Pirate Chest: When to give up

Who said the U-853 had 88mm guns. The shells were already packed with the treasure and sealed with wax when they were loaded on the sub in Germany. This is a fact. A raft could handle it. Burying the treasure was part of their mission. The treasure was for high-ranking Germans to retrieve. The four guys were supposed to get back to the sub, but the sub was detected and destroyed. They sank one ship as a distraction, big mistake. You are implying it didn't happen. It makes sense if you know all the FACTS. My friends dad found the treasure and would take him to the lighthouse to show him where he buried part of it. This was in the 60's. I know the story. It happened. This is what got me involved with treasure. If you ask me in a manner that does not come across like you are the prosecutor and I am on the witness stand, I may continue to discuss this and other things. You live in Tampa. I live 40 minutes or so from you. You are welcome to come visit me to discuss this and other stories, man to man. Bring ARRC.

I'm not saying it didn't happen, because I can't prove that, and I am in no way insinuating that you are not being honest. I'm just saying the story doesn't make sense. I know some German subs did have treasure on board, I'm not disputing that, but sending guys out in a rubber raft in the daylight (5:30pm?) to bury 500+ pounds of shells on a rocky enemy shore next to a parking lot (??) where there are likely people around, with spotters looking for German subs makes no sense. Sinking a ship is not a distraction, it draws a massive amount of attention to an otherwise undetected mission. The whole thing sounds like fiction to me an the sort of thing you would find in a conspiracy book. I just don't believe the story that you were told, that's all. You may have the diamonds in your hand at this very minute, but I don't so that's all I got! I hope you do have those diamonds though :D

Stating obvious facts can't offend anyone with a rational mind. flgliderpilot, It seems you have
the ability to reason based on logic. :notworthy:

I'm not saying it didn't happen, because I can't prove that, and I am in no way insinuating that you are not being honest. I'm just saying the story doesn't make sense. I know some German subs did have treasure on board, I'm not disputing that, but sending guys out in a rubber raft in the daylight (5:30pm?) to bury 500+ pounds of shells on a rocky enemy shore next to a parking lot (??) where there are likely people around, with spotters looking for German subs makes no sense. Sinking a ship is not a distraction, it draws a massive amount of attention to an otherwise undetected mission. The whole thing sounds like fiction to me an the sort of thing you would find in a conspiracy book. I just don't believe the story that you were told, that's all. You may have the diamonds in your hand at this very minute, but I don't so that's all I got! I hope you do have those diamonds though :D

The fact is the U-853 did have a treasure on board. The time of this incident was at the end of the war. ECS himself has already tried to debunk my story on another thread. He did this by nitpicking small details when neither one of us know EXACTLY how it all went down. For instance you stating that the rubber raft went ashore at 5:30 p.m. in the daylight. This is an ECS tactic of using details of their own making to try to discredit me. More likely it was the middle of the night. While trying to debunk my story ECS even found the name of a guy that testified that he helped put the diamond treasure on this sub. I know of someone that actually claims to have talked to a survivor of this mission (there were two) that told him what they did and where they buried the shells (next to the parking lot). This is separate from my friends dad and I found this out while going after the diamonds and researching the story.

The decision to sink the ship was more than likely a distraction for whatever reason they felt it was necessary. It may sound like fiction to you or anybody else but that has no bearing on what the facts or truth is.

The fact is my best friends father found this treasure. He would take one of four sons to show him where he hid some of it. He died in a plane crash and more than likely the diamonds are still buried by the lighthouse. I was told of the story in 1987 and immediately decided to pursue the treasure. I have been there twice ( Montauk Point). The diamonds were reburied near the lighthouse. It is now a state park and you cannot legally go after the treasure. Some of the diamonds are most likely still buried in New Jersey. I have been there three times. I don't have them and have decided I don't want them.

If you feel the need to keep trying to prove me wrong, go right ahead if it makes you feel better. You will find that lastleg and ECS will "like" every post made that tries to make me look bad.

Stating obvious facts can't offend anyone with a rational mind. flgliderpilot, It seems you have
the ability to reason based on logic. :notworthy:

I am not offended and I have an extremely rational mind. He has stated NOTHING that changes ANYTHING in my mind. Everyone reading this can make up their own mind. Logic? You mean guessing?

I know of someone that actually claims to have talked to.....

So you "know of" someone who "claims" to have talked to???

Well, now I'm sold on it too!

I wonder who told you of the guy that "claims to".


Sometimes I wonder why I check in on this thread.

I'm not saying it didn't happen, because I can't prove that, and I am in no way insinuating that you are not being honest. I'm just saying the story doesn't make sense. I know some German subs did have treasure on board, I'm not disputing that, but sending guys out in a rubber raft in the daylight (5:30pm?) to bury 500+ pounds of shells on a rocky enemy shore next to a parking lot (??) where there are likely people around, with spotters looking for German subs makes no sense. Sinking a ship is not a distraction, it draws a massive amount of attention to an otherwise undetected mission. The whole thing sounds like fiction to me an the sort of thing you would find in a conspiracy book. I just don't believe the story that you were told, that's all. You may have the diamonds in your hand at this very minute, but I don't so that's all I got! I hope you do have those diamonds though :D

Keep this in mind. The U-853 was supposed to have been Hitler's favorite (personal, private) sub. This event (mission) was started very near the end of Hitler's life. Do you think he had a rational mind and made rational/logical decisions? The sinking of the non-strategic ship by the sub captain and the mission itself may not have been well thought out. The Germans made a lot of mistakes.

The decision to hide the 88 mm shells at the lighthouse may have made a lot of sense to them. It was open to the public and you could drive right in and park in the parking lot. It was easily accessed and open to tourists. No one would expect it. The bottom line is that is what they decided to do and did it.

So you "know of" someone who "claims" to have talked to???

Well, now I'm sold on it too!

I wonder who told you of the guy that "claims to".


Sometimes I wonder why I check in on this thread.

You can't stay away. I sometimes wonder why you feel the need to post on here. Go ahead and spit out the words that I know you want to say. Your mind may be wondering but you know more than the rest as you made the decision to buy my book during the short time I had it available as an E-book. No matter where I claim I come up with anything I say you all will basically call me a liar because you just can't help yourselves.

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B.D.D. : I cheerfully follow your exploits. Recoveries or none.
You have an organised shop and yard. Not a casual enterprise in that and an eye for detail not ignored is required.
I been to dog shows and duck them now. Her royal indoors just returned from one...a best of breed with the single she brought. Too much any more for her to take more.
But anyway, dog breeding and training is no casual endeavor either and is not for every one for sure. Ignore a detail and pay the consequences.
Your car work shows commitment and attention to detail too, so if treasure hunting appeals to you ,how you go about it is from your other endeavors going to reflect your own style whether I agree with it or not. So be it.
A video of your activities should be well received with or without treasure recovered.
Of course treasure recovered would be nice, before it was contested anyway...:laughing7:

For instance you stating that the rubber raft went ashore at 5:30 p.m. in the daylight.

Well, no, but you said that they were waiting around for the rubber raft to return when they were sunk. Here's a picture of them being sunk during the day:


I suppose those Germans could have hung out in the parking lot and smoked American cigarettes, got some sun, chatted up the ladies while showing off the raft until the sub returned in the evening so they would not be detected. :D I'm joking here obviously.

B.D.D. : I cheerfully follow your exploits. Recoveries or none.
You have an organised shop and yard. Not a casual enterprise in that and an eye for detail not ignored is required.
I been to dog shows and duck them now. Her royal indoors just returned from one...a best of breed with the single she brought. Too much any more for her to take more.
But anyway, dog breeding and training is no casual endeavor either and is not for every one for sure. Ignore a detail and pay the consequences.
Your car work shows commitment and attention to detail too, so if treasure hunting appeals to you ,how you go about it is from your other endeavors going to reflect your own style whether I agree with it or not. So be it.
A video of your activities should be well received with or without treasure recovered.
Of course treasure recovered would be nice, before it was contested anyway...:laughing7:

Thanks. It is nice to know that their are people that appreciate my efforts and what I have been through. As far as the dogs and showing/breeding goes, I am not sure if any of it was worth the effort as we had to deal with a lot of humans and that can be a bad experience.

bud.webp My wife Vicki winning Best of Breed Owner/Breeder/Handler at the Westminster Kennel Club at Madison Square Gardens.

Well, no, but you said that they were waiting around for the rubber raft to return when they were sunk. Here's a picture of them being sunk during the day:

View attachment 1178026
View attachment 1178032

I suppose those Germans could have hung out in the parking lot and smoked American cigarettes, got some sun, chatted up the ladies while showing off the raft until the sub returned in the evening so they would not be detected. :D I'm joking here obviously.

My guess is that the guys in the rubber raft never tried to get back to the sub. If it were me I wouldn't have. Think about it. You have lost the war. You are sent to bury a vast treasure in an American state park. You hear explosions going on. You are afraid of getting caught and executed. There are four of you. I would have got the heck out of the park and never looked back. Maybe I would try to get back to my family in Germany. Two died and two made it back. Maybe the two killed the other two. I don't know of the details. You will have to ask ECS because I am sure he could find them if they exist.

The U-853 existed. It was destroyed. By ALL accounts there was supposed to be a treasure on it. People have dove on it for many years going back to the 50's or later until now. It is well known. No one has reported finding the treasure on board it.

My friends dad found the diamonds at the park. He showed some of them to my friend (his son). He told/taught him the story of the sub. He was wealthy. He crashed his own plane and died in the sixties after taking my friend to the park for the third time to show him the spot where he reburied some of the diamonds. He had a safety deposit box full of diamonds that no one (other than his third son) knew where they came from. I spent a huge amount of time on this story. I know what I am talking about. I refuse to put ALL the details on here or even in my book.

Under the right circumstances (legally) I may go after the diamonds at the park. Right now I feel no desire to. I also am convinced that some of the diamonds are still hidden at the house in New Jersey where he lived at the time of his death. I think I know where they are. Under the right circumstances (legally) I may go after the diamonds at the house. Right now I feel no desire to.

flgliderpilot-You still have an open invitation to meet me and discuss this in private. You seem genuinely interested. If you want to come don't invite ECS. His invitation has been rescinded due to exhibition of an extremely bad and negative attitude.

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.... anything I say you all will basically call me a liar because you just can't help yourselves.

No BDD, I have never called you a liar nor have I implied that you are. I have, however, stated and implied that I believe that you are often misinformed.

As in this instance, isn't it Ovid that said that he knew a man who knew a man....?

What you hold as negativity is often good advise and someday I hope you follow it.


flgliderpilot, you may or not agree but logic IMO is looking at night up at the panoply of the
heavens and not assuming the little lights are really Little Debby cupcakes, but that's just me.

My guess is that the guys in the rubber raft never tried to get back to the sub. If it were me I wouldn't have. Think about it. You have lost the war.

Maybe these 4 people had actually defected and stole the treasure from the sub?

No BDD, I have never called you a liar nor have I implied that you are. I have, however, stated and implied that I believe that you are often misinformed.

As in this instance, isn't it Ovid that said that he knew a man who knew a man....?

What you hold as negativity is often good advise and someday I hope you follow it.


Okay you think I am misinformed. I then put out stories that are not true (according to you). An untrue fact is a lie.

As you know from my book and I have talked about this on other threads, when I was at Montauk Point to try to recover the diamonds I found out someone had been there before me looking for the same thing. My story had NOTHING to do with dowsing, LRL's, or Ovid. I met Ovid by researching the past. You (and Lastleg, ECS, and others) look at ANYTHING related to Ovid as if it is not true. This is a big mistake on your part.

If you gave me good advice you need to tell it to me again as I seemed to miss it as if it never happened.

flgliderpilot, you may or not agree but logic IMO is looking at night up at the panoply of the
heavens and not assuming the little lights are really Little Debby cupcakes, but that's just me.

That a brilliant observation lastleg. Please be more specific to EXACTLY what logic you seem to think I am missing. I have no trouble figuring you and ECS out. I am not allowed to say on here what I think about you two.

Maybe these 4 people had actually defected and stole the treasure from the sub?

That is possible. I am not as interested in exactly what happened as I am in whether the diamonds are still where they were put. Actually the fact is I do not have any desire to go after them at this point because it would open a huge can of worms.

No BDD, I have never called you a liar nor have I implied that you are. I have, however, stated and implied that I believe that you are often misinformed.

Since you claim I am often misinformed and I have made 1613 posts and you have read my book, please give us a few examples of what I am misinformed about. This should be easy for you. How about just one? Then explain to us how you know I am misinformed.

Since you claim I am often misinformed and I have made 1613 posts and you have read my book, please give us a few examples of what I am misinformed about. This should be easy for you. How about just one? Then explain to us how you know I am misinformed.

Hey BDD how did they read your book? Is it available?

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