followed the history of these threads.
Good luck to you.

I have followed the history of these threads very well. I knew about a septic system at the Englewood site and chose to dig thru it as it just happened to have been put over the spot where treasure may have been buried. I dug twice. This occurred 28 and 23 years ago. I dug at the church site and found some pipes that I believe are part of a cistern system. Since joining TNET 3 years ago I have posted dozens of pictures of different digs and have talked about many others. Other than the Englewood site what calls for the constant mentioning of septic tanks? Do you know something that I don't? You and ECS's constant barbs were never funny from the beginning and they have now gotten so old that other members are tired of you two's harassment.

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I have followed the history of these threads very well. I knew about a septic system at the Englewood site and chose to dig thru it as it just happened to have been put over the spot where treasure may have been buried. I dug twice. This occurred 28 and 23 years ago. I dug at the church site and found some pipes that I believe are part of a cistern system. Since joining TNET 3 years ago I have posted dozens of pictures of different digs and have talked about many others. Other than the Englewood site what calls for the constant mentioning of septic tanks? Do you know something that I don't? You and ECS's constant barbs were never funny from the beginning and they have now gotten so old that other members are tired of you two's harassment.

My statement you quoted was not directed at you.

I am not here to bicker, just discuss.

If you look at the Nokta screen you posted, then look at what you found, you will understand my statement. I believe you did dig 20", didn't you?

Like I said, lets move on.


I am not here to bicker, just discuss.

If you look at the Nokta screen you posted, then look at what you found, you will understand my statement. I believe you did dig 20", didn't you?

What would you like to discuss? As far as what the Nokta screen showed here is the deal. I was given a location by my out-of-state remote guy. The number he gave me is supposed to put me within an approximate 20' diameter area give or take a bit. This location ended up being on a ball field at a church site in an open grassy area. It is completely in the open where everyone and anyone could see exactly what was going on. As I did not want to give away the exact spot to the property owners I did not mark anything on the ground. I brought in another individual that had his own unique method and he got a reading for gold in the same area. He picked up the "signal" from 150 feet away without me giving him the direction to search.

I brought in a GPR expert and had him "mow the lawn" with his machine. He picked up some anomalies in the same locations. Again I did not put any markers down. I came back with a borrowed Nokta Golden King detector and it picked up a signal for gold/other non-ferrous metal (screen shot I showed) in the same location. I still did not put any markers down as we were being watched by numerous individuals each time. I ran my basic different metal detectors over the area and got numerous hits.

I had asked for and finally gotten a written contract to do a dig. The property representative (church guy) was shown the area where I wanted to dig. He then told me there used to be a well no farther than 20 feet or so from where the readings all were. He is in his 50's but had grown up at this location and knew the history. We set a date and time for the dig.

The day of the dig I had invited two friends to come along and witness and video the dig. When we arrived a maintenance worker was mowing in the area and the church guy wanted us to wait until he was gone. This took quite awhile and my friends were already becoming somewhat impatient. I set up a canopy and brought out some lawn chairs. I had parked my van so it blocked the view from the street. The church guy did not really want everyone driving by or in the area to know what we were doing. I ran the regular metal detector one more time and picked the spot that I thought was about where the Nokta had given a gold reading. Am I absolutely positive that it was the same EXACT spot, no.

I carefully dug up the sod and placed it to the side. My friends watched and videoed the digging. I immediately hit some old pipes that were in a T. They were all broken apart and it was obvious someone else had already dug in the exact spot, broke the pipes and then threw the pieces into the hole and covered them up. I tried to dig as carefully as I could. We found the gate/valve structure and tried to figure out what it was and which way the different pipes were going. I had my arm up inside the pipe when the phone rang with the bad news about my friends death.

My friends were already ready to go as they had other plans. I had lost all enthusiasm and decided to call the dig off. We filled it all back in and I vowed to come back under better circumstances, which I have not. I did just recently take another person with an LRL type device to the area and his device pointed directly at the same spot from different locations.

Did I find gold? No. Did I prove there was no gold to be found? No. Did I dig an "empty hole"? No. Is it over? No. I posted pictures of the various items found and the general conclusion was that the structures and parts were part of a fresh water storage apparatus and there was a barn right in the same location many years ago. Not a septic system.

Did all this prove anything as far as the different methods/devices used? Yes. They all pointed to gold/non-ferrous metal in the same location. vor-Would you like to "discuss" any of this or are you still going to write it all off as an empty hole with no treasure to be found?

How deep did you dig?

My above post is just one example of the large amount of digs I have done. On this one I dug one time in one spot and that was it. I claim that it isn't over and I will go back but a lot of times that does not happen. Anybody that has done a lot of cache hunting can relate to my story. It is not easy to pick and find a spot to dig. It is not easy to dig. Treasure hunting may sound fun and exciting but for the most part it is not. It is a lot of hard work and sometimes heartache.

BCH's site is a great example for anyone interested in going after a treasure cache. Even when you may know the location within a small area you still may have a hard time finding what you are looking for and for the most part it will not be found. It takes hard work, belief in yourself and story, patience, persistence and guts. I applaud him for his successful efforts in staying the course and finding the treasure. In no way did I mean to downgrade his efforts or find by mentioning anything to do with drugs and in retrospect should have kept my mouth shut.

I have dozens upon dozens of sites that I dug at but did not really put in a good effort. For the most part many of them are still available to me. I have learned that having the right electronic equipment that you trust (this is important) will make the difference between just digging a hole instead of digging a hole and finding what you are looking for. My present partner on a few digs has vowed to buy the equipment we need and the next thing on the list is the Joehunter. Whether it lives up to the makers claims remains to be seen by us. We will do the proper testing of it ourselves on known buried gold/silver targets. We will see.

How deep did you dig?

How deep did you dig?

I know what you are getting at. The Nokta detector screen said the target was at 50 cm or almost 20 inches. I don't trust anything to do with numbers no matter what the source. We found on other digs and thru testing that the depth feature did not seem to be accurate or consistent. I dug 2 feet for the most part and a little deeper in some spots. The Nokta detector was only one tool that was used. It had located some buried test targets at a greater depth than the other detectors we had. My remote sensor guy had given me a depth much deeper than 20 inches.

vor-You try to purport yourself as some sort of expert when it comes to detecting among MANY other things. Please tell me what detector will tell us where there is gold and exactly how deep it is? I answered your question, now answer mine.

At least your digging and sharing. Sounds like a normal day around here lol.

Obviously the Nokia is the best......if you are looking for test targets.


Obviously the Nokia is the best......if you are looking for test targets.


Just as I expected, a smartass answer. Come on dude, tell us which metal detector I should try to buy, beg, or borrow so I can dig up some gold. As far as test targets are concerned please also tell us the method you used to determine the best detector. I hope it is not going to be something you read or heard or anything lame like that. I want to know from your hands on experience what the best gold finding detector is. If you need help with this it is ok if you secretly PM ECS for the answer as he is the other know-it-all expert that posts on this thread. We are anxiously awaiting your answer. I might not even be able to sleep till I here from you on this one.

You know... I just thought of something. If you know these remote viewers (or whatever they do) ... why not have them demonstrate their abilities and receive the $1,000,000.00 prize from the James Randi foundation?? Even a small cut of that would be worth more than any treasure. So far nobody has claimed this prize which seems astonishing considering how many dowsers, psychics, and remote viewers are out there... that would be a significant treasure and an event definitely worthy of a film. If they have these abilities they'd be dumb not to demonstrate for $1,000,000.00 prize ... right... I mean what treasure hunter would pass on a free $1,000,000.00. It would be fantastic to see someone prove James Randi, the professional skeptic, wrong!

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