Another article from the spanish journal ABC. In this case it´s not the great Calero but the correponsal at New York, Anna Grau, with her peculiar point of view.
The translation is from Google but I left the web page if you want to read it in spanish.
The company was forced by U.S. courts to return the treasure from La Mercedes.
Odyssey Marine Exploration, the company's Tampa, Florida, forced by the courts of the United States to return to Spain the treasure of the Spanish galleon "Nuestra Senora de las Mercedes" of which he had appropriated, is now trying to reverse that ruling cables holding the secrets of Wikileaks. Particularly those who report that the State Department spoke to the Spanish Ministry of Culture of both this case and the request back to a California family of a painting by Camille Pissarro looted by Nazis, and is now owned by the Museum Thyssen.
The Odyssey has enough time to catch the wrong end of the paper and conclude, not that the U.S. government tried to keep relations friendly cultural exchange between the two countries but would be "sacrificed" the interests of the Florida pirate Californians descendants of those dispossessed by the Nazis. So have gone to court to see to challenge the ruling in against him, presenting it as a management of the White House.
Indeed, the Justice Department ruled in favor of returning the treasure to Spain. But even if that were the result of a barter-that none of this is clear from a literal reading of the cables, says the New York lawyer William Barron, defender of the Spanish position in the dispute, "the last word had the government not but the judge. Was this who in exercising its discretion whether likened what happened to the Spanish galleon with an attack on the sovereignty of a country-Spain-, warning that if American authorities had already endorsed him, were exposed to suffering the same with their own heritage cultural.
Odyssey, which has among its shareholders with several influential congressmen, and saw its shares plummet as a result of judicial fiasco, is now back on track. To do lobbying and pressure, and reported an otherwise very credible contingency from Washington to the national interest Spanish: "I am troubled by the actions of the Departments of State and Justice, suggesting that the U.S. government is ceding sovereignty to governments foreigners, "said Gus Bilirakis, Florida Republican Congressman.