The 'La Vierge du Bon Port ' One of the richest French shipwrecks never found.

Crow, mouse got the cheese? Well done...
I am just like a little old annoying pack rat, despised and detested. I just seem to nibble a little bit of cheese off the trap over time not being too greedy. carrying it off bit by bit to my hidey hole. Before they know it the cheese is picked off clean.


If for example the records could provide more information of the cargo. There first part is seal and agreement. the most logical place to work from is from Guernsey itself from St Peter port.. They had good port facilities and resupply. transit time to search area short, less fuel used.

However you business plan has to operate in stages. one you have find it to start with. the coast around Guernsey is littered with about 1700 shipwrecks. many are unknown. so the sea floor is going to be littered with debris.


How do you eat an elephant amigo? Bite by bite.

First you have to get data. its not some thing you can get over night. it takes time and money. This excludes most every day people as they have a need to pay their every day bills and expenses.

There is boat charter business there you could charter for season towing a marine mag detecting and logging targets in you search. in Summer and Autumn. Are at this stage you are just data collecting in the search suspected area. logging magnetic anomalies on sea floor. ( note ya going to find a lot of them. )

Depending on the depth of the search area.. This data gathering would take a few seasons progressively to find possible search sites. This is not easy. its time consuming.. then over time build er into more detailed profile analysis of sea for a detected target with underwater remote controlled system. with with we would be looking for clusters of cannons anchors etc pertaining to the 17th century.

Just because you find a cluster of cannons does not mean either you have located the right vessel either.

your search area we are assuming was with in site of Guernsey? if you are at the top of a 30-metre mast, you will be able to see up to 20 kilometers away. That's why there used to be a crow's nest so high up on the mast, for a lookout to announce that land had finally been sighted.
So realistically your looking around 20 km arc around the west of Guernsey. And that is just for starters.
search area.JPG

Your search area is about 121 square kilometers.

area 121 square km.JPG

Here is edge of the picture of bottom sediment.
surface sediment..JPG

60 meter 195 feet deep not so complex like deep water shipwreck. It sheer number of wrecks in the search zone that makes the search difficult. Also Recreational divers can dive as deep as 130 feet (40m). Although, this exact depth does not apply to all recreational divers as it all depends on the age and training of the divers. The maximum depth of a certified PADI Scuba Diver is 40ft (12m) and the maximum depth for a certified PADI Open Water Diver is 60ft.

So your in dangerous realm of deep water diving with limited bottom time. In short: most of the body can handle any pressure, but if we're breathing air the maximum safe depth is about 60 meters (190 feet), the feasible maximum with current technical capabilities (and special breathing gases) is about 500 meters (but, for safety reasons, those depths have only been simulated)

So a man diving on the site if discovered is out of the question. So then you face with fact you going to need a robotic rov able pick things off the floor and more suitable boat to that can handle such a vehicle and a rov with a superior battery life and a vessel able to cope with currents.

So nothing is easy? This is when you start burning the big bucks amigo.

So now you begin to see why no one has found it.? Time and money is a hard mistress to please.


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In the first exploration stage towing a magnetometer and data logging recording position of anomalies.


You not need a large expensive ocean going 35000 DOLLARS a day
salvage ship for this. Just a small data collecting vessel..


This is big enough for day trips until you have covered the whole 121 km. You could properly do it in a season.. The vessel is big enough for the task at hand. All you doing is plotting magnetic anomalies at given data points.

the vessel is small but efficient for job at hand data collection.


With that you have magnetic anomalies targets in the search area complete. maybe say about 5000 per week, 1000 dollar 5 days a week. over 24 weeks at 120000 a season.


Odyssey ocean going salvage Ship at 35000 a day. by 120 = 4.2 million not counting fuel

That would be the first season. you be out every day weather permuting towing tow fish collecting data on anomalies.

120 square kilometers at 120 days magnetic anomolie detecting more than enough to log record GPS of sites within that 120 km search area.

Ideally the team would stay in ST peter port.

to be continued....


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Now it could be costly to rent or stay at hotel on the island as your paying tourist rates months on end. and it burns up capital. Hotel and rent is dead money.

A better option is buy a property. That can act as head office for project. And provide accommodation when you engage people to work on the project. here is one for example below. in st peter port.

1.2 million.webp

3 bedroom with 2 bedroom apartment separate wing which could rented out generating income while the places is being used as base of operation. this place has parking for 4 vehicle around the back. so a perfect base camp for the project.

Since the first season is just profiling the search area. those engaged in the two fishing will stay there at night during summer and autumn. spring and Winter the place will be let out to cover costs on air BNB and STAYZ Platforms in the off season.

Thus any HOLIDAY rental income generated in the off season will pay towards rates and utility costs. The accommodation Pays in off season for the accommodation in the project season

The property when the project is over can be sold so its only parking money there for task at hand. it is an asset. so in essence money for that is just being parked.

Each season builds up the more intense operation.


Depending on results from that season taking in compassion with known logged shipwreck we can discount some of magnetic anomalies. Ones that cannot be explained away. Would be the target for season two of operations.

Still using the boat from the first season underwater rove int investigate magnetic anomalies

under water rov

Then use the data use photograph data at each site look for cannot extra. FIFISH PRO W6 is an industrial grade ROV platform, depth rated to 350 metres, equipped with the new patented 6 Q-motor system, more battery capacity, stronger power, more stable current fighting performance

This can operate well with the parameters of the search area. this is not a deep ocean ROV But good enough for depth margins involved.




This is for season two exploring various anomalies. and it the treasure hunting gods shine and there is discovery we go to the next stage.


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Now amigos to business, the treasure hunting gods have shine on us and we have found it what next. Well the vessel we have been chartering from St Peter port is no longer fit for the task. We need to up upscale ironic it is a french vessel I have in mind. Not quite design for deep water salvage like Odyssey? But the vessel can operation in depth parameters we require in our search area.

it as a large crane and small working deck.




The 30.8 m Motor Vessel ALK (ex: Alkor) was built in 1965 in Germany as a research ship for renowned German research institute GEOMAR. ALK logged an impressive 326,000 Nm roaming the Baltic Sea and North Sea, until she was replaced by a larger research vessel.

In the 1990s ALK was refurbished in the Netherlands to become a private pleasure yacht. In the 2000s ALK received further upgrades to operate as a submarine support vessel, all while maintaining he excellent seagoing characteristics and character.

Her top speed is 11 knots and she boasts a maximum cruising range of 4,000 Nm at 9.5 knots. Power come from a 425HP Deutz diesel engine, which operates very economically at 60 liters/hours at cruise speed.

She can accommodate up to 13 persons and is the ideal vessel for an owner looking to cruise the world with a highly seaworthy and spacious vessel that is a mix between a capable workboat and a yacht.

Equipped with an 8-ton certified A-frame crane and integrated dive center, ALK can handle a wide range of submersibles - yet adding another dimension of exploration.

ALK was dry-docked in the first half of 2023 for extensive works on the keel, hull and propulsion system. The vessel has been fully maintained and is ready to sail. The vessel is in Malta and we would have to bare the transit cost. the crane in very useful on the rear of the vessel.


But it comes with a surprise amigos.

To be continued....


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Motor Vessel ALK will be delivered with a U-Boat Worx C-Explorer 3 - 300 meter rated submarine

It has a submarine that could work the shipwreck for artifacts in a recovery basket.





Rated for 300 meter well win our dive depth limit zone 60 meters so perfect for the job.

If this is available at the time. in the third season.. Each working season based out ST Peter port. A cost effect three year search and recovery. if all goes to plan how ever any such project must be flexible to change as the situation dictated. and have enough capital to cope with contingencies. In all the project would be far less than 4.2 million it would cost Odyssey for one year. three years 12.6 million.

4.2 million in 3 -4 years 1.2 million for property can be resold from that price after the project that put the entire operation around 3 about million.

That is providing we find it of course three years in our search area in three stage exploration. stages based from Guernsey ST peter port.

In first stage 2 crew in the magnetic anomalies detection in the search area and crew of chart boat all signing non disclosure agreements.

stage two 3 crew in the operation of the rov. visiting sites filming sampling

Recovery vessel crew plus specialist 13 people in the salvage recovery.

All participant sign n a non disclosure agreement.

Recovery would be taken from the vessel back to ST Peter Port to pre-arranged location. the property can be used as an artifact conservation site.


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I am under no illusions amigo as what can go wrong will go wrong. Yet this hypothetical business plan and operation. based upon three key stage based on a predetermined search area. If we cannot find the shipwreck with in search area the project is abandoned in early stages cutting losses. In the early stages give or take weather condition and other unforeseen factors you are looking at around 300 to million.

This is of course based around no political and philosophical agenda interference by marine archeologists to not derail the project or drag the project into the courts.

All figure an in proximate. Hey I pulled this together in less and two days. And really is nothing is set in concrete as the situation changes and you must have the capital to deal with it.

Many great ventures has sunk on the rock of not enough capital.


any treasure will be flown out to London.

Monarch air group private charter jet.

private jet.

Where there can cataloguing service provided by Christie's after specialist conservation.

Christies Will handle the sale of coins. and artifacts.


After proceed of the sale the profit divided on the amount of shares people investors have in the project. Total capital for the project 5 million.

So amigos that is all well and good providing we have some thing to recover to begin with. And that can only proceed if there better evidence of the cargo and its value into today's value.


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Great dream.
What's missing to make it a plan?
The people, the people.
I suppose you would be the project manager. Fine.
The key people, lawyer, technicians, second tier management. These are hard to find people. How do you buy their loyalty?
NDT's, do not buy loyalty.
Even the deckhands are important.

And then we come to the old chicken and egg story.
What comes first: the chicken or the egg?

In this case: How are you going to convert the treasure into cash?
There we go back to the beginning. What is the treasure?

Problems, problems and more problems to be solved. That is what treasure hunting is: Have a dream. Live your dream. Face the problems. Solve the problems.

Somewhere in this haystack of problems is the needle of opportunity.
Find it any you will live happily for the rest of your life!!!!

On a different subject: I would like to ask you for some advice on a mining problem. Since you have the background, would you give me 15 minutes to tell you about my mining problem. Not here obviously? PM?

The key people, lawyer, technicians, second tier management. These are hard to find people. How do you buy their loyalty?

I have my own people tried and tested. They know the score. I have good lawyer.

After clearance from the British recover of wrecks The sale will be though Chrissie auction house they will get their usual percentage. but since this a hypothetical and I am retired I could fund the project myself. But alas I have no need to my time is more precious than any gold and treasure these days.

One thing I will not do is have investors working on the project. they are not experienced and are a hindrance.

Another factor France will scream blue murder. So I have no doubt that the project would never get off the ground due to Anglo French politics and old rivals.


The key people, lawyer, technicians, second tier management. These are hard to find people. How do you buy their loyalty?

I have my own people tried and tested. They know the score. I have good lawyer.

After clearance from the British recover of wrecks The sale will be though Chrissie auction house they will get their usual percentage. but since this a hypothetical and I am retired I could fund the project myself. But alas I have no need to my time is more precious than any gold and treasure these days.

One thing I will not do is have investors working on the project. they are not experienced and are a hindrance.

Another factor France will scream blue murder. So I have no doubt that the project would never get off the ground due to Anglo French politics and old rivals.

Yes, we need to remind everybody, every now and then, that this is a hypothetical exercise. Just for the fun of it.
To give it some similarity of reality, we are talking about a specific shipwreck. Actually a problem shipwreck with zero chances of ever to become a real project.
This shipwreck has all the characteristics as well as all the difficulties and problems associated with it that one could think of. Political, environmental, technical, archaeological and historical to make it a perfect example for this hypothetical exercise.

Yes, we need to remind everybody, every now and then, that this is a hypothetical exercise. Just for the fun of it.
To give it some similarity of reality, we are talking about a specific shipwreck. Actually a problem shipwreck with zero chances of ever to become a real project.
This shipwreck has all the characteristics as well as all the difficulties and problems associated with it that one could think of. Political, environmental, technical, archaeological and historical to make it a perfect example for this hypothetical exercise.


When was the historic wreck claim range extended to 12 miles ?
Wrecks in general ? Or a potential particular wreck?
With the the requirement of found wreck reporting ; wouldn't the catbird seat belong to a certain Charles House in this link?
Or more likely the office of his position at the time of the writing . That being Receiver Of Wreck.
The museum being keen to work with divers. I'll wager it/they are!


An accounting of the S.S. Stella makes it seem diving isn't a rare thing in the area. Nor eyes being alert.
It would take an agile mouse to slalom about undetected till too late.

[ This shipwreck has protection from Alderney due to her proximity to the Casquet lighthouse. There are so many historical shipwrecks in the area it has been designated a protected site. we were lucky to have been diving with the infamous Guernsey diver Richard Keen which discovered the Stella in 1973. The location was kept secret from other divers due to her being so historically important to the Bailiwick of Guernsey but other divers did eventually find her too before being protected. I love to film this shipwreck as its almost completely unsalvaged. Great dive and I hope you enjoy the dive too.]

"Almost completely unsalvaged". Interesting comment.

An accounting of the S.S. Stella makes it seem diving isn't a rare thing in the area. Nor eyes being alert.
It would take an agile mouse to slalom about undetected till too late.

[ This shipwreck has protection from Alderney due to her proximity to the Casquet lighthouse. There are so many historical shipwrecks in the area it has been designated a protected site. we were lucky to have been diving with the infamous Guernsey diver Richard Keen which discovered the Stella in 1973. The location was kept secret from other divers due to her being so historically important to the Bailiwick of Guernsey but other divers did eventually find her too before being protected. I love to film this shipwreck as its almost completely unsalvaged. Great dive and I hope you enjoy the dive too.]

"Almost completely unsalvaged". Interesting comment.

Beautiful story. I really enjoyed the movie.

There is a lot to be learned about this interesting island and specially about the people.

There is a lot to be learned about this interesting island and specially about the people.
The place and it laid back feel. the place is safe to roam the streets.
Being tax free a haven it has its advantages. I have an option that I can live there permanently as I have dual nationality. It really lovely laid back place. everyone seems know everyone. Big community feel there. Anyone who has lived on island knows.

But alas I live on the other side of globe. I have way too many other beautiful places to haunt.


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